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Sunday, December 2, 2012

The CVS Beauty Clearance Sale is back

Comments are now closed on this post.
The Master List has been moved to this post.
Thanks for your help and cooperation! 


  1. So does this mean that the Wet n Wild single eyeshadows are getting discontinued? If so I hope I can still find a few in Brulee to stock up!

    1. I was just about to ask the same thing! This sale is great but I would hate it if these items become unavailable after!!!

    2. Not necessarily. Based on several of the previous CVS Beauty clearance Sales, I can say with certainty that not all items that are on clearance during these sales end up being discontinued (although many of them do). I'll do my best to find out if the singles are being discontinued though, and when I find out anything, I'll for sure do a post about it.

    3. omg, i remember the last clearance scare with me and i got a couple Brulee backups and then i still see them at Rite Aid and such. LOLLL. i really hope they don't get rid of it.

      but damn, those Milani Lip flash pencils are going on clearance? i've wanted to try them, guess i have an excuse now. LOL

  2. yay! you're the best!! would never ever know about any awesome deals if it weren't for your blog!

  3. Ohhhh I love this time of year. Thanks for letting us all know about the clearance. We love u ;)

  4. I believe I will be picking up some of those Milani polishes!

  5. I hope the Milani HD nail colors & Wet n Wild items aren't being discontinued, but I will definitely buy some on sale just in case. I bet the Milani nail polishes would be awesome for frankening!

  6. I love this! Last year, I put together a cosmetic gift bag for both of my sisters for Christmas because of this sale. Hooray!

  7. Yay, here we go again! I need a cream blush for my super parched skin right now, maybe something like this will show up! I hope I can get to a CVS soon! We are going out of town this weekend and maybe I can get to one then! Yippee!

  8. Oh! So the Revlon's Age Defying foundation, I believe it is all shades.
    The Magic Souffle was select shades.
    There were also:
    Revlon concealer
    Revlon's Brow Enhancer
    Revlon's Lash Fantasy
    Revlon's Photo Ready Compact Makeup - all of the Revlon on sale are 75% off

    Milani had Glitzy Eye retractable eyeliner for 75% off in all shades except black on sale.
    & Maybelline had select shades of their lipsticks on sale for 50% off. I think some were the plum colors and the other was a coral.

  9. Oh-My-G!!!! I hope this CVS clearance sale has hit East Coast because that's where mine are. Looks like I'm going to stroll by my local one to see if the clearance started there. Thank you!

  10. yes! i'm not sure what is wrong with my cvs but last time you posted a sale - i went to my CVS and NOTHING was on sale from your list... ever. it was so bizarre!

    1. i have the same problem with my local CVS. they never have the clearance sales, and they never get any of the limited edition stuff, the new WnW palettes, and they havent got the Khroma by the Kardashians either. The employees look at me like Im nuts when I ask about them hahaa. Im going to drive to another CVS that is in a bigger city and see if they have anything good :)

    2. Hey, when you guys say that your stores don't have anything on clearance, are you actually taking any of the products listed above to the scanner and to see if they come up on clearance in the system? Like I mentioned above, just because there are no sales signs or stickers doesn't mean the products aren't on clearance in the SYSTEM.

      Now, if you have scanned some items that you see listed above and they DON'T come up on clearance in the system, it might be that the CVS you're visiting is located in a popular tourist area (those locations sometimes don't participate in sales and clearance sales).

      Hop that helps.

    3. Yup, I grab a basket and throw everything I like in there (i also print a copy of your master list and take it with me !!!) and then go to the scanner and check everything.

      I never even thought of the popular tourist area thing...that would make sense. I live in Amish country (why people come here for touristy things i will never know...but i digress...hahah)and people come here all year around for that, as well as for our massive amount of shopping outlets. thanks for the tip!

    4. I have to add that I live in NYC and I missed a couple of these sales because I would stop in, not see any stickers and leave thinking of course nothing is on sale in Manhattan. Or I'd scan a few items and nothing would come up. The sale a year ago, I went a little nuts because I got things on clearance a few weeks after everyone on here and all because I decided to just scan the items. A few had stickers but most just scanned on sale. Then they had another clearance sale earlier this year and a huge Milani sale too. I got a ton of things because they scanned on clearance at least 2 weeks before they put the stickers out. Definitely scan the items you want. If it doesn't work, try again next week :)

  11. Just what I was waiting for....thanks girl. I just have to try those Milani Lip pencils. I just love ur blog :)

  12. Yay! I hope some products that I've been "holding myself back" for go on clearance.

  13. I scored all the Milani HD nailpolishes I didn't already own- they are SUCH a great formula, it would be tragic if they were discontinued- and a Lip Flash pencil too, and also some more Shimmer Strips Gel Liners from PF because my original set has started to dry up/be used up. they didn't have the set for green eyes which I wanted so i got the brown eyes set with the shimmering gold one.

