Don't forget to check the beauty sale pages at Macy's here and
Nordstrom here for new beauty deals plus free shipping!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Checking In (New Digs, Holiday Stress, and Your Feedback)

It's been a rough few weeks, let me tell you. This heatwave really set me back (which I explained in a previous post) and I'm afraid I can't seem to catch up, no matter what I do. So let me tell you what's going on with the blog for the next few weeks and if you have any requests or suggestions, I would LOVE if you'd comment below...

I'm getting closer to a full blog redesign/makeover, with some exciting changes (and hopefully a mobile version you will enjoy using!) coming soon. But since that is consuming my time behind the scenes (you wouldn't believe all of the things that you have to take into consideration when redesigning a blog), some other things are temporarily going to suffer. First of which is the thing that takes me the very longest to do on my blog each week, and that is the Weekly Drugstore Makeup Sale Wrap-Up. I will NEVER stop doing my wrap-ups, but since it takes me 3+ hours to compose just that one post every week, I can't promise that for the next few weeks it's going to happen on time (or at all). Once again, it's already Tuesday and I haven't even begun work on it, which sets me back for everything else I wanted to post today. So I'm afraid that this week's wrap-up is going to be like last week's (just links to the online ads). We'll try again next week and hopefully I"ll find the time to compose the type of wrap-up we're all used to reading each week!

While many beauty blogs focus on product reviews, which by itself can be enough work for a small army when you consider the volume of new products that release every month, I try to remind myself when I fall behind that I regularly post product reviews, new product sightings, sale alerts, and beauty news here at Nouveau Cheap. That's my choosing, of course, since I told myself when I started this blog seven years ago that I wanted to try and cover everything in the world of affordable beauty to the best of my abilities, because that's always been my passion. I have always wanted you to be able to come to this blog, read the first page or two, and leave knowing exactly what's going on in the world of drugstore beauty (as well as get your occasional fix of higher-end beauty, when it's on sale, of course).

But doing this requires a very delicate balancing act. On a typical day, I could start blogging at 5AM, never stop to eat or drink, and by midnight I still wouldn't have everything I planned or hoped to publish up on the blog. There's just always so much that I'm excited to share with you, and not enough hours in the day to do it! So what's the solution? Well some weeks I try to bring you more sightings, and other weeks I bring you more reviews. I also try to keep a constant stream of beauty deals on the blog at all times. But with the blog redesign, combined with the holidays and Black Friday looming, I have to stop for a moment, take a deep breath, and figure out a game plan.

And that's where YOU come in.

I know in the past when I've asked for your feedback, an overwhelming majority of you said that you like a balance of reviews, sightings, and deals here on the blog. But is there anything specific that you want to see more of here as we head into the busiest time of the year? I know that you want the Wet n Wild sightings maps, which I'm working on getting up by tomorrow. But anything else? I've always written this blog for YOU, so it stands to reason that when I'm overloaded and don't know where to even begin trying to catch up, I come to YOU for advice. If you're a regular reader, new reader, or loyal reader from the very beginning, I want to hear from you. What would you like to see the most here on the blog as we head into the holidays? What do you consider essential? What do you usually come here hoping to find?

Since this blog would be nothing without your contributions, tips, sightings, and advice, I've always felt that this blog is as much yours as it is mine. So I'm extremely excited to get the new digs up and running for both us! In the meantime, thanks a million for taking the time to read this, and for your continued support and patience. You have no idea how much that means to me.

G. xo


  1. I think that my favorite thing to see on here is new product sightings. I always get so excited when I see a new product coming out!! Don't stress over this too much though, G- we totally understand!!!

    1. Aaaah, thank you SO much, Grace Anne. :) Oh, and I think you're really going to enjoy my upcoming posts, since I have tons of new sightings to share!

  2. New product sightings, deals. Those are the two I always look for. I do like your reviews too -- I always know my friend G. has her eye on value :)

  3. New product sightings and reviews. Things I have zero interest in (no offense) -- the weekly sales since I am perfectly capable of checking companies' online sales fliers myself, and products that are only available in a limited area such as southern California. Good luck!

