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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Wednesday Question

What drugstore/mass/affordable beauty brand do you wish you had better access to (in person vs. ordering online)?

For me it would be L.A. Girl. There are a few dollar stores and Japanese markets here that carry an array of their products, but it was a miracle when I found their Pro Eye Primer a while back and I know there are some hidden gems in this line (in addition to the nail polishes that we can get at Rite Aid). Their products are so affordable--I just wish I could see them all in person as opposed to ordering them online.


  1. I really wish I could get ahold of LE Wet n Wild. The only things my drugstores get is the Fergie collection, which doesn't interest me. None of the fantastic 8-pan palettes ever make it here.

    1. If carries it, go to the nearest one, order it there, and they ship it to the store, so ypu save on shipping.

  2. I wish I had better access to hard candy. they only have it at the Walmart but they're in the suburbs far away from me :*(

    1. Ditto. Hard Candy and Flower Cosmetics are both lines I'd like to try but have no access to.

  3. For me, it's a tie between Jordana, Prestige, and Essence. All of the Walgreens in my area only have small selection of Jordana products, and I've really been wanting to try their blushes! Even K-Marts don't seem to have them. :( As for Prestige, I am dying to find their primer and mascaras! Lots of beauty gurus on YouTube love them, and unfortunately no drugstore near me sells Prestige. It seems like everyone is having fun trying out Essence makeup lately, but unfortunately I don't live near an Ulta, and no drugstores in my area carry Essence! Life stinks :(

  4. I agree with The Average Jane most LE Wet n Wild product never make it the my area. In fact were never sited in the chicago south suburbs:-(

  5. NYX, Jesse's Girl and basically everything that's exclusive to Rite Aid because sadly we have no RAs here.

  6. @nouveaucheap try TJ Maxx and Marshalls, I live in NorCal and they carry LA Girl, as well as Color Club and other brands!

    1. Thanks! My TJ/Marshalls/Ross stores only carry random LA Girl stuff, aside from polishes. :(

  7. It's a tie between Milani and Essence. Yes, I know in many (most?) areas of the country, Milani is as common as Maybelline in drug stores and mass merchandisers, but around here, it's virtually unobtanium. Only a very few select Walgreens and Targets carry it, and then only part of the core line - forget about anything limited edition. So when I'm on vacation, I hit up every CVS (another chain that does not do business in my state) I can and buy like there's no tomorrow.

    As for Essence...yes, I know Ulta stocks it. Theoretically. The display at my local Ulta is down to 4 bottles TOTAl of nail polish, and they're clearancing out the rest. It's been this way for months, and no one there knows anything when I ask. Sigh.

  8. I would like better access to international brands like Lakme, Colorbar, Barry M and Sleek. As for American brands I wish I had an easier time getting my hands on Essence and the Ulta brand.

    1. I second Sleek and Barry M!! I really wish that we had better access to them here, because the cost of import/shipping is a bit of an ordeal.

    2. I third the Barry M! Who happens to be totally cruelty-free. :)

    3. Gotta agree. I wish we had access to the drugstore brands that I watch the UK youtubers rave about.

    4. I agree on Sleek and would like to add Bourjois. Essence is a German brand, I believe.

  9. We have pretty good access to essence and not many ppl know how good the product is so it sits around and goes on clearance a lot. The thing is that everyone dips their fingers into it the lipsticks are most times used. I just wish they would protect their products better. I try to stay away from that brand because almost everything is used already. I want one of their mascaras like REALLY BAD but when I went to buy it one of the two wasnt even closed all the way. Id rather not take the chance. Even just a little sticker over the opening would help. Oh sorry I'm off topic! So I guess more Asian products like to show on your blog. We get nothing like that here! And there are no Asian stores around here:(

  10. I would have to go for Rimmel! I can't find any of their stuff in drug stores near me. I have to make the trek out to Ulta or buy it online if I want to get it.

    ♥ Em from Mascara Warrior

  11. I absolutely LOVE NYX products. I have purchased them on the ULTA website, but I really am the type that likes to look at things in person to make sure I will like the color but the closest ULTA is about 2 hours away, so I don't make it there often. I heard that some Targets started carrying them, and cannot wait until the one close to me does!