  14. Last time I called all the local CVS and asked if they had clearance stuff and they all said no but I decided to go check just in case. Everything scanned as clearence so it's better to just go check it out yourself

  15. Sigh, I live in Oregon. No CVS! I will, however, vicariously live through all your amazing purchases!

    1. I have found a few shade of Milani Lip Flash pencils on clearance at Walgreens recently, Neutrogena blush/bronzer duo and Revlon polish (the one that it black with silver glitter? LE I think it's called Sparkle Aplenty?

  16. There are a ton all over the place at my CVS...was in a rush, so I didn't have time to note more. I was mainly on the lookout for polishes.

    Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear (select shades): 50%
    Sally Hansen Smooth & Perfect (select shades): 50%
    Sally Hansen Insta-dri (select shades): 50%
    Orly (select shades): 50% ("It's Up to Blue" is one of them)

    Revlon nail polish (75%): Mischievous, Minted, Tangerine, Sunshine Sparkle
    Revlon Top Speed nail polish (75%): Vintage, Hazy, Stormy, Guava, Cupid, Cloud, Electric, Emerald, Metallic, Varnished, Golden, Ignite, Royal, Jelly

    There are additional shades of Revlon included in the clearance...these were just my haul!

  17. Yay!

    Thank you so much G for letting us know about this! I have a good excuse to stop by my CVS today (and I have to since my bank is nearby and I gotta deposit a check!)

    w00t! I was wishing Milani eyeshadows were gonna be on sale (I've been literally waiting for this clearance sale, LOL) but we'll have to see!!!!!

    Thanks again and hope you're having a great Monday!

    Stay warm!

  18. w00tw00t!

    Thank you so much for the heads up G! I have your site bookmarked and constantly refresh it on my iPhone as well!

    I've literally been waiting for this sale for the longest time so that I could try some Milani products! I wish they would have put some of their eyeshadows on sale ): but we'll see! Maybe they'll add more! (:

    Anyways, yay! I'm so happy because I have to go to the bank today (or early tomorrow) and my CVS is feet away from it! YAY, haven't been to the drugstore since getting the wetnwild holiday palettes over three weeks ago..O__O;;

    Thanks so much! I hope you're having a great Monday and stay warm! It's cold here in SoCal!!!


  19. The only cover girl lip perfection lipstick I found marked down was enamor. the physicians formula gel eyeliner for blue and brown eyes is marked down. In one CVS the Revlon colorburst lipsticks scanned as $2.49 in another $2.62. No biggie.

  20. I saw your post this morning and went to CVS! None of the stuff you mentioned were stickered but they rang up on with the clearance price! :)

  21. This will pair excellently with the CVS $10 for $20 Living Social Voucher that's being offered right now!

  22. yayy i just went out and got all of the following for $15!! (saving $34!!!!)
    - 3 milani lip flash jumbo pencils
    - opi nicole naiilpolish in "rainbow in the s-kylie" (deborah lip. happy birthday dupe!)
    - revlon colorburst lipstick in "baby pink"
    - revlon nailpolish in "minty"

    thank you for your hard work on such an amazing blog!

  23. Darn! I wish I had read this post before stopping at a CVS on my way to work. My CVS didn't have any clearance stickers on anything yet, though.

  24. Hello everyone!Long time lurker, finally made an account!!
    Does cvs respect bogo50%off on clearance items? 'cause they're having milani and pf BOGO50%OFF this week...

    1. Absolutely not. :( If you look at the weekly ads, you'll see that they even make it a point to say ”excludes clearance” when they list sales for the week. I think Walgreens is the only drugstore that allows bogos to apply to clearance items (Rite Aid will sometimes allow clearance items to count for +up deals but not bogos).

      Hope that helps, and yay for delurking!!! Welcome! :)

    2. :(
      oh well, I still have a "SAVE $1 on ANY L'Oreal lip product" coupon from redplum:)
      Thank you.