    1. No offense taken! :) Thank you so much for the feedback!

      I will definitely not be doing regional deals during this time (unless there's a deal where the UD Naked palettes are like $5 each or something incredibly insane like that! Lol!). And as for the weekly wrapup, I completely get what you're saying. I think that for a lot of people, it's more of a convenience thing. Seeing all of the makeup deals for all three chains right next to each other helps me when I'm actually in the drugstore and I think to myself, "OK, should I take advantage of this deal, or is there another one that's better elsewhere right now?" I tend to pull up the wrapup in that type of situation because it's quick and easy. But I totally get what you're saying! :)

    2. Totally agree with you here g. That's exactly what I do

    3. Thank you for getting what I was saying without offense. :-D Part of the reason I don't check your weekly sales roundups (or any other blogger's) is that I have so few applicable stores where I live. No CVS, no Rite Aid, etc. Take care.

    4. I would say reviews and LE items are the important things. I don't tend to buy permanent items unless they are 30% off, and preferably if I've seen swatches or reviews. I do have other vices to indulge in and limited space in our apartment. ;-)

      Agree with others that I miss having the Holy Grail list and that the weekly ads, while nice, are not that big of a draw. (I'm near Rite Aid once a week anyway, and there's no CVS, Ulta, or Target here, so it's mostly a question of do I want to run up to Walgreens.)

  4. I'm all about the deals, especially leading into holiday season! I like the balance of reviews you currently have, or when you do a new product sighting and say you'll try it, then give us a review! I think you have an amazing balance already!

  5. My favorites from your excellent blog in order are:
    Deals wether high end or drugstore (esp. With the holidays)
    New sightings
    And the Weekly sale wrap up.
    Your reviews are extremely through, however reviews are so personal aren't they? So while I appreciate the info and always make a mental note, if something has to suffer then those I would hardly miss. Speaking of which, I notice you removed the link in the header to your holy grail products, :( is all I have to say about that. ;)

  6. Definitely new product sightings, even if they're frustrating because they take So. Long. to get to NE Ohio. :-) Also, your tips on getting the most out of deals are awesome!

  7. Personally, I think just using the "you tell me" section for deal sightings and weekly sales prompts while you're busy works for me and might give you a bit of breathing room. I'm happy to post what I see and notice!

  8. Which are your easiest/quickest posts?Do you think you could delegate some of the routine boring work to others? Like some one else taking the product pics or setting up the weekly sales, once you tell them what you consider the highlights?

    1. I volunteer as tribute! I read all the weekly sales before they even start and would gladly write a wrap up for the blog.

  9. New product sightings is my go-to for your blog! That's what I'm always stalking your page for the most. Deals are important too, but I don't think you have to do full length wraps ups for all drugstores weekly. I think just linking to their weekly ads is sufficient. I'd save your energy for bigger deal round ups when there are holiday deals where multiple stores/websites are offering sales. It's harder to keep track of who has what sale going or who even has a sale going on during Labor Day, Cyber Monday, Black Friday, and etc. Thank you for all of your hard work on your blog. I've been visiting your blog since 2009 and it's always been one of my favorite blogs!

  10. I love to see beauty deals and new products!

  11. I like product reviews and new products. I read Southern Savers so I already know what the beauty deals are each week.

  12. Your blog is one of my favorites G. so don't worry about keeping up with the endless flow of things that could potentially go on the blog. You already do so much better than so many bloggers I follow!

    I love seeing new product sightings and especially with the holidays coming around any of the seasonal sightings ( like holiday collections) would be fun to see. I also am quite fond of your product reviews because they are so thorough. Keep up the good work G. !

  13. Your blog, which is wonderful by the way, has been a wonderfully (enabling) resource in that it is a place which I regularly scan for new items at the drugstore as well as urgent-action-required deals. I wake up in the morning, check my emails, and then check your blog. So while I find your reviews to be very helpful, and thorough, I would say that the way I use this resource most is as a "beauty news outlet" of sorts. I have never used the sightings map-no one from my area seems to contribute, and while I do like reviewing the weekly sales recaps, I find that I generally scan for the most notable deals. Knowing that you spend three hours plus a week on this post alone makes me feel a bit guilty for skimming, but it might be helpful to know which aspects of particular posts your readers find most useful. Also, while I frequently check back for updates throughout my day (or between classes as I am a college student), I reserve reading your review posts for my end of day "me-time". I hope this reads as constructive, because I love this site and what you contribute to my life!

