Don't forget to check the beauty sale pages at Macy's here and
Nordstrom here for new beauty deals plus free shipping!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Weekly Drugstore Makeup Sales (plus coupon info and a haul!)

My lovelies, I've got LOTS to cover today, so even though this post is long, I hope you'll take a minute to read through it because I don't want you to miss out on anything!

First and foremost, next week's drugstore makeup sales are up, courtesy of Make-Up on the Cheap. Just click the logo above for the full list of what's going to be on sale starting this Sunday (in most areas).

Next, even though I've already mentioned it several times this week, I want to remind everyone that you've still got today and tomorrow (Saturday) to take advantage of the 50% off Wet n Wild sale going on at Walgreens. This deal doesn't come up very often, so I just want to remind everyone that now's a great time for a Wet n Wild purchase. Don't know what to buy? Well even the lovely Joeybunny, who happens to be a high-end-product-aficionado, LOVES WnW Nutty eyeshadow. It's truly fab and if you don't have it, now's your chance to get it for just $1.

Regarding the sales for NEXT week, if you're a Revlon nail polish fan, it's your lucky day because you can get up to six bottles of Revlon polish for just 99 cents each next week at CVS (click the logo above for the details). AND, if you have any $1 Revlon coupons lying around, you'll get your polish for free! This would be an awesome time to get some of those LE polishes from the Suede Rhapsody collection if you can find them!

Next, don't forget that the CVS quarterly Extra Bucks are now available! Every quarter, CVS rewards shoppers with Extra Bucks that they accrue from purchases made over the course of the quarter, so don't forget to check your receipt, scan your card at the CVS Red Slot machine, or, if you're registered online, you can print your quarterly Extra Bucks right from your computer. I earned $4 in Extra Bucks last quarter, and CVS also sent me a $5 off a $25 purchase coupon, so I'm already plotting ways to maximize my savings on my next purchase.

Starting Sunday, both CVS and Walgreens have great deals on Rimmel. And here's how you can make those deals even sweeter:  there's a $1 Rimmel coupon over at RedPlum! Print that out, and you'll get the new Rimmel Lash Accelerator for just $4.99 at CVS, or you can REALLY maximize your savings at Walgreens since several different Rimmel products will be on sale for 50% off.  I LOOOOOVE getting an additional dollar off an item that's already 50%, don't you? I'm thinking about trying one of the Exaggerate Eye Definers (I've been told the shade Noir is an amazing black).  With the sale at Wags, combined with this coupon, the price goes from $5.99 to just $1.99! Again, for all the details on these CVS and Wags sales, click the above logo. 

And finally, I want to let all you Rite Aid shoppers know that Rite Aid has recently put A LOT of beauty products (including makeup, nail polish and haircare) on 50% clearance.  You have to look around the store to find these items since they're on end-caps and not always in the beauty section. But trust me, it's worth the hunt! I have heard from several readers that they're finding LE and core collection items in the clearance section (and many items that haven't even been discontinued, such as Cover Girl Liquiline eyeliners for 50% off!).

I want to show you what I purchased the other day, and how much I paid--you're not going to believe this!!

*Not pictured: Aveeno Nourish+ Moisture Shampoo

Without any sales or coupons, the retail price for the above products (plus the Aveeno shampoo which I forgot to include in this photo) is $47.50.

What did I pay? Let me break it down for you:

Salon Graphix Dry Shampoo (review to come):
Retail price: $7.99
minus 10% off (I am at the "silver" level of the Wellness+ program, which means I receive 10% off all non-sale purchases every day): $7.19
minus $3 Salon Graphix coupon from the Video Values site: $4.19

Sally Hansen Mega Shine Top Coat (one of my fave top coats of all time):
Retail price: $6.25
Clearance price (I found this on a clearance end-cap!): $3.13

Suave Damage Care Conditioner:
Retail price: $2.79
Clearance price (found this on an end-cap!): $1.39