  25. I just went out to two of the CVS nearby and I saw more of the Revlon stuff on clearance. Among the Revlon Nail Enamel:
    - Mischievous
    -Sunshine Sparkle
    -Blue Lagoon
    and maybe some other colors that are 75% off.
    Selected Revlon Top Speed nail polishes 75% off.
    There is a Revlon Brow Highlighter Duo (can't remember the exact name) but one side is a taupe and another is a highlighter on the other end and it's 75% off. Revlon also has a Concealer (the one you twist open and there's a sponge doe tip) in Light Medium for 75% off, it's only $2.49 now.
    -Revlon PhotoReady Compact Make Up (foundation) 75% off

    Milani has those Crystal Intense eyeshadow in a tube for 75% off and Milani's art nail polishes, the one with the thin brushes to do nail art is also 75% off.

    To confirm - Physician's Formula Shimmer Strips Gel Cream Eyeliner for Brown Eyes, Blue Eyes and the Glam Eyes (w/ gold, bronze and black with bronze shimmer) is 50% off.

  26. YES! Thanks for letting me know! I just got back from CVS with THE FULL SET ALL 6 Milani 3D HOLOGRAPHIC polishes! SCORE! $1.37 EACH.... 2 of Milani ONE COAT GLITTERS and 2 from the regular collection! YAY!!!

  27. During the Thanksgiving and after Thanksgiving Sale weekend, I bought 2 Revlon Lip Butters and one Super Lusterous lipstick and got $12 ExtraCare Bucks back (because they had $4 extrabuck per liptick, so I've been holding out for the perfect sale. G...this Clearance sale could not get here at a more perfect timing and so like the opportunist that I am, I got:
    -Physician's Forumula Shimmer Strips Gel Cream liner Trio in Brown eyes - $5.75
    -Revlon Enamel Nail Polish in Tangerine $1.49
    -Revlon Enamel nail Polish in Sunshine Sparkle $1.49
    -2 Wet n Wild Brulee .99 cent each
    -2 Wet n Wild Nutty .99 cent each
    Paid it with my $12 Extrabucks and only paid the remaining balance plus tax- $1.32.
    Went to my other CVS and got the Revlon Colorburst in Rosy Nude because the CVS I went before only had a lot of Red/fushia and baby pink lipsticks and I wanted to try Rosy Nude and I got it for $2.62.

    I've been wanting to wait for a WnW BOGOFree sale to use my extrabuck reward money to those single eyeshadows and also buy those PF gel liners, but this is a good time as any to do my beauty shopping. I love the PF Gel Cream liners.

  28. Yay! I got three of the Revlon ColorBurst lippies.. hehe and I was able to get the Wet & Wild Limited Edition Sparkle til Morning! Double win! :D

  29. Hey beauties! When I heard about this sale, I went to my local CVS right after class and scored some awesome deals! I'm not afraid to admit that I use these kinds of sales to freshen up my makeup collection, and as a college student, the lower the prices, the better! And with coupons stacked on top of these discounts, you can save even more!

    Here's what I got:

    Revlon Colorstay liquid liner in Blackest black $2.12
    Revlon Growluscious lash liner in Emerald $2.25
    Revlon Photoready cream blush in Coral Reef $3.12
    Revlon Just Bitten Kissable balm stain in Crush $2.22
    Physician’s Formula Eye Booster liner in Ultra Black with bonus eyelash curler $ 2.62
    Sally Hansen complete salon manicure in Right Said Red $3.89 – CVS coupon $2.00 off = $1.89

    I paid a total of $15.39 for all this wonderful makeup and saved $42.92 

    1. OMG!!! That's great! When I was there this morning nothing was marked but I was able to get the Revlon Color Burst Lippies hehehe

    2. I'll have to check out if I can get a Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain in Crush too. I've been wanting to try it, but was unwilling to shell out 8-9$ to do so. Thanks for letting us know. OMG! Another Physican's Formula item on clearance. Man, I'll be hitting up CVS again this week for sure. Thanks. I got 7 items using my $12 extrabucks and saved about $30 dollars in the purchase. LOVE IT!

    3. Is the PF Eyebooster liner the thin liner in the silver packaging or the chubby one? I'm hoping for silver packaging - that is my favorite liner and mine just ran out!

    4. @Melissa Clendenin: The PF liner I got is thin and silver

  30. Dang, I'm going to have to go back to CVS later today! I didn't read the comments before hitting the sale and it sounds like I missed out on some goodies!

