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Monday, September 14, 2009

Wait a minute. What? CVS carries Demeter?!?

Ladies! I went into my local CVS today to exchange that Milani quad I reviewed a few days ago (can't wait to share with you what I got in its place!) and I was left with my jaw on the ground when I saw this new display:

Demeter Fragrances! At CVS! When did this happen??

OK, as some of you probably already know, I'm a total perfume junkie and a huge Demeter fan. I own over 20 Demeter fragrances (some of my favorites are "Madeleine", which smells exactly like a madeleine cookie, and "Paperback" which smells exactly like a paperback book). Demeter makes every scent that you would ever want, or not want, to sniff, from traditional perfume notes (Rose, Blueberry, Freesia, Almond, Peach) to the unconventional (Turpentine, Glue, Hay, Crayon, Swimming Pool, Play-Doh, Sawdust, Rye Bread, Vinyl and Tarnish to name a few). I love that Demeter caters to our scent memories, which sometimes are more important than just smelling "pretty". I know that, for me, the scent of Play-Doh conjures up wonderful memories and it's fun to sniff that on my wrist every now and again.

So seeing Demeter at CVS? Are you kidding me? I remember when you could only find Demeter products at Sephora, and even then they weren't at every Sephora. My, how times have changed.

Even though the fragrance selection is quite small (the scents in this display are Lilac, Honeysuckle, Patchouli, Laundromat, Baby Powder and Pure Soap), it's still wonderful to know I can get my Demeter fix at my local drugstore. The regular full-size bottles are $9.99 while the purse sprays are $5.99.

The words you can't see are: "No Artificial Colors, No Artificial Preservatives, Alcohol Naturally Fermented From Corn".

In true Demeter form, each of these fragrances smells exactly like its name. I've yet to come across a Demeter scent (conventional or unconventional) that doesn't smell exactly like its name, or a least a good interpretation of what the name might smell like (for instance, snow really doesn't have a scent, but when you sniff Demeter "Snow" it somehow smells exactly the way you'd want snow to smell. It's wonderful, btw.).

Are you as excited as I am to have Demeter at your local CVS? Are you already a fan of Demeter? I'd love to know your favorites from the Demeter Library. :)


  1. Don't you just love it? I have the scent Pure Soap & it's wonderful.

  2. I never tried this one before, because it's not available here in Indonesia, hehe.. but reading your post, I like it!
    I'm looking for the cotton candy scent, hmm.. how it's gonna be like ya?? hehe.. ^^

  3. OMG. I've never even heard of this stuff, but after your post and going to the website, I'ma hafta try it!!! Too bad CVS aren't in the midwest. :( Ah well. Maybe I'll be able to order some when I've got extra spending money. I really love smelling like food, hehe, and this sounds like the perfect stuff to get my food-smells on. ;)

  4. Oh wow, I've never heard of this brand! I hope they have it at my local CVS.

  5. If I weren't deathly ill right now I would already be at my CVS looking for Pure Soap! Demeter at CVS is one of the weirdest things I've heard in awhile! I wonder if they're going mass now going forward instead of focusing on the prestige retailers...

  6. Awesome! My absolute favorite are the cotton candy , chocolate chip and bubble gum. I bought some for my 8 year old neice and she loved it.

  7. Wow. I seriously need to go to my local CVS and find if they have some. I'll let you know. I love love love Demeter.

  8. My LOngs just turned into a CVC. Will have to go look. I want to try Paperback & Hay :-)


  9. Hey Kimberly! Pure Soap is a good one, definitely. Glad they chose to offer this at CVS! Now I just wish they had "Snow". lol. :)

    Hey Papayabunny! Oh I would just be SO beyond happy if my Marshalls ever had Demeter. I swear I have the worst Marshalls of all time in my area. They never have *anything*. You're so lucky. :)

    Hey Ceecile! Maybe you can order Demeter online? I can tell you that Cotton Candy smells *exactly* like its name. :)

    Hey femputer! OK, you've got to let me know what kind of foody girl you are: desserts, fruits, beverages? I'll explain once you let me know, ok? :)

    Hi Siluet! Defintely keep checking your local CVS stores...I bet you'll seem them soon (my CVS can't be the only one to carry these!). :) xo

