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Thursday, July 9, 2009

If things look a little weird tonight....

I want to let you know before I start the changeover that, for reasons far too boring to get into here, I am going  to be changing my blog template in just a few minutes.  If you happen to be viewing my site in the middle of the changeover and things look strange or certain elements are missing, don't worry--everything will be back up and running shortly.

Hopefully you'll like what I have in store for the new look, and I thank you in advance for your patience while I iron out the kinks.  Hopefully it will only take an hour to get it all up and running again.

See you soon, and in a much more beautiful environment (I hope!).

R. xo


  1. OOh very pretty! I like this much better

  2. wow, the new layout is SO much better. love it!

    Amy :)

  3. Really like the new layout - look good!

  4. I LOVE this layout, though I am biased!! Got your e-mail, let me know if you hear from Lena! Signed up to follow your blog - love the tips!! Would you mind if I added you to my "Good Reads" list on my blog??
    ~Michele from By Your Side

  5. Thank you to everyone who commented on liking the new blog template! I can't tell you how much your feedback means to me! :)

    PS: Michele--I will definitely let you know when I hear from Lena. And of course I would *love* it if you added my blog to your "Good Reads" list! Thanks so much! :)


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