Aveeno Nourish+ Moisture Conditioner:
Retail price: $7.49
On sale thru Saturday for: $5.99
minus $4 Aveeno coupon from the Video Values site: $1.99

Nexxus Humectress Luxe Leave-in Spray:
Retail: $11.99
Clearance price (found this on an end-cap!): $5.99

Nexxus Botanoil Nourishing Botanical Shampoo:
Retail: $10.99
Clearance price (found this on the an end-cap!): $5.49

Now, you may think that $11.48 for two full-size Nexxus products is a pretty good deal. And I'd agree with you! But remember, I also had that $6 off 2 Nexxus items coupon from the Video Values site, which brought my total down to just $5.48 for BOTH items.  Awesome, right? BUT, it gets better! I forgot that since I purchased $10 worth of Nexxus items, I also received $3 back in +UP Rewards on my receipt. So in reality, I paid just $2.48 for two full-size Nexxus products!  Now as I told you yesterday, the +UP Rewards deal is only good thru Saturday, so if you want to try and score some Nexxus goodies for next to nothing, get over to your Rite Aid and look for the clearance end-caps!

Also, I had that handy $5 off $25 purchase coupon from the Video Values site, which I was able to use because my total (before coupons) was a bit over $25.

So after adding up the coupons, sales and +UP Rewards, what was my grand total for $47.50 worth of products? $8.18.  Now THAT is my kind of deal.

I hope this post inspires you to print your coupons, watch the sales, and don't forget about those rewards programs. They REALLY add up and you too can get your drugstore goodies for free or very close to it!


  1. You are absolutely the BEST bargain hunter ever! :)

  2. Knowing that you are a Mad Men fan and seeing that you bought some dry shampoo, I thought I'd let you know that the hairstylists on Mad Men use dry shampoo to help with teasing hair. I got to be an extra on the show (amazing experience!!!) and they put my hair in a beehive and practically used a whole can on my hair! It worked really well since it adds some texture, I thought it was an interesting use for dry shampoo... If you do any hairstyles that require teasing maybe that could be included in the review?

  3. Unbelievable that you got SH Mega Shine on clearance! I'm with you, it's one of my all-time fave t/c. Thanks for all the tips the SH MS just blew my mind, though.

  4. I was wondering about clearance sales at Rite Aid, because my Rite Aid is stuck with almost completely full LE displays going all the way back to stuff you were showing here in May and June. I'm like, they will have to clearance it out to make room for the fall/winter stuff pretty soon. I guess I better get my butt over there and see if they have done it! Also, I haven't gotten over to Walgreens this week. I think I'll stop over there and see if they have anything left over in the WnW section. I don't have any of the e/s singles and since they are as pigmented as the coloricon palettes, I need them! lol

  5. Thanks for the bargain hunting tips. I just printed a bunch of video values coupons.

  6. Oh! I just got that leave-in spray as part of the BOGO 1/2 off sale. But I paid full price at 13.99 for it :(

  7. That's fantastic! Thanks to your savvy tips I save so much more these days by paying more attention to coupons and savings programs. Rite Aid's new one has been especially good to me. Even my fiancee' bragged how much I saved the last time we shopped. Now I'm able to feed my mu obsession and still have fun without sacrifice :)

  8. I didn't see the "logo above" to find out how to score the 6 Revlon polishes for $.99 each. HELP! LOL

    Great post BTW
    Thank you for sharing.

  9. thanks for all the tips... am going to go claim my CVS extra bucks and then head over to Wags.... ::wishes Rite Aid was in TX::


  10. Those of you in SouthBay: The Walgreens in CV on 3rd looks picked clean of WnW. There is still SOME stuff, but not a huge selection. The one on I has a larger selection of colors in every one of the WnW products. That's all I got. :)

  11. so you're capable of using more than one Video Value coupons in single purchase? I was under the impression that you can't use more than one video value coupons at RiteAid, so I made three purchases and ended up actually spending more than i probably should have...darn it lol


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