Don't forget to check the beauty sale pages at Macy's here and
Nordstrom here for new beauty deals plus free shipping!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday afternoon fun (new product pics)!

In celebration of the weekend, I thought I'd share with you some recent pics that I've snapped of new drugstore products. If there's anything here you'd like me to specifically review in an upcoming post, just leave a comment and I'll do my best to review it soon!

New L'Oreal Pro Manicure Blooming Brights Collection:

New L'Oreal HiP Mattes & Metallics Collection:

(I actually bought one of the liners and will review it in the next few days)

(the "Metallic" products)

(the "Matte" products)

New Wet n Wild Natural Wear Collection:

(I purchased one of the Lip Shimmers and will review it here soon)

This is all I've seen in the last week in terms of brand new products to hit my local drugstores. Tell me, am I missing anything? Is there a fabulous new drugstore product out there that I should be hunting down in my area?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. How about CoverGirl - Eyelights eyeliner and shadows... I've tried the mascara, but recently saw the eyeliner and shadow - I'm interested in learning more about it.


  3. I like the new banner and layout. Btw, i saw these at my local drug store and they are so cool. I really like the new Loreal Hip collection especially the eyeshadows.

  4. oOO nice! i think every brand is coming up with mineral makeup! now wet in wild has makeup! i think i wanna try theres since i know it'll be affordable! thanks for posting this =]

  5. Hey Mookie! You know, I've been curious about that eyeshadow too. Thanks for the reminder! I'll keep my eyes peeled for a good sale and pick one up to review. :)

    Hey becky! Thanks so much for the kind words! I'm glad you're liking the new "feel" around here. :) So far so good on the new HiP eyeliner--do you like the new shadows more than the originals? Is there any difference in formula?

  6. love the new look! Wet n' Wild is just surprising me left and right.

  7. Hey T! I know, these surprised me too! I'll be reviewing the lip shimmer shortly but short answer: They're not lying about the shimmer part. Gah!

  8. Oh, you're lucking that you have new collections coming out all the time, here in Canada it takes a long time surprisingly.
    But can I say I'm loving the bright nail polish trend? (:

  9. The only thing I haven't seen are the L'Oreal polishes and the WnW stuff, I'll definitely have to keep my eyes open for that one. I bought one of the new HIP duos (metalic, not matte)- and, not surprising, it's awesome :D

  10. Hi Krystal! I'm so curious about their mineral stuff too--if you try them out I'd love to see a review. :)

    Hey Arezu! I know, I love this bright color trend as well. :) I'm sorry things take a little longer to get to you, but maybe it's worth the wait (for some of these products, that is!). :)

    Hey Tanya! I am so not surprised that the metallic e/s is awesome! Can't wait to see a review! I am liking the liner so far...

  11. I can't wait to hear about the new HIP metallic liners. I am curious to see if they hold up like the UD 24/7 liners. I've recently discovered the Prestige Intensity Waterproof liners and prefer them over the UD liners since they are almost 1/3 the cost

  12. Hey Susan! I don't know if you saw but I posted a review of the HiP liners yesterday! I hope you find it helpful--I like the Prestige liners too (I reviewed those a while back). :)


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