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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Sale alert: Entire Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure line on Last Chance clearance at Walgreens (and more)

Attention Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure fans! Get your booties over to your local Walgreens and look for this:

image credit: @MissPriss_Tiff for Nouveau Cheap
Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure Nail Polishes on Last Chance clearance at Walgreens

Reader @MissPriss_Tiff just tweeted me a pic of the Sally Hansen CSM display at her local Walgreens and ALL SHADES are on Last Chance clearance for $1.89 each!

PLEASE NOTE: pricing varies from region to region. Reader Keira, who left a comment today on the You Tell Me today about this clearance said that her local Walgreens had these same polishes on clearance for $2.29. So depending on where you live, the price may vary. Either way, around two bucks is a great price given that the regular retail price of CSM polishes is about $8 at most retail locations. And if you have any Sally Hansen polish coupons laying around, now is an excellent time to use them!

I'm starting to wonder about what's going to happen to the CSM line. My gut tells me that they're not going away (to my knowledge, they're still very popular), but perhaps Sally Hansen is about to release all new shades or maybe improve the formula or something like that? I guess only time will tell but, until then, stock up on your favorite shades!

And speaking of clearance tags at Walgreens, check out what reader Annette spotted at her Walgreens this week. Annette writes:
*Clearance - CoverGirl NatureLuxe Foundation (reg. $14.49, now $7.29) and Mascara - two kinds (reg. $9.99, now $4.99). CoverGirl is on sale buy one get one 50% off and these apply. ....the CoverGirl NatureLuxe products at Walgreens are part of a chain-wide clearance (they have orange tags), so you should be able to find them at your store now (or very soon). If you don't see the clearance tag, then ask the cashier to do a price check.

I love CG NatureLuxe foundation (you can see my review from 2011 here) and I really hope this one isn't going bye-bye.

Thanks so much, @MissPriss_Tiff, for the great pic, and Keira and Annette, for the helpful info!


  1. Darn it! I had a $2 off CSM coupon that expired YESTERDAY.

    1. Ganchi: I'd try using it anyway. A ton of places accept expired coupons. It's worth a shot, right?

  2. OMG, wow. Thank you for updating!

  3. Another tip: When I was buying them today I had no coupons, but the clerk at the beauty counter said that she had some under the counter and rang them up for me. She said to always buy your makeup at the beauty counter and *always* ask if they have coupons, because they almost always do and are happy to let you use them. I had no idea, so thank you awesome Walgreen's beauty counter clerk!

    1. And THANK YOU for sharing your insider info! :)

  4. I just went to a Wags in Ann Arbor, MI, and the CSM polishes were not marked as clearance...unfortunately I was in a hurry and didn't have a chance to get a price check to see if they were on clearance, just without tags :(

    1. They are now in the Ann Arbor location on washtenaw.

    2. I was just at Walgreens in Ann Arbor on Washtenaw and they were all on sale.

  5. I love this line & use them as bases for posts often, Thinking of Blue especially. I'll be heartbroken if they don't return!

  6. Still full price at my local Walgreens. :/ I'll check back in a couple of days.

  7. Maybe it's like the Diamond Strength line and their redoing the packaging?

  8. The beauty counter clerks at our two local Walgreens are great, always helpful & will give you extra coupons if you can use them.

    About the SH CSM line, I was never that impressed for the price. And it wasn't "complete" in that it seemed like it still needed a top coat. But if it's $2 or so, I might be convinced to try some more shades. Maybe they're going to redesign the bottle shape/size. ???

  9. I had 21 coupons that I thought were going to go unused (they expire on the 16th). Thanks so much, MissPriss_Tiff and Keira, for the heads-up (and thanks G for the post with the photos). When I saw this on the You Tell Me page I was going to call my store, but I wasn't in a hurry until you posted the photos. I bought 9 and gave the remaining 12 coupons to 3 of my favorite cashiers. Normally I'd buy the entire line, but most of the shades weren't very exciting, so it wasn't hard to walk away with only 9.