    1. I'm so bummed that only a few Targets seem to carry NYX so far. Hopefully that changes soon!

    2. NYX was being sold at Sears, but I'm not sure if Sears is still selling cosmetics since that whole deep clearance sale from not too long ago. Haven't shopped there since the holidays, I need to go soon.

    3. My sears has only perfume now, no make up of any kind. :(

  12. For me it would be a tie between Black Radiance, Iman Cosmetics, Kiss New York, and the darker shades of L'Oreal True Match. As a black woman finding makeup is a pain in the a**. It would be nice to have CVS, Walgreens, Target, and Walmart carry my kind of makeup. All I see is a sea of beige collecting dust. It sucks when there is a sale I can't participate, and I usually pay more than full price for my makeup. I do get lucky on occaision. For example I passed by an Ulta and I found the true match foundation in N8 for 2 dollars and some change. The powder was also dirt cheap too. Publix also had a dollar off each Covergirl product with a coupon and I topped it with the manufacturer's 3 dollars off coupon for a total of 5 dollars off. Having the products available makes me buy them.

    1. I think I'm really lucky that the Rite Aids here carry Black Radiance and Black Opal, and the displays are huge. I know certain CVS stores carry BR too, but none near me. :(

      Have you tried indie beauty supplies for Kiss? Just about all of them in my area carry Kiss andthe displays are huge!

  13. A big second on Essence and the LE Wet n Wild. Also Catrice and City Color.

  14. Jordana, Essence, & Hard Candy...I've only seen Jordana in one Walgreens in my area (Phila/NJ), Essence no where so far, & am told Hard Candy is only at Ulta. I'd also love to be able to buy NYX in someplace other than Ulta!

    1. Hard Candy is a Walmart exclusive. I also wish I had a Ulta! But luckily I can find Hard Candy!

    2. Hard Candy is exclusive to Wal-Mart, not Ulta.

  15. Jordana & NYX....I've only seen Jordana in 1 Walgreens in my area (Phila/NJ), & NYX is only at Ulta.

  16. Definitely, Essence. While I could just order it via, I'd prefer if I'd be able to have it in my hot little hand being it's one of those brands that I don't have anything for.

  17. I benefit so much from everyone else’s input, thought it was time to help a little with some links to store locators and info:

    NYX I started seeing these in my local Target recently and of course they are in Ulta/Ulta online.

    Essence: Ulta, HEB, Fred Myer, Ulta online; Shoppers Drug Mart & Pharmaprix in Canada

    Wet N Wild you can find the exact store.
    Their website re LE products says ‘Where can I get limited edition/promotional wet n wild items?
    “Unfortunately our limited edition/promotional items are seasonal and have only one production run. If you cannot find them in your area, they are probably sold out. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your interest. “ also other info at

    Jordana not all products in all retailers: Save Mart, Walgreens, Duane Reade, KMart
    Contact info here if you want to ask them

    Hard Candy – per online, exclusively at Wal-Mart

    Iman Cosmetics for stores; also online at Target, Walgreens, Wal-Mart, Sears,, Ulta)

    Black Radiance - Bartell Drugs, CVS, Discount Drug Mart, Duane Reade, Five Below, Fred Meyer, Kmart, Kroger, Meijer, PathMark, RiteAid, Roundy’s, ShopRite, Wakefern food, Walgreens, Walmart, Wegmans, Winn Dixie. I would imagine carried based on local demand. If it were me I’d contact one of those retailers I frequent and ask them which specific stores carry the line, or request they carry a good selection.

    L’Oreal True Match darker shades: You can click on any product at, and search for a Store Near You for that product. You can search just the True Match line and an individual color. E.g. If you have one you know works, you can also order online.

    Catrice – made by the same German company, Cosnova Beauty, that makes Essence and supposedly almost identical products in slightly different packaging. Catrice is only sold in Europe[0]=where&sword_list[1]=to&sword_list[2]=buy

    City Color Beauty – has an online site for all products since Feb 2013 and in some Rite Aid, I don’t know… anywhere else?