    I did bring home Revlon "Minted", the green Milani 3D holo, and a Wet n Wild Wild Shine lipstick in "Lustful". Less than $5 for everything! :D

  31. Woohoo! This is great news I just scored a Living Social deal on a CVS gift card...CVS here I come!

  32. The Milani Runway Eyes eyeshadows (the six long strip pans) were on sale for 75% off!

    There are a few shades of regular Milani nail polish on 75% off - Mint Candy is the only name I remember for sure, but I think they also had Pretty in Porcelain and Pink Mylady, plus a clear holo glitter topcoat and a shimmery red I can't remember the names of. My CVS doesn't carry the 3D glitters, the lip pencils, OR the lipsticks, oy.

    The Rimmel Clean Finish foundation is 50% off.
    L'oreal Telescopic Explosion mascara also 50% off.

    Gray Suede is one of the Revlon nail polishes that's on sale!
    The Revlon Grow Luscious eyeliners were 75% off as well.

    Most of them weren't stickered, but many of the things that went on clearance at Wag's in the past month or two are also on sale. Make sure to scan them if you missed them there!

  33. WOW, thank you SO much, everyone, for all of this fantastic info. I've updated this post three times so far today to include all of your info--I honestly can't thank you enough for the updates--this helps SO many of us!

    Every time I do a big update, I'll leave a comment here. :)

    Thanks again and happy bargain shopping!
    G. xoxo

    1. thank you for updating these. I always print your lists off and take them to the store. You mentioned that some touristy areas might not partake in the clearance, and I think that may be the deal with the CVS closer to home, so I plan on hitting up a different one after work. I'll post anything I find :)

  34. Thank you SO MUCH for this post, G!

    My store didn't have signs, but sure enough when I took things up to scan, they were on clearance. I bought four Milani HD nail polishes for $1.37 each, and a bunch of WnW Brulee eyeshadows half-off. I'm going to go to a different store later today too!

    1. I know! My CVS store didn't have any of the stickers on for clearance. I had to take a bus to another CVS that had Nutty and Brulee and buy most of my wish listed items there. That store actually had some stickers marking them clearance, but they didn't put the stickers on WnW eyeshadows and Physician's Formula stuff on, I guess that would draw too much of a crowd to buy them. Only people who got insider's info or read this blog would know of such a sale.

      G..This is like my one year anniversary with your blog. I only learnt of these CVS beauty clearances from Jen FrmHeadtoToe and she mentioned your blog last year and I've been following this blog ever since. Thanks for the beauty news updates and sales. Love these savings.

  35. they have some of the revlon lip butters on sale too I got 3 for 1.95 a piece

    1. Which colors were you able to get? I scanned a few hoping they would be on sale, but they weren't for me :(

    2. Strawberry shortcake, sugar plum and pink truffle

  36. Anyone in PA have luck with this sale? Went to CVS just a few minutes ago and there were no stickers but I scanned a few Orlys and Nicole by OPI's and all came up as regular price :(

    1. I'm in PA, went to 2 CVS's today, none had clearance stickers out but what I checked from the list all rang up clearance!

  37. Some physician's formula skin care is also on sale. I picked up an eye cream for about $5 and it used to be $20

  38. I just ran into another girl stalking the cvs sale. She said she thought she was the only one in town who looked up nouveau cheap on her phone. We are legion!! LOL.

    1. G., that just made me grin from ear to ear! Thanks so much for making my day and LOL at "we are legion"!!!! :) xoxo

  39. Photoready cream blush in Coral reef didn't ring up on clearance for me, sadly. =( (yes, I scanned it!)

  40. I went to CVS today and found the following not listed: Milani HD Advanced Lip Color for $2.07 each and the Revlon Colorstay Brow Enhancer for $2.49.

    Milani Lip Flash and Lipstick was on sale as you listed.
    I tried about 3 different Cover Girl Lip Perfections and all were full price. Hope others can let us know which colors are the ones on sale.

  41. Just got back CVS and they hadn't marked anything yet. I ended up with some WnW makeup listed up top, and WnW Mega Volume mascara, which also rang up 50% off. With my $4 in rewards, I paid only $1.28 out of pocket. Thanks for keeping an updated list, G!! I plan on going to another CVS tomorrow before work with a list from here.

  42. This is what I found today:

    Revlon Colorstay Brow Enhancer- $2.49
    Milani HD Advanced Lip Color- $2.07 (I got 4 of them!)
    Milani Lip Flash- $1.95

    I tried to scan about 3 different CG Lip Perfections and none were on sale. Would love to know what colors others have found on sale.

    My store's Revlon Colorbusts and blushes were sold out! I am thinking I might go to another one tonight... Such good deals!

