Don't forget to check the beauty sale pages at Macy's here and
Nordstrom here for new beauty deals plus free shipping!

Friday, June 27, 2014

HOT DEAL ALERT: 20% off + FREE SHIPPING on products by Too Faced, Benefit, Hourglass and more at HSN

Many thanks to several readers for this one! In case you haven't heard, HSN is having their annual Friends and Family Event and there's a code for 20% off any single-item purchase now through Monday, 6/30. Unlike the codes I've posted in the past, THIS CODE IS NOT JUST FOR FIRST-TIME CUSTOMERS! 

Keep reading for some HOT beauty deals that you can get right now, with FREE SHIPPING!

Enter code 140355 at checkout (you'll have a chance at the very end of the checkout process to enter the code) for 20% off any single-item purchase on the HSN website now through 6/30.

First, the fine print :

Coupon 140355 is a single item offer and is valid for 20% off your next purchase with maximum savings of $20 from HSN TV, HSN2,, HSN Mobile or HSN Shop By Remote (where available). Coupon number is non-transferable and can only be used once by its recipient. Coupons must be applied when order is placed. Excludes shipping & handling, sales tax, Todays Special, This Day Only offers, and clearance items and can only be applied to the first shipment of AutoShip items. The use of this coupon may disqualify the order from inclusion in other promotional offers or discounts. Coupons cannot be applied to or combined with other coupons. Coupon is not valid for Charitable Contributions, HSN Gift Cards or Wines and Alcohol, Samsung Large Appliances, Dyson Products, Electronics and Gaming. We reserve the right to cancel orders when unexpected coupon system errors occur or in the case of abuse, misuse or fraud in connection with the coupon number. Offer is valid 6/27/2014 - 6/30/2014. Coupon Expires on 6/30/2014 at 11:59 PM ET.

Here are just a few of the items that you can snag RIGHT NOW for 20% off plus free shipping:

And so much more! CLICK HERE to view all beauty products with free shipping on the HSN website. I believe that HSN considers sets a "single-item purchase", so this code should work on any of the sets that have free shipping offers (if you find the code does NOT work for sets, please leave a comment and let us know? Thanks!).

Thanks SO much to everyone who took the time to share this deal with us!


  1. G., The Too Faced Natural Palette is on sale for $30.00 and includes a full sized Shadow Insurance. With the 20% off coupon I got mine for $24.00 total with free shipping! HOT DEAL!!!

    1. Did you have any problems with your order going through? I have tried to place the order on my laptop and phone and it just says that it cannot be processed.

    2. No, not at all, Rebecca. It went through fine.

  2. Thank you so much for this! I just ordered the Too Faced Perfect Neutrals Melted Lip Trio! What an incredible deal, $30 (including tax)!

  3. Thanks for the heads up! I might pick up the Hourglass brow arch pencil. I've had my eye on it in the past but did not purchase due to cost. I'm trying to decide if 20% off is enough to change that.

    If anyone wants a suggestion, I absolutely love Too Faced's Chocolate Soleil bronzer! (Though if you're looking for a deal, it also often appears in value sets on Sephora)


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