    1. It's like you read my mind. :-) and you said it much better than I did

  14. My favorites are deals and reviews! Like others said - the weekly wrap-up is great, but with a little bit of googling we can take care of that ourselves, especially for people like me who only have one or two local stores that participate in the better deals. Thanks for keeping us updated! Hope your stress is eased soon :)

  15. I like product reviews and new products, also. I usually skip the weekly sales for same reasons as Sue. but i totally rely on your opinion on new products! Plus I love seein new products.

  16. My favorite posts are the holiday sales roundups (Black Friday!) and the national deals, like when the Target Beauty Boxes are available. Because of you, I've been able to buy several of the Target boxes I really wanted! (Thank you. Even though my wallet thinks otherwise ;)).

    I also enjoy the reviews and sightings. The weekly roundup is convenient, but since we don't have CVS in CO (really and for true, they don't do business in this state), a lot of the great deals just have me sighing. But the reviews are key - cheap is good, but only if it WORKS.

    But most of all, I want to see the posts that YOU want to write vs. the ones you think you HAVE to write. Writing things you don't want to is a shortcut to burnout, and too many of my favorite blogs have crashed and burned this year. Make yourself happy, and we will be too!

    1. Great point, that this blog should be fun not a chore for g! Very thoughtful.

  17. G, I am completely astounded by your confession that you start working on this blog at 5 AM and keep going until midnight. I had no idea! I cannot even imagine. Thank you so much. Your dedication is why I read your blog and check it every few hours for updates.

    At any rate, I agree with most of the previous comments, I look forward to the new product sightings the most. That is my number one reason for checking your blog. Reviews would be my second favorite. Your reviews are always great and very detailed. I also agree with some of the comments about the drugstore wrap-up. Although you mentioned you'd never stop posting about it, I am able to check out the sales myself since I get a Sunday paper so when you do a condensed version of it, I really don't mind. I'm looking forward to what is next with your blog!

  18. I vote for deals! I enjoy all of the content on your blog but that posts that are most useful to me (especially with the holidays) is who's having a great sale on what. Thanks for your hard work and dedication!

  19. I pretty much love everything on here. You're so dedicated. Most bloggers only post a few times a week at best and you post several times a DAY. Someone suggested possibly delegating the Weekly Roundup to someone else, and, if that's possible for you, that might be a good way to free up a little time for yourself and keep it going in the same detail that you've been doing before. I used to do similar things for my Youtube channel, and it's no lie, it really DOES take hours of going through everything to get that stuff up, especially if you take coupons into account. Whatever you decide, keep up the good work!

  20. I definitely love the reviews the most! I honestly usually skip the rest unless it is a review or swatch.

  21. For me it's deals, especially with the holiday season aproching, there are deals I would not known if it wasn't for you. So thanks!

  22. I love your reviews, so I know where to spend my money. Then I love the deal info, so I can get the most for the least, especially with the holidays coming!

  23. Your blog is the first thing I go to every time I get on my computer. I do love the reviews. Thanks to your Neutrogena Oil cleanser review, I tried it and am loving it.

    Even more than the reviews, though, I love the news about the various sales. I check Ulta and Sephora myself but sometimes I forget or I don't know about something, and I find that here.

    The Wet N Wild sightings don't really interest me because in my neck of the woods, they're impossible to find, even if I go the same day. And then it's usually an empty display I see. So, as much as that is valuable to other people, and I totally get that, it's not to me.

    The drugstore roundup is awesome and I always check it (and thank you immensely for going to the trouble to get it all in one place. 3 hours, whew!) but I'm a big girl and I think I can go to CVS, Walgreens, and Rite Aids's web sites all by myself for however long it takes you to recover from all this craziness. I understand, chick!

    Bottom line: With all the frenzy of the holidays coming up, I'd most love to come here and see news about Black Friday and the other holidays sales. The next few months are when I do the bulk of my Ulta and Sephora buying due to all the incredible sales. I stock up on my basics during the Black Friday sales. I still have plenty of Philosophy cleanser due to last year's BF sale. I also buy more drugstore because if I DO find them, the holiday collections are what I love the most. Your Hautelook reminders have saved me several times this year because I always forget to go look there. And I have also found some really good deals at my Nordstrom Rack due to you and your other reader's sightings if I go within the next day or two after reading.