    Plus, I had a 20% off total purchase coupon (I got in in my email and sent it to my card for printout) and the $5 beauty rewards.

  43. Thanks for sharing! I just went in and got some stuff! I wanted to let you know OPI nail polishes 'Wear something spar-kylie' and 'Disco Dolls' are also on sale 50% off.

    Also, the L'Oreal Wear Infinite Studio Secrets eye shadow quads are 50% (all shades as far as I can tell)

  44. Hahaha 55 comments already!

    I love this time of year!!!! CVS clearance sales are so freaking awesome. I haul a lot during these sales.

    Thank you to G, Lisa, and everyone who is contributing clearance item info!! ^^

    I'll be making my list and going shopping later this week. ^.^ Hope I'm not too early or too late on these items.

  45. Picked up Revlon Grow Luscious Eyeliner in Emerald, Top Speed in Royal, and WNW Nutty Singlet for a total of $5.55. Not too shabby!!

    I find the CVS' near my office usually aren't picked through because they are in an office heavy area and people don't shop for their makeup there. I foresee a lunch run tomorrow!

  46. I'm sure this has been mentioned before, but if you go to your CVS and don't see the clearance tags, take it to the scanner because the sale price is already in the computer. I just came from CVS like an hour ago and only a few items had clearance tags, but the sales lady was in the process of marking everything, so I just took some items to the scanner and they came up the clearance price.

    1. Yep, I try to say that every time they run this clearance sale (I even put it in all caps at the top of this post) but it seems like no matter what I do, people always miss that tip! :(

      So thanks for saying it again here in the comments! :)

  47. Thank you sooooooooooooo much! My friend shared this link on a group we belong to and thanks to this info I just scored 6 Milani 3D polishes, 2 lip flashes, 1 crystal eyez and 2 WnW single shadows for under $18!!!! made my day! :)

    1. Aaaw, please tell your friend I said thanks for sharing my link on your group! :) and congrats on your haul!

  48. Do you need the cvs card to get the clearance items?

    1. I THINK so, but its been so long since I haven't had one that I can't remember for sure. I would call and ask to be sure. Just be sure you ask if CLEARANCE items are valid for non-members (as opposed to sale items).

  49. I bought Revlon "Blue Lagoon" for $1.57, Nicole by OPI "Khloe had a little Lam-lam" and "Back to Reality" for $3.99 each, and Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure "Midnight in NY" for $4.25.

  50. I scanned my CVS card and a $2 off any Sally Hansen Salon Complete Nail Polish coupon printed out. I scanned a few polishes and they were all $4.99. I bought Plum Luck.

  51. Some of the Revlon lip butters are on sale. I didn't take the time to scan all of them, but I got Red Velvet, Strawberry Shortcake, Sugar Frosting, and Pink Truffle all for $2.07 each.

    I also got the Kate Moss for Rimmel lipstick in 15.

    And CoverGirl Lip Perfection in Everlasting.

    Revlon polish in Mistletoe.

    I think that's all that I noticed that I didn't already see mentioned. =]

  52. SEVERAL of the Revlon Lip Butters were 75% off at my CVS! I picked up Sugar Plum and Gumdrop for a little over $2 each, but there were at least 4-5 other shades on sale including Peach Parfait.

    1. What does that mean? Doesn't seem like Revlon is discontinuing Lip Butters, is this just getting rid of 2011-2012 product and making room for new, fresh product for 2013? I would cry if they do discontinue it.

    2. They will introduce a new set of shades. last year some shades went on clearance and they were phased out to make way for new ones.

  53. Omg, they have orly? Can someone who is awesome test out and scan all the colors and tell me which ones are on sale? I don't know where the nearest Cvs, but if they have some good orly s I will have to go!

  54. My CVS has no stickers, so I was walking the store back and forth scanning the Revlon items. LOL. Only one scanner box in the store! But I got 4 Revlon ColorBurst lipsticks, the Revlon PhotoReady Compact Make Up, the Revlon ColorStay Blemish Concealer, and the Revlon ColorStay Brow Enhancer in Blackened Brown/Taupe. I spent less than $20 and saved $55!! Thank you so much for this and I'll be checking my other CVS as well!