    1. I know what you mean about not being excited about the shades of this line. I agree. There are too many pale shades and muted neutral colors. Seriously, how many mauves and fawns does one need? I only have 4 of the colors and I'm not sure I'm going to grab any more. Well, I'm on the fence about Purple Pulse, but I have sooo many purples.

      A thought on a possible redesign: Wouldn't it be terrific if they changed the brushes?!

  10. These are not yet on clearance at my local Walgreens. The cashier I talked to wasn't sure when/if this was happening at that location, so he told me to call tomorrow when the BA would be in. I hope they do go on clearance because they have a really good selection of CSM's compared to a lot of stores in my area.

  11. They need all that room because they're bringing back all the PRISMS!!!! Even the ones that were Canada only! ::hopes::

  12. Port Saint Lucie, FL. I just purchased 22 of these from two local Walgreen's for $1.89 each. The limited edition colors (bottles do not have a number on top) did not ring up at the clearance price. Each store had to adjust the prices manually. I really love these and getting them at $1.89 made my purchase even sweeter. Thanks A million!!!

  13. not at my walgreens in houston :(

    1. I live in houston and my walgreens had them for $1.99. Hopefully it comes to your store soon!

  14. Thanks for letting us know about this! I realized the other day I have maybe one neutral shade in my entire polish collection, so I picked up a few of these tonight!

    FYI: The woman at the beauty counter at my local Walgreens let me know that the line is not being discontinued to her knowledge, but Walgreens will not be carrying it anymore. And if your store didn't have the clearance tags up, I'd give it a day or so...apparently the tags in my store didn't go up until 4 in the afternoon.

  15. Omgahhhh, I wish I saw this earlier today. Now I want to stop by Wags some time soon.

    G, I'm glad you linked your review on the Natureluxe foundation too. I haven't tried it yet, but now I'm curious~ :)

    Thanks for the heads up! ^^

  16. Something tells me this isn't going to happen anywhere in NYC :-( Very few of the national sales apply here, it seems... I always get so excited when I read your weekly sale posts, but then when I check in the stores I'm usually disappointed, haha. I'm so jealous of people who get all those great discounts! I really hope I'm wrong though... *crosses fingers*

  17. My local Walgreens' (2 of them) both had the Cover Girl NatureLuxe foundation for $7.49 also. I ALSO got Bogo 50% off of them! Woohoo! I would hurry though as I could only find 2 of 305 alabaster at each and they were pretty picked thru!!!!! Good luck!

  18. Wow. Thank you. I went to my 24 hr Walgreens last night & got 5 each was $ 1.80

  19. AMAZING! I def just dropped 28 big ones on 13 polishes!!!!! My selection was kind of picked over but not too bad! Stocking stuffers!!!! You should have a section on your web site where we can post pictures of goodies we got good deals on and call it "G Made Me Do It" haha <3

  20. Replies
    1. What store in Southern NH?! I live on the Mass line with NH and my local Walgreens didn't have them on sale. :(

    2. On the seacoast. Exeter is essentially sold out. Epping had a smaller selection but many of them left and Hampton had a good selection left as well.

  21. Ahhh I hope this comes to ANY of my nearby Walgreens! I stopped by one yesterday on my way home (Fremont, CA) but they didn't mark it down (yet?). Gonna try another one today!

    1. It may be too far out of your way, but the Wags off the 280 near the Milpitas Great Mall had a good quantity of the CSMs for this price. I'd say 75% of them were marked down, it's the one near Montague and Park Victoria.

    2. AH THANK YOU! I will definitely check there during a lunch break this week!

    3. In case there are others in the area, wanted to share that the Wags off the 880 exit for 237 had a full selection, there weren't any signs but they came up $1.99 at the register.

      Meanwhile, do NOT bother with the Wags off of Dixon Landing, there were literally none out on the display anymore.

  22. I went to two Walgreens in Kasnas City, MO but they were all regular price for now. I was kinda bummed but I'd already bought 4 nail polishes this week so at least I didn't have deal with the guilt of spending too much.

  23. I'll check the nearest Walgreens when I'm in town this afternoon... but it's times like this that I would love another list/discussion of recommended and favorite colors, you know, like you had for their summer Sinful sale?

