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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Breaking News: New Prestige products for 2010 (with pics!)

Ladies, I am SO happy to finally have a contact within Prestige Cosmetics so that I no longer have to stalk my drugstores to bring you the latest info on their new product launches! Yay!! If you've been reading my blog for a while, you know I am a HUGE Prestige fan (just search Prestige on this blog and you'll see) so I am absolutely delighted to be able to give you a first-look at the new products that Prestige has in store for us for 2010 (Note: These products should arrive in stores by February.)

And let me tell you--there are some great things on deck so let's get started!

(In October I saw My Blackest Lashes at Rite-Aid but I found out that the display I saw was part of a promotion and that My Blackest Lashes will now become a permanent part of the Prestige Collection.)

An affordable lipgloss line that's free from artificial fragrance, talc, mineral oil and parabens? Sign me up! Now!

So...what do you think of these new products from Prestige? Are you as excited as I am for these to hit stores next year? Please share your thoughts in the comments.


  1. i'm super excited to try "my blackest lashes"!!

  2. Yay! Yay, yay, yay! Yay!

  3. *mind explodes*

    Oh my gosh!!!!!!!! I'm so excited :D

  4. oooh... I like the lip color that the model is wearing! The Prestige line in Malaysia is quite limited though. only the minerals

  5. That makes me so happy! I absolutely love Prestige, and am thrilled to try out their new products! Thank you so much for information! Can't wait :)

  6. Kellie: You know, I wasn't super excited about this one at first (only because you know how much I love My Biggest Lashes!) but after reading the product info, now I *have* to try it! :)

    Anon: Yay yay yay right back at ya! Glad I'm not the only one who's excited! :)

    Tanya: I am right there with you! Our minds are exploding together. lol. xo

    Connie: I'm so sorry that your access to Prestige is limited. :( Maybe you can work out a swap? :)

    ShakeupYourMakeup: You are so welcome! I am just as excited as you are, I tell ya. Hurry up, February! lol. :)

  7. Ack! not intentionally Anon! Yay!

  8. I have yet to own anything from Prestige but I'm willing to try though. The lipstick that the cover model is wearing is gorgeoussss.

    And happy Wednesday. Recessionista! Follow the link for a special surprise-- scroll down to the bottom and see the next page too!

  9. I have to wait til 2010 for My Blackest Lashes? But that's, like, a lifetime away. *pout*

  10. Hey Suz! No worries! Thanks for letting me know. :)

    Shela! OMG OMG OMG I don't know whether to jump up and down in happiness or crawl up in a ball and cry! WHY is Sephora blowing out their VL inventory? I remember when VL Water Canvas came out and everyone was RAVING about it, but there was just no way I could justify spending $50 on a foundation. But's $10?!?!?! WTH?? Thank you, thank you for the heads-up. I have GOT to snag me one of those shimmery lip stains for just $5. xoxo

    And PS: You must try some Prestige products soon, girl! You don't know what you're missing! Let me know if you need any recs. xo

    Mighty J--me too! I think it's one of those lippies, for sure. :)

    dangerkitty: LOL! I feel the same way, sweetie. Believe me. xo

  11. Hahaha yes, I know. That's why I had to send you the link asap! I'm not sure why Sephora's cutting the prices on VL so drastically but I'm hoping it's pnly because they're getting a newer VL selection for 2010. Either way, more goodies for us!

    :* XOXO to you too!

  12. Shela-baby! I think I understand it now. Looking closer, it's only select shades that are being blown out at Sephora. Whew! I was so afraid that VL was going out of biz or something horrible like that. And I missed the boat on that lip stain--it sold out FAST. But thank you anyway, honey, for havin' my back! You are the BEST! xoxo

  13. Oh no!! Those were selling out like hot cakes! At only $5.83(?) each, those were a complete steal. I wonder if they'll have them in stores? I should check the one in FV this weekend...

    Did you at least get something you wanted from VL? I know how limited the options were. I liked the lippie that they were selling for like $6.

  14. And of course I've got your back, dahhling. Of course. :*


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