  18. Hard Candy, because there isn't a Walmart near me that carries them, and Essence, because neither of my local Ulta stores carries anything other than an always-picked-over selection of core nail polish.

  19. Sleek, Catrice, Collection 2000 and MeMeMe!

  20. Jane Cosmetics, Gosh, and Dessert Essence. I wish I didn't have to go deal with the massive lines at Walmart (already out of my way) for Hard Candy and Flower. Also, all the Walgreens around me have slim pickings when it comes to Jordana and I really wish I could try blushes, for example.

  21. Bourjois! I hear so many good things about this brand on YouTube from girls who live in the UK and I'd really like to try it!

  22. NYX--it's available at Ulta but the one by me always has displays that are decimated. I really hope they roll the full line out at Target soon.

    e.l.f.--I feel like Target only has a partial selection and there are many more products I'd like to get my hands on that they don't seem to carry.

    1. I totally agree about NYX displays looking horrid. Practically all the items have been swatched since they are not sealed. Youtubers can rave all they want on those Lip Butters and other NYX stuff but I can't stomach trying to buy them when they have all been opened & touched by other people. I don't care if the lip gloss or blush is $5 & has great pigmentation & formula; I'm not buying it if it looks like garbage.

  23. Ugh, I have a lot of answers for this - I wish NYX and Essence weren't just at Ulta around here, I wish my Walgreens carried the full Jordana line, and I wish all of my CVSs carried the full line of Milani. They only place I can find all of the Color Statement lipsticks is at Walmart, and Walmart is a little farther from my house than the CVSs.

  24. I have never found a NYX display and it is so upsetting. I absolutely love your reviews of their products and I want to see them so bad! I am moving soon though so hopefully the new home will have a NYX display SOMEWHERE!

  25. I would love it if the UK brand Collection (2000) was sold in the USA.

  26. I wish I could access most of the brands mentioned in these posts. The Walmart nearest me isn't very nice. Ulta's a bit of a hake (maybe that's a good thing), and most store with e.l.f. cosmetics only have two out of six lipsticks, for example.

  27. Essence, Hard Candy, NYX, and DHC would be my top choices. And more La Roche Posay too.

  28. Attention a NYX fans: Sears website is now selling all NYX for 1/2 off reg price!!! They don't seem to have the whole range, but a decent selection anway. :D

  29. gotta repeat everyone here with essence and nyx: i don't really have easy access to any ulta's near me :(
    for something somewhat new, i'd like to see elf with a more full range in more drugstores! i went to the one target that carries elf near me and i was surprised when i tried to look for lipsticks and eyeshadows and found none O_o it was weird...

  30. I would love to try FLOWER, but my 3 Wal-Mart's and even the SUPER Wal-Mart don't carry it! Jordana would be great to have more of here, other than just a few products at Walgreen's. I really want Jessie's Girl/Julie G - there are NO Rite Aid's here! GRRRRR!

  31. I would have to say sleek makeup ( ordering online is always a big ordeal- I wind up having to contact CS 5 times because I don't get a confirmation email or their sagepay isn't working- it would be awesome if it was readily available here! I also <3 MUA but their online ordering is easy so not as big a deal.. I think both companies would do amazing in the USA.. Just sayin

  32. I'd like to try Essence, no Ulta's around here. The only one I've been to out of state didn't carry them. I'd also like to find Misa polishes somewhere, to try a few. I'm going to have to order online one of these days and hope they're good. I could go on and on, it's like I live in a black hole, nothing ever comes here. All our stores carry the exact same things, and only Meijer ever gets any of the LE stuff, so if I don't find it right away, I might as well hang it up. *sigh* Hard to believe I live in a city with over 33,000 people, 30 minutes away from TWO major universities.

  33. NYX nail polish.......I can't find it anywhere here in Austin, TX. I lucked out last weekend on a trip to East TX; a bargain jewelry/clothing store had a fantastic selection of NYX cosmetics and nail polishes. The polish was only $1!!! I bought twelve bottles (gulp). This August I'm going to Scotland for ten days, so guess what my "souveniers" will be from my trip?? Sleek, Barry M, and Max Factor's "Fantasy Fire"......forget a kilt, I'm buying makeup and nail polish!!


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