    Hey Amber! I'm SO sorry you're sick! (I'll email you later, btw!). And your question is a great one--I thought that too. If Demeter is making the move away from prestige and toward mass, I hope that means that more scent options will become available--and SOON! lol :)

    Hey princess! Oh I loooove Bubble Gum as well. That is such a fun scent! It makes me happy every time I sniff it. :)

    Hey Chebang! If you spot these in your area, I'd love it if you could let me know? And also I've love to know if the same fragrances are available at your location. Thanks so much! xo

    Hey Dahlila! I can pretty much assure that Paperback and Hay will never be offered at CVS. lol! You'll definitely have to order those online...but it's oh so worth it! :) xo

  10. Um, ok! :-D I'm most definitely a desserts girl! Chocolatey, vanilla, cookie smell, donuts, anything bakery wise, mmm mmm mmm! And my favorite ice cream is Birthday Cake if that tells you anything. I love the smell of white cake and buttercream frosting. Ahhh. Okay, I'm drooling now. LOL.

  11. femputer, I might just make your day with this! :) Have you heard of This is one of my very favorite bath & body etailers who just so happens to make the BEST bakery fragrance blends of all time. Her products are amazing (especially her perfumes) and she just so happens to be running a perfume special right now, in addition to a 20% off code on her home page. Check out this scent list (scroll down to her bakery blends):

    If you want to order and need any recs, just let me know! xo

  12. Oh and I forgot to add that if the scent description says "CYS Exclusive" it means that she hand-blended the fragrance herself and no one else carries it. Those are the best ones, in my opinion. :)

  13. Oooh, I'm so going to check out that website you just posted about, I'm a bath and body nut, obviously.
    Demeter is at CVS?? Totally awesome! I wonder if they'll expand their line! I usually get my Demeter fix at ULTA, since they carry quite a few of them. I love their fragrances, both the usual and the unusual. Thanks for the heads up!

  14. Hey Nicole! Oh, I'd love to know what you think of CYS if you check out that site (and what you end up ordering if you get anything!). :)

    I know...Demeter at CVS is crazy, right? I totally forgot about Demeter at Ulta--you're right, they do have a great selection there (mostly the sweet scents, IIRC, which is not a bad thing!). xoxo

  15. Hola!
    Duane Reade, a giant chain maybe exclusive to the NYC area, also carried Demeter in similar fragrances in early June. I haven't seen them around regularly but they are available if you look. I looooove the honeysuckle and even more they come in a plastic purse size spray. Perfect + portable!

  16. Hey Suz! Wow, that's very good to know--it sounds the exact same display is in Duane Reade stores! And I totally agree--those purse sprays are awesome! :)

  17. I've never come across Demeter before but I like that they named it after the Greek Goddess! Pure Soap sounds like my kind of perfume :)

    And I love the smell of Play Doh too!

  18. Ooooohhhh...I've never seen that site either! Darn, if I hadn't only JUST made an E.L.F. order!!! (First time, too...hope it goes okay!) Maybe next payday, eh?

    Thanks for all the great info and recs! :-D

  19. Oh dear heavens! I'm at the CYS website looking at their scent am I ever going to choose???! I feel dizzy...

  20. Hey Shela! I just saw this Demeter display at the CVS on El Cajon Blvd near State! You've got to get over there and check it out! :)

    Femputer! lol!! Well it sounds like you've got some time to decide on an order since you just placed an e.l.f. order. My best advice is to cut and paste your favorites into a separate list. Then print out that list and little by little, every day, read over that list and start crossing out scents that aren't really standing out to you after repeated readings. Eventually you should have it narrowed down to a handful of must-haves. That's kind of my strategy. lol. Also, you can always go on the bath and body board on Makeupalley and do a search for "CYS" and a lot of people post reviews or have recs there. But if you still can't decide, just let me know what you're debating and I can give you my input if you want it! Personally, I looooooove Pink Almond Cream, which is a must-have if you're an almond person and you love Pink Sugar. It's the most delectable Pink Sugar blend I've ever sniffed. :)

  21. the lime smells repulsive and more like ammonia :(

  22. I'm sorry that you feel that way. I like "Lime" but fragrance is so personal and every nose is different. I hope you can find some other Demeter scents that work for you. :)


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