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Thursday, January 23, 2014

It's official: The Milani Limited Edition Naturally Chic Shadow Eyez are now permanent!

In addition to all of the new-for-2014 Milani products (click the "new" tab on the Milani website) that are now making their debut in the permanent display at CVS, I wanted to be sure you knew that Milani announced today on social media that the Spring 2013 Limited Edition Naturally Chic Shadow Eyez are now PERMANENT!

They're here to stay!

You can click here if you missed my original review from Spring 2013. I am still so in love with Almond Cream--I use it constantly for under my brows and the inside corners of my eyes. It's amazing and I'm SO glad it's permanent so that everyone who missed out on it last year can try it.

I have heard from three readers so far who have spotted the Naturally Chic Shadow Eyez in the permanent display at CVS, so if you haven't seen it there yet, keep checking!


  1. G, if you get a chance could you swatch Sand Dunes next to Midnight Cowboy? I love MC but the glitter fallout is awful. If the pencil is close enough I might have to pick it up :)


  3. My local Meijer store got rid of their Milani display Any idea why?

  4. G- how easy is it to blend these shades? I read your original review and saw that you blended with your fingers, did you have to blend right away or do you have some time before it "sets"? Do you think you could blend with a brush?

  5. Great news! Thanks! My Cafe au Lait dried up and I had to pitch it last week and I thought to myself that I didn't want to order a replacement on the website because of the shipping costs. Now I don't have to! Yeah! :D

  6. YES!

    I originally bought 2 back-ups for Almond Cream when it came out, but gave one to my sister when she fell in love with it after it had been sold out, and the other to my mom, so I've been hoarding my one remaining chubby pencil.

    This also gives me a chance to buy the two shimmery ones, as I'd originally passed on those and just bought the matte ones.

  7. Hommmmg yes! I missed these the first time around.

  8. Right on! So happy, now I can stop hoarding and actually use them up without fear of never seeing them again. I recently saw the purple ones finally but not my shades, but these are awesome. Whoohoo!

  9. BEST NEWS FROM THE DRUGSTORE!!!!!! i never found them when they were LE this just made my day!

  10. Best news ever!! I've been restraining myself from using these every day in fear of running out. Time to put these back in heavy rotation!


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