  55. I got a Revlon Mineral Blush in Petal for $3.82 and a WnW Princess bronzer for $1.49. I also got the OPI kardasian Kimpletely in love nail polish for 3.99. I scanned all of the Revlon Lip butters at my CVS, but none of them were on sale. They had the bogo 50% off listed, but that was it. :(

  56. Oh gosh I'm just interested in the Revlon products... I need to check if the lip butters are on sale on my area! In one of my local CVS the Photoready cream blush was not on sale but on the other one it was!! Weird!

  57. I just came back! i only caught one item not mentioned in all above comments/post
    Milani- disco lights.

    btw My cvs lady (the first trip i went) asked if i wanted to input my email, im not sure how it worked but i got 4 dollars off the 4 milani polishes i was purchasing. all in all i got about 20$ worth of product for *drum roll* 1.33 cents. i have been blissful since i got back... lol

  58. Yay! I can finally contribute! CoverGirl Lip Perfection Lipstick in Delish 50% off (I'm in Northern California).

  59. Is this fate or what?! For absolutely no reason today, I moseyed on into CVS and spent a good twenty minutes perusing the cosmetics aisle, mentally compiling a list of items/colors that interested me... only to come home and find that the Beauty Clearance sale is happening! ;___; Here's hoping that I can still find the things I want after work tomorrow (sigh)

    Thanks so much for keeping us posted, G! :)

  60. My store didn't have the clearance sale :-(
    The same items were buy one get one 50% off.

  61. like i said none of the items rang up on clearance just buy one get one free...i'm in the DC area. i saw some PA people didn't get the sale either. maybe its a west coast thing?

    1. I'm in Ohio and I was able to Take advantage of this. Like some have said above, touristy areas don't always have these types of sales. So maybe that's why.

    2. Check back next week. I'm on the east coast and the sale usually rings up later than everyone else it seems. Plus one of my cvs doesn't ever put stickers on things on sale.

  62. Today I got two L'Oreal 24hr infallible shadows for 75% off. They are Sultry Smoke and Continuous Cocoa. They were the only two I found.

  63. Also (not sure if all of them) REVLON Just Bitten "Kissable" balm Stain are %75Off
    Here's my list:
    Revlon JustBitten Lipstain+Balm in DAWN $2.37
    Revlon Justbitten Kissable Balmstain in 050/PRECIOUS $2.37
    Revlon ColorBurst in 030/FUCHSIA $2.62
    Revlon Colorstay Blemish Concealer in 610/FAIR $2.62
    Revlon Photoready Concealer in 002/LIGHT $2.62
    WetNwild Ultimate Match Foundation in 854A/NUDE $2.49
    + a 20% coupon and CA taxes====a total of $13.00!!! $40+ in savings!!

  64. Tami F- the CVS at 19th and H had stuff on clearance! I realize the DC area is kinda big, but the stores are running them.

  65. I have been to two local CVS stores. In my area, the Revlon Just Bitten Balm Stain in Crush, the Revlon PhotoReady Cream Blush in Coral Reef and the Milani Crystal Eyez scanned at full price at both stores. The Colorburst lipsticks and the Grow Luscious Lash Liner in Emerald were on clearance.

  66. So I took a lunch hour drive to the countryside where there is the only CVS within 50 miles of where I live and found that none of the brands that had a buy one/get one 50% off was clearance priced. I only got Revlon ColorStay Concealer in Light/Medium for $2.62 and Grow Luscious Eyeliner in Onyx which is my holy grail so I get one when ever they are showing up on clearance. I think I have a 4 back ups now anyway I believe this one was about $2.62 also. None of the Revlon nail polish or lip products were marked down. I think this CVS is the worst one in world. I am going out of town for the weekend and will be checking all CVS's that I find! LOL!

  67. Revlon Top Speed in Spice it Up is also 75% off :)

  68. Here is what i found:

    REVLON ColorBurst Lip Butter (75% off)
    005 Sugar Frosting
    060 GumDrop
    001 Pink TRuffle
    025 Peach Parfait
    085 Sugar Plum
    080 Strawberry Cupcake
    010 Raspberry Pie
    065 Creamsicle

    REVLON ColorBurst Lip Gloss (75% off)
    002 Crystal Lilac
    012 Orchid
    030 Bronze
    042 Bellini
    040 Crystal Water

    REVLON Colorstay Creme Gel Eyeliner (75% off)
    003 Plum
    004 Charcoal

    RIMMEL 50% off
    Glam Eyes HD Colors (all)
    GLam Eyes Quad Eye Shadows (all)

    RIMMEL Lipstick (50% off)
    700 Iced Coffee
    520 Violet Pop
    360 Fancy

    Physicians Formula Shimmer Strips Kohl Kajal Eyeliner Trio (75% 0ff)
    ( brown, green, hazel, blue )

