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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Wednesday Question

If you could permanently lower the price of ONE drugstore beauty product to $1 (forever!), which product would you choose?

I had to think long and hard about this one, but I'm going to go with the 32 oz. bottle of Dr. Bronner's Hemp Pure-Castile Liquid Soap in Peppermint. This is the only product I use to clean my brushes (I also use the Almond and Citrus formulas but Peppermint has become my favorite). I also use it as body wash, to hand-wash delicate garments, to shave my legs, and Mr. G loves it so much for showering and shaving that he hogs it whenever I leave my bottle in the shower. If I could get the big bottle for $1 for all eternity, I'd be a happy camper.


  1. Maybelline Falsies Mascara! The only product that I buy over and over...(that I can think of)

    1. i love that one, and also their Lash Discovery is my mascara HG/secret weapon

  2. nice question, G, and i love your answer! (love me some Dr. Bronner's)
    this is very hard to choose- i really wanted to say MAC cleanse-off oil and then i reread the question- but i think i'd go with Revlon Photoready concealer! It's my HG.

    1. To G., beautifulmonday, and all other Dr. Bronner's fans out there: if you go to the Vote Hemp website they are still offering eleven 16oz. bottles, plus a full size lotion (all scents are assorted, and the lotion fragrance is chosen for you as well) as a gift for donating $100usd!!! That's a real bargain if you do the math, its well over $100 worth of product! I donated last year and I'm still stocked up, I did replace the lotion but luckily I had a $1off coupon. I know I've commented on this offer here in the past under a Dr. B's post, so sorry if I seem spammy...I just didn't know the offer was still good (it is!!!!) & I like to share the good word! :)

    2. Btw- once on the website, you have to click on "take action" and then "contribute." To answer the Q. ...I would be all about Dr. B's for $1, but sadly never see them at the drugstores by me. So, maybe I'll go with teeth whitening they are pretty pricey. If that doesn't count, I will go with Sally Hansen nail appliques.

  3. Mine would be a simple, lame suggestion since the product is already so cheap... but hear me out. I think it would be awesome if the Wet'n'Wild 8 pan palettes were only $1 INCLUDING Limited Edition ones. The catch here would be that they'd be more widely distributed because if they WERE, that little bit of a price difference would be made up in no time for the company. So many of us drool over these products that we aren't lucky enough to find half the time :( I hope that makes sense...

  4. Batiste dry shampoo! love that stuff and a $7.99 bottle doesn't last all that long,and I feel like I buy a bottle every time I run into Wags.

  5. Replies
    1. I agree! CeraVe Moisturizing Cream is the best stuff on the planet, but it's so expensive!

  6. Nivea Essentially Enriched lotion! This is my favorite lotion and I have used it since I can remember. I try others and nothing makes my skin feel the way this does. You should see my stockpile after a good sale with coupons.

  7. Josie Maran argan oil. I absolutely love using this on my face at night. I have a small deluxe sample size vial and I can see myself splurging in the near future and while I love it, the price is making me cringe!

  8. Purpose Gentle Cleansing face wash. Enough said!

  9. Anything from NYX and maybelline!


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