    Stocking stuffers, what a great idea, Kristen!

  24. PS The list of colors is on their website:

    1. $1.89 at my store in Moscow, ID. They still had 20 colors or so.

  25. OMG...thank you, thank you, thank you!! I am new to your blog, but so glad that I have found you and found out about this sale!! I just made the rounds to every local Walgreens and purchased (way too many!!) polishes! Only two area stores still had the polishes at regular price (weird), but the others all seemed to be either $1.89 or $1.99. I was just so's the little things, isn't it? So I just wanted to send a big SHOUT OUT to you - woo-hoo!!

  26. Got some in Elmhurst, NY for 1.99 each. :)

  27. For those saying their stores don't have these on clearance - are you asking for a price check even though there are no orange tags?

    If you are asking for price checks and finding them not on sale, then make sure the one you check is part of the regular display (the number on the bottle matches the number on the shelf). If you have a limited edition (one without a number - just a name on the cap) it will probably show regular price or if you have one that was discontinued prior to the re-set (number on cap doesn't match any number on the shelf), then it will probably show not in system. Even though my store did have tags up yesterday, we scanned all the limited editions (there were several) and a previously discontinued one - that's how I discovered the outcome.

  28. I found them for $1.99 and $2.30 at 2 different Walgreens in New Orleans.

    1. Omg where?! I'm in zip 70002! Plz plz plz lemme know where

  29. In my town there are a number of Wags, and I went to the two downtown branches; in the first I went to, only a selected number of the perm collection was marked down, and they were $2.29, but at the second one I tried, ALL the perm collection was marked down to $1.99. Kind of inexplicable. Nothing that was a LE color was marked down (I had them scan a few-- Oxblood and Loves Me Not were the ones I remember), sadly, so I only ended up getting Pink Slip (terrible name for an off-white polish) and Greige Gardens.

  30. Darn it, I went to 2 different Walgreens in Charlotte, NC today and both locations did NOT have the SH nail polish on sale. No clearance tags. I even asked them to do a price check, but the price was still $7-8. I asked them to check a Commander in Chic and Hidden Treasure (New version, the one that looks like Ring my Shell). D:

    The CoverGirl NatureLuxe foundation and mascara were on sale. I picked up the foundation in Aspen~ Hope it works out for me.

    I hope the SH NP go on sale later in my area. I don't own any of them yet.

  31. I went tonight to a central IL store and they had them. Lots of other randomly placed makeup items were clearance as well. The shelves by the SH polishes were pretty bare. I was able to pick up 5 for $1.89, but I'll definitely be hitting up another store tomorrow.

  32. Could they be on clearance because they are bring out the Gel line soon?
    the Walgreens I was in 2 days ago had no clearance signs but I didn't think to ask,

  33. I found them in central Florida for 1.89 at Walgreens, but most of the good colors were gone. Most of what was left were the neutrals. I'll be checking another one tomorrow though.

  34. Hey, is the Nature Lux line going out? I started using them when they first came out and loved using the Hibiscus lip gloss. I hope they don't discontinue it!

  35. These were not marked sale nor clearance at the rockaway/lefferts NY branch we went to but asked the guy at checkout to scan and came out 2.29$ each. Could've gone to elmhurst NY as mentioned above but the rockaway one was closer to home. missed the sally sale due to work too :(

  36. Here in NYC, it's really weird - I went to Walgreens on 5th Avenue first and these were all still full price. I walked down to the Duane Reade on 5th and 34th Street and a few colors were remaining from the clearance. Walgreens and Duane Reade have merged not to long ago, so it's worth it to check Duane Reade as well!

  37. Checked mine today and still no sale, even had them price checked :(

  38. Oh nuts, I don't have any money and probably won't until Friday. I'm hoping there will still be a few colors left by the time I get to my store. I absolutely adore the formula on these even though normal the price point was well out of my range. Even if they're just redesigning the packaging I'd be upset, because I love that wide brush so much and the bottles are the nicest looking ones in my stash. Maybe if I miss these on clearance, I'll still be able to find them at closeout stores. Hope springs eternal.


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