  69. Here is what i found:

    REVLON ColorBurst Lip Butter (75% off)
    005 Sugar Frosting
    060 GumDrop
    001 Pink TRuffle
    025 Peach Parfait
    085 Sugar Plum
    080 Strawberry Cupcake
    010 Raspberry Pie
    065 Creamsicle

    REVLON ColorBurst Lip Gloss (75% off)
    002 Crystal Lilac
    012 Orchid
    030 Bronze
    042 Bellini
    040 Crystal Water

    REVLON CustomEyes Eyeshadows (75% off , All)

    REVLON PhotoReady Mascara(75% off)
    002 3D Volume Black

    REVLON Colorstay Mineral Blush (75% off, All)

    REVLON Colorstay Creme Gel Eyeliner (75% off)
    003 Plum
    004 Charcoal

    RIMMEL 50% off
    Glam Eyes HD Colors (all)
    GLam Eyes Quad Eye Shadows (all)

    RIMMEL Lipstick (50% off)
    700 Iced Coffee
    520 Violet Pop
    360 Fancy

    RIMMEL (50% off)
    Lasting Finish Foundation (various)
    Match Perfection Foundation (various)
    Match Perfection Skin Tone Concealer (various)

    NYC (50% off)

    NYC Metro Quartet Eye Shadow (various)

    NYC Individual Eyes Custom Compact (various)
    # 940
    # 942
    # 943

    Physicians Formula Shimmer Strips Kohl Kajal Eyeliner Trio (75% 0ff)
    ( brown, green, hazel, blue )

  70. Milani HD Advanced Lip Color in 102/Classy Nude @ $1.99
    Milani Lip Flash (shimmer gloss pencil) in 01/LipFlash @1.87
    Milani lipstick in 53/barely there @ 1.62
    Milani Runway Eyes in 01/Designer Brows & 07/Ready To Wear @ $2.37 each
    Revlon Colorburst Lip Butters in 065/Creamsicle & 025/Peach Parfait @ $2.07 each
    Revlon Photoready Compact Makeup in 150/Shell @ $3.49
    Rimmel Clean Finish Foundation in 330/Sand @ $2.49
    WetNwild coloricon single in 251A/Brulee @.99

    you're welcome ;)

  71. I hope the PF eye boost liner in ultra black isn't being discontinued :(

  72. None of the lip butters, balm stains, or cream blushes were on sale at my CVS in St. Louis (I scanned them to be sure), but between this and a local supermarket who priced them at $2.31, I got most of the Colorburst lipstick shades. I already owned Peach, Plum, and Coral. I knew the CB ones were being DQ'd anyway, but I like them better than their Superlustrous line which I always found a little drying.

  73. I picked up today the following:

    Revlon @ 75%
    Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain in:
    All for 2.22 each
    Also Milani Lip Flash in News Flash for 1.87
    Milani 3D nail color for 1.17

  74. I found alot of NYC stuff 50% off
    Lippin Large lip Plumpers (looked like all the shades but a few were sold out)
    Sparkle eye dust (all colors)
    City Duet eye shadow's (looked like most of the shades)
    Metro quartet eye shadows (all colors)
    Physicians Formula Eye Booster™ 2-in-1 Day & Night Lash Boosting Serum (clear)

  75. I scanned a few of the Sally Hansen Nail Strips these were the ones that rang up $4.99 for me. Girl Flower, Collide-o-scope, Fly With Me, Cut It Out, Frock Star, Blue Ice, Bling It On, Raise A Glass, Aflorable, wild child.

  76. I'm from the North VA/DC Area and none of the Revlon Kissable Lip Balm stains are clearance, I had just took all of the shades to the scanners and they were not on clearance sale. I took the Lip Butters too and they were not part of the clearance sale here.

    However, I did go back to the Wet N Wild section and found that some of the Wet n Wild Mega Length and one other mascara, Mega Lash Mascara is 50% off. The Duo with the Mega Last Lip Stick with Lip Liner in Think Pink is 50% off now $1.99. The WnW MegaSparkle confetti in Pink Suger and I think White Icing is 50% off too.

