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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Super cool things to read this weekend

Whoa! I'm a bit late this week but there's still time to bring you my weekly roundup of my favorite posts from the bloggers in my blog roll. Here we go!

Tanya from PinkTrainCase unknowingly gave me one of the very best makeup flashbacks I have ever had in my life. She found a vintage L'Oreal commercial from 1983 and took the time to upload it to youtube (I will never be able to thank you enough for that, Tanya!). This particular product ROCKED MY WORLD in the early to mid-80s (seriously, this was my first product lemming and the first product I coveted--I guess you could say it started it all). You've got to check it out here and tell me if you remember these!

MakeupMasala has once again tempted us with more of those fabulous Diamond Cosmetics $2 nail polishes. How much longer until I cave and make a purchase?

If you're a fan of Phyrra's blog, Decorative Diva, then I don't have to tell you how the girl knows color! She's not afraid of rocking amazing, colorful looks on her eyes, so when she tells us what her favorite products are to clean her makeup brushes, I take note and listen carefully.

Shakeup*your*Makeup shows us her latest Marshall's score which has me itching to get in my car and drive to Marshall's asap.

Whoa. BeautyjunkieLondon shows us a new e.l.f. product that is a seriously crazy NARS dupe (from the picture it looks spot-on).

And, just for fun, come check out my list of my favorite "bad boys" (actors). I admit, I'm regressing back to my teenage years with this post, but come on, you know there's a special place in your heart for bad boys. :) Oh and do let me know if I missed anyone on this list.

Happy reading!

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