    So, I'd love to keep getting the heads up on all the awesome sales and after the New Year, maybe you can do a review-a-thon and do reviews on your favorite products of the last few months and the ones that just didn't work. Maybe a Top 10 and Bottom10?

    Thanks for all you do, G, regardless of what you decide. I'll still check in here way too many times a day. :)

  24. I love the deals, new sightings, and holidays sales. During the holidays I come on this site before I go anywhere else.

  25. Product reviews and new product sightings are my absolute favorites!

  26. I really like the product reviews then the sightings then the deals. But the thing that I get giddy about most of all is when you have postings for the kits available only at the Sephora's inside JCPenney's. Without those sightings being posted, I would never know about them. Like others, I don't read the weekend sale wrap-ups. You could discontinue this and I wouldn't be upset.

  27. i come to your blog to check out deals n ever since i discovered ur site i rarely pay full retail for most of my makeup! thank u soo much! especially as there are so many deals coming up i would love to see that esp. high end makeup deals please! thanks soooo much for doing this every day!

  28. Deals & reviews are my favorite part. I usually check your blog 2-3 times a day just waiting for news of amazing sales going on.

  29. I look forward for your blog makeover. Keep up the VERY hard work. Big hugs from Greece!

  30. I like new product sightings and deals the best. I find out about so many great deals here!

  31. I always come here to get my shopping on. Even if you just post them on your Instagram, my wallet is much lighter (but I am happier!) because of you!

  32. I like to see more new products and sightings. And I don't mind product reviews either!

  33. I'm in it for the sales and deals!

  34. I suppose the essential things for me would be new product sightings and deals. I like everything else but those are my main reasons for coming to this blog. Looking forward to your redesign :-)


  35. i love your new product sightings & deals !!!

    they're so incredibly helpful .

    looking forward to the blog relaunch !

    --- nicole

  36. I'm all about deals, steals and sales! :-)
    I get so pumped finding a maj score, I always post on IG to share with my fellow beauty junkies and tag you of course! ;-)
    Love the blog! @runs_on_coffee

  37. Sightings, reviews, non drug store sales - then drugstore sales- Although I love your drugstore break downs, I can go to other sights that break down the drugstore sales and do coupon matchups ( for one , as well as read my Sundays fliers
    Your passion to share is immense and we all thank you !

  38. I like the new products and deals. Could care less about sightings maps.

  39. I have followed your fabulous blog since the beginning, thanks for all your hard work, G! Your sunny personality really comes through your posts and it's a daily pleasure to stop by. I could live without the drugstore wrap up, I especially appreciate checking out the good deals and new product sightings. Your reviews are excellent - as someone else said, a product is no good unless it works - but maybe during the busy holiday season you could put reviews on hold? Whatever lightens the load for you! Thanks again :)

  40. I like the product deals. I can't tell you how many deals I have bought after I have seen it on your blog. I also like product reviews.

  41. New product sightings and sales/deals are my favorite parts of this blog.

  42. I could live without the weekly round-up. I like the new collection sightings even though a good deal of the wetnwild and sinful ones don't show up in my area anymore. I like your product reviews :)

  43. I am blown away by the amount of time you spend working on this blog!!!! No wonder you were dying in the heat wave. As you revamp and try to catch up, I will tell you my favorite things! First I !like product sightings. Then I like reviews or if you have trouble keeping up, swatches and 1st impressions are awesome too. Then the drugstore wrap up which I used during the week as I go about my chores. I read the flyers almost every Sunday so I have an idea of whats going on but the wrap is a great reminder that I go back and check occasionally during the week. There is is my 3 cents Ms.G!!! :)

  44. With the holiday season coming I would love to hear about beauty deals in prestige makeup since I will treat myself. I also prefer your reviews to other posts since they're always so well researched, if I have to choose 😆

  45. Hi, G! I'm in Canada so I'm probably not in the majority.
    I'm mainly looking for reviews, since we don't have a lot of the stores you do in the US and sometimes don't get new products at the same time (or at all!).
    Good luck with everything in the next few weeks! You're doing a great job.

