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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The next Time You're Debating Whether or Not You Really "Need" That Talenti...

Yes. Yes, you do. 

I broke my cute Q-Tip holder the other day and noticed that Mr. G had saved our Talenti Roman Raspberry jar (probably to reuse for storing homemade salsa, trail mix, etc.). I grabbed it out of the sink, gave it a good washing and voilà!

I'm sure I'll eventually find another cute Q-Tip holder for my vanity, but this'll do just fine in the meantime. Plus, this jar is the ideal height for Q-Tips...they fit perfectly:

And it holds a TON of Q-Tips:

It would also be nice for traveling since it's made of pretty sturdy plastic.

You're welcome.

The products featured in this post were purchased with personal funds. For more information, click here.


  1. Good tip! I've done the same thing with 1/2 pint and 1 pint Mason jars. The 1/2 pint jars look neat when you over-stuff them with Q-tips and fan them out--almost looks like a kabuki brush. The 1 pint jars work best if you want to us a lid to keep your Q-tips sheltered from dust.

  2. PS: you can make them much cuter with washi tape. ;)

  3. Hey, that's excellent! I use a Talenti jar to warm my bottle of hair oil. I fill it half way with hot water and set my bottle of oil inside and it works perfectly. The bottle of oil is tall enough that it can't spill if it tips over and the Talenti jar is wide enough that it catches any stray oil as I pull the dropper out, so oil doesn't get on my table. They're very useful!

  4. I heart Talenti. The Butter Pecan, Vanilla Bean and the chocolate covered vanilla bean pops. Yaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssss. lol

  5. I thought I was so clever when I did this to my bf's Q-tips :)

  6. Ha. When I first saw this I thought you'd snapped a picture from my medicine cabinet. Except I remembered that I have cotton balls in mine. But the next one is going to be used for Q-tips! A perfect fit!

  7. Nice idea! I have 4 or 5 that I use to store leftovers or homemade dips etc. I also fill them up with assorted fruits to pack the bf to go w his lunch to bring to work. They really come in so handy, it's sad to see them go in the recycle when you can reuse. I love the mint choco chip!

  8. Wow, I forgot to add that the illustration of a spoon on the container actually looks like a Q-tip! Or maybe it's the power of suggestion since it's filled w them, lol.

  9. Oooh! G, you should decorate it and forget finding something else. A DIY project! Thanks for sharing.

  10. That is the BEST flavor though :)

  11. I saw the same thing someone had done with B&BW three wick candle jars.

  12. Oh, I love you so much! Many a time my fiance and I have debated getting Talenti. I know the answer for next time!!!!

  13. I use a Talenti jar to take my overnight oats to work every morning for breakfast. I also use them as portion controlled containers for snacks. Really great gellato (Belgian milk chocolate is my favorite) and amazingly useful containers. I saw new holiday flavors the other day at the grocery store that I will probably eventually break down and buy.

  14. I keep everything from hair ties and bobby pins to change in my talenti containers!


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