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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The dreaded "D" word: L'Oreal Color Juice Sticks??

Please, oh Mighty Drugstore Gods, do NOT tell me that L'Oreal Color Juice Sticks are being dis...disc...discon...I can't even say it. The horror!

I was at Rite-Aid today and I saw THIS dreaded sight:
The Yellow Stickers of Doom, on my beloved Color Juice Sticks! (For my review of the "Island Punch" Color Juice Stick, click here.) Now, normally, I loooove seeing clearance stickers on products because that usually means a particular color isn't doing well and they want to get rid of it ASAP, thus they slash the price by 75%. But when I see the yellow stickers on EVERY COLOR in a line, well, it seems to me they're not just weeding out the low-selling shades here. Could they be wiping out the entire line? Argh!!

Lucky for me, I was at my magical Rite-Aid where they always have my favorite shades in stock, so as you can see, "Island Punch" is the only color to still have multiple tubes in the display. Thankfully, I was able to purchase two back-ups. Whew.

If you've seen Color Juice Sticks on clearance in your area, please leave a comment here and warn me of the impending doom.


  1. Color Juice Sticks when on clearance a long time ago at all my Longs when they were converting to CVS. I haven't seen it hit Rite Aid yet....sad. I love those. Pink Lemonade is my go-to with everything shade (I already bought one back-up!)!!! I'll have to keep an eye on this one.

  2. I'm sad to say that I think L'Oreal is d/cing them! Not only did I see them marked down at Rite-Aid, but I saw them marked down at Kmart as well. Kmart had the nail polishes, Lash Architect, Lash Out and Volume Shock mascaras marked down as well. I will be grabbing some b/u Color Juices while I can!

  3. Ooh, tempting. I don't walk into drugstores that much but I'll let you know if I see them!

  4. Thanks for stopping over at my blog. I haven't seen them on sale around here. If we ever have a Rite-Aid :-)

  5. Hey Tanya!

    Yeah, I saw the same thing at my Long's, but I just thought that CVS wasn't going to carry those particular products (that's actually how I came to find/love "Island Punch"! I bought it on clearance at Long's). But when I saw this at Rite-Aid I thought, "Uh oh." It's bad enough that they had to d/c my Shine Delice, but then they go and d/c the ONE product that reminds me of Shine Delice? Argh!

  6. Hey Mooosley! Thank you so much for the info. Nooooo! That pretty much seals the deal, I guess. And good to know about those other products too. Thanks! :)

    Hey Kitty! Yeah, if you get to a drugstore in the near future, you might luck out and be able to pick one up for just a couple of bucks!

    Hey Halifax! I am loving your blog and I'm so happy to discover that you're a fellow blogger (even though I'm finding out so late!). If you eventually see these being d/c'd up north, could you let me know? Thanks! :)

  7. I think these are already gone in my area. I went hunting for the Pink Lemonade shade, and every store doesn't carry these anymore. I found them at 1 store and they only had 3 colors left.

  8. Trisha! Noooo! Well...thanks for the news...guess I won't be keeping my hopes up any longer. :(

    I said it earlier but I have to say it again: This is the only L'Oreal product that resembles my beloved and long-gone Shine Delice collection, so WHY, L'Oreal, do you have to take it away? That's just cruel. lol.


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