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Friday, June 19, 2009

Pardon the mess...

As you can see, Nouveau Cheap is undergoing a major facelift. In response to the varied opinions about my old format, I decided to go with a whole new look, but don't fear the change! All of my page elements are in the exact same places you're accustomed to seeing them. The change is only cosmetic (pardon the pun!).

Over the next few days I'll be tweaking font sizes and colors until I'm 100% happy with the feel of things. Until then, I apologize for any minor inconsistencies. :)

Also, if you have any suggestions or comments, feel free to leave a comment on this post.

Hope you like the new look!

Recessionista xo


  1. I love the new design!!!! I love the colors :)

  2. I cannot tell you how much that means to me, Tanya! I've been looking at it for so many hours now that I can't even see straight! Thank you!! :)

  3. I agree with Tanya, great color scheme!

  4. Love the colours, good choice!

  5. Hey T and Beautyjunkielondon! Thank you both so much for your comments. I am *thrilled* that you like the new colors!! :)

  6. Hi Recessionista!
    I do like this one! I was attached to the original, and thought the newer substitute was striking, but this one is a terrific palette.

  7. Hi Oceanwoman! Nice to see you around here again. :) Thank you so much for the feedback--I'm so glad you like the new colors!


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