  46. I love getting the heads up on deals here. I've gotten a ton of things because I found out they were on sale thanks to you. This should especially handed with the holiday season.

  47. I personally like a combo of the reviews and sightings the most. Honestly, while I love the idea of using the deals you post when I can, most of the time, when I'm in the store, I don't. It either slips my mind (more often than not), or I don't have coupons printed, and I wind up buying things full price anyway (and am racked with guilt about it afterward).

  48. This is actually a difficult question to answer. You've got so much great content, it's hard to choose! I love the new product sightings because they get me excited about going LE hunting, but at the same time, they help me plan trips to stores that aren't so close to me. If I had to choose between deals and reviews, I'd probably choose deals, because of my love for the Target beauty boxes you usually post. I love the reviews, and I enjoy reading them even if it's a product I'm not interested in.

  49. I love your reviews the best, because you're so thorough. I know that takes work, but you take good photos, put a lot of thought into them, consider smell, texture and more, so I really enjoy that.
    I like everything else, too, but those are my favorite.
    I do like the sightings, too. They're especially fun this time of year for Halloween and holiday makeup collections.
    As for the sale roundup, a summary is fine. I have no problem with links to the fliers. Most of the time we all know someone has a bogo 50 percent off going on. Of most interest would be a quick mention of Sinful Colors being 99 cents or Revlon being 40 percent off. Or news of the Target Beauty Box or if you can get a high-end something on deep discount.

  50. At this time of the year G black friday deals and holiday sets is all i wish i could see..hope that helps😊👍

  51. I ALWAYS check for product sightings, more specifically nail polish sightings, sinful colors, pure ice, and sally hansen insta dri and wet n wild are the only drugstore brands I actually buy. Your blog is the first thing I check in the morning- even before work email!

  52. Like others have already said I can skip the weekly drugstore roundup since I get the flyers anyway. Sightings, sales and deals are most important for me. As someone else said I'd never know about them if not for your blog. Swatches. I love to see swatches. It helps me know if somethings worth seeking out.

  53. I like the deals ( Essie and $0.99 Sinful at Wags especially), I like the in depth archive of Sinful Colors displays (I Google your blog when I search for a new Sinful name to see if you have covered when it came out, swatches, etc). I love all of your in-depth reviews. I skip the drugstore wrap-up because in NYC the deals don't usually match up with what other chains across the country are doing. Thanks!

  54. I would love to know about the deals, especially with the holiday season. Thanks!

  55. my favorite are deals (I mean current sales, not weekly deals). I like your reviews,but I found my skin is different, my hair is different, my hair is different, color cosmetics look different on me. So, I enjoy them, but they are not #1 priority for me. I also have other resources that let me plan my drugstore shopping three weeks ahead. By online deals, Current sales (like you did for 'Color pop" or "Make up Geek" cosmetics or some NYX Ross finds ( or even Michaels storage solutions).

  56. New products, sightings, and reviews are the top reasons I visit almost every day :) Deals and sales are nice but like others said I either check locally myself or already subscribe to the ones I'm into, as they seem to vary so much by location. Thank you from the bottom of my makeup-obsessed heart for all your hard work bringing the latest and greatest to us!:) 💓

  57. I frequent here for the sales, the new product news always get around eventually, but good sales have to be jumped on quickly before they're gone!

  58. Although I can appreciate the amount of time put into The Weekly Sales, it does nothing for me as I live in Canada. Same for the deals. New product sightings are great as eventually I may see some of those products in Canada. Reviews are the most helpful to me. Although some of it is personal preference it gives me a good basis to judge whether I think that product is right for me and worth purchasing! Thanks for a blog I don't go a day without checking in on.

  59. For the love of Pete, do what you can to make things easier on yourself!! The weekly drugstore deals and the sightings maps are surely WAY more work for you than they possibly could justify. The maps are only useful to a tiny number of people, and it would be very easy for us to use iheartwags/iheartcvs/iheartriteaid/etc on our own. New sightings, super rare/special deals, and reviews are where it's at.