    1. I've been to at least 6 CVS in this area and they only have a few items 50% nothing is 75% off yet...been checking everyday :(

  77. I got all four shades of the Grow Luscious liner on sale! :) I really love this product so I think I'll go back for another Espresso. (Sadly, I nabbed the last Onyx and Emerald :()

  78. * Physicians Formula Cashmere Blush in Rose - 50% off

  79. My nearby cvs had the maybelline dream smooth mousse foundation for 75%off. Awesome!

  80. Got the maybelline dream smooth mousse foundation in shade natural buff for 75% off..selected shades on sale

  81. I scanned several of the Milani one-coat glitters, along with some Revlon lip butters & Kissable Balm Stains - none were on clearance in my area (in CA), though other items were on (unmarked) clearance.

    So, perhaps some of the items vary by area?

  82. Sadly all of the Lip Butters or Bitten Stains were ringing up full price at the four CVS' I stopped at in Fort Wayne. I did pick up all the Milani HD shades and a few WnW brulee and nutty singles. Nothing was marked, so I tried scanning everything listed. I asked if everything had been marked and that manager said that it has. :(

  83. I LOVE YOU!


    I went to CVS the first time and found nothing with clearance tags. So I just left... but! I read in the comments about scanning the items!

    Which was incredible because I found so many good things! SCAN THE ITEMS! Thanks much.

  84. Stuff that hasn't been specifically mentioned (yet?)
    Milani core NP shades:
    A Rose Mylady (not Pink Mylady, I mixed it up with Tip Toe Pink!)
    Tip Toe Pink
    Diamond Dazzle (clear holo glitter topcoat)

    One Coat Glitters:
    Red Sparkle
    Silver Dazzle
    Blue Flash
    Purple Gleam

    ALL of the Runway Eyes shadow sets except for Primary, the rainbow colored one (i.e., the coolest looking one).

    Tip of the day: you will be tempted to rest your shopping basket against the edge of the (freestanding) coupon printer while you're scanning your unmarked clearance goodies. Don't do it, unless you want to stand there helplessly, watching it slooooowly tip backwards and crash to the floor. At best, it will flatten a Christmas display of Nips instead of landing with a sickening crunch of broken electronics. least, that's what I've heard. You know. From a friend.

    1. Lol! Thank your "friend" for the warning. I have been known to rest my basket against a coupon machine or two.

  85. Some of the stuff on this list is not on sale at my CVS. I scanned some things I wanted and they came up regular price. Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain (Crush), PhotoReady Cream Blush (Coral Reef), were not on clearance at my store. None of the lip butters either. :(

    1. Same here...only the Revlon nail polishes for me :(

    2. Ditto. None of lip stains, Colorstay liquid eyeliner, PF eyeliner or Kate Moss lipsticks were clearance. That was the main stuff I wanted. I went to 2 stores.

    3. Same here - I was bummed because I wanted to stock up on some Lip Butters. Wonder if it is a regional thing.

    4. Srsly, I paid $9 for red velvet the other day. Idk why they are always so over priced in Chicago.

  86. I went back and did a lot of scanning of select colors.

    --NOPI- $3.99
    Disco Dolls
    Wear Something Spar-Kylie
    Khloe Had A Little Lam-Lam
    Kendall on the Cat Walk

    --Revlon Lipstain 75%

    --Revlon Just Bitten 75%

    --Revlon Colorburst Lipgloss 75%
    Crystal Lilac
    Bronze Shimmer
    Crystal Water

    Revlon Lip Butters 75%
    Raspberry Pie
    Peach Parfait
    Pink Truffle
    Brown Sugar
    Strawberry Shortcake

    --Milani Nail Polish 75% (I went to 3 stores and the 3rd was the only one were they scanned clearance)
    Silver Dazzle
    Purple Gleam
    Blue Flash
    Red Sparkle

  87. I hit up my first CVS and found some additional items not mentioned previously.

    Revlon PhotoReady Airbrush Mousse Makeup in 080 Caramel (some other shades also)
    Revlon PhotoReady Color Correcting Primer
    Revlon ColorStay Whipped Creme Makeup in 340 Caramel (some other shades also)

    These were all 75% off. Unfortunately, I have noticed a troubling trend where a lot of the darker shades of Revlon are being marked down during the semi-annual sale and not being restocked in my local CVS stores. I am not sure if this is happening in just the area north of Dallas that I live in (since women of color are in the minority in my part of town) or if this is a widespread issue. Regardless, I am grateful for your blog which informs me of these sales so I have time to stock up on my favorite Revlon products at a discounted price before they are no longer in stock.

    Also here is a shopping tip: The CVS i visited tonight had very few clearance stickers on any of the items (out of the 14 items I purchased, none actually had a sticker on the