  60. I'm a BIG fan of the deals/sales updates. I also enjoy product reviews. Thank you so much for all of your hard work on this website, it is very appreciated!

  61. I love the special sales/offers like today's UD notice. I can only subscribe to so many emails, so your "heads up" is terrific. I have to agree with an earlier post that drugstore sales are one area I can handle myself. Please don't take offense! I just think your time would be better spent on new product sightings, and your honest, helpful reviews.

    That being said, please don't stress! We love your blog, and appreciate all you do to keep us informed!

  62. I'm a BIG fan of the deals/sales updates. I also enjoy product reviews. Thank you so much for all of your hard work on this website, it is very appreciated!

  63. I like the deals first, then that thing where you ask an interactive question once a week (but I forgot what it's called), then the new releases and reviews. I often wonder how you get a break!!

  64. G, I've been reading this blog for years, and yours is the only beauty blog I still bother to read. Not only because I like the content, but because your passion, dedication, and personality shine through every single thing you post. Yes, you enable me like no other, but I don't doubt that you know exactly how much your blog helps budget-minded beauty addicts plan purchases and stalk new releases. My favorite part of the blog is always previews of new products to the drug store, but this time of year I also really enjoy the posts that detail high end sales since I'm always hunting bargains on gifts. I'm sure that, like myself, most of your readers also appreciate all the work you do and we totally will bear with you while you update and spiff up the blog. Keep up the good work, G! 💙💙💙💙

  65. Definitely reviews. Since I live on the East Coast, new sightings don't help me much since the stores carry different products. But I love your reviews.

  66. My favorite things are Product reviews and New product sightings and of course as it grows closer the holiday sales of course since I'm going to have some birthday money to spend on black Friday this year (my birthday is on Thanksgiving!). Thank you for all that you do, G. I have a small time blog that I currently post to once a week, and sometimes it takes me three days to prepare that one post, I can't imagine your struggle it BAFFLES me how much you get done here. We all love you and appreciate you SOOO much :) Ps. I am so so so so so soooo excited to have a mobile version available again!

  67. My favorite posts are the new product sightings and your reviews. The posts I don't read as often are the weekly sales ones, but that's only because I'm cutting back on beauty product spending. I do find them helpful, though. So yeah, new product sightings and reviews are my favorites :). You're such a great blogger, G. You are my go-to for beauty info. Thank you for all your hard work! <3

  68. Hey G,

    I love all the work that you do but with that being said, since there's only very limited time and I also know how hard it is to get blogs done when real life gets in the way, I would say the following are my favorites:

    - Weekly Round-Up Drugstore Sales (I think it would be fine just to include the really good deals that pop up and not have to be an exhaustive post since they have ads people can look at also)
    - New product announcements
    - New product sightings
    - New product swatches
    - Reviews (these could be done more sparsely and you could maybe use some polls if you've bought a few things lately and people could vote on what they want to see so you're not just doing posts about something that only a small component of your readership wants to see - I've seen this tactic a lot on other blogs)

    Hope that helps with your workload G!!! <3 love all your posts though :D

  69. Deals and reviews( your reviews are so thorough)

  70. I always appreciate when you link to reviews from other blogs, since I know it's impossible for one person to do it all. This is the only beauty blog I check, so having links to other reviews is handy. Thanks for all you do!

  71. I love the sales updates. My CVS was so shady (or maybe it was new management) because they did not mark any items for the big beauty clearance, but thanks to your blog I had a great haul. I went back 2 or 3 times. I was in store with your blog post on my phone checking item numbers. Thanks!

  72. Reviews, reviews, reviews! I know I may be in the minority here, but all I really care about are product reviews. The reviews really help narrow down the huge field of beauty products and help me not to waste money on products that just don't work.

  73. New product sightings, for sure! Love the display posts, product shots, etc. that go along with that. Also the deals, especially the one-day deals, etc and any that have codes, because I don't get notifications for the same things and I don't always have time to comb through Instagram et al., but I visit your blog DAILY and I know lots of other people do. I can also do without the weekly deals; I know you slave over them and it is much appreciated, but I generally check those ads myself anyway as part of my ritual each week. THANK YOU for all that you do for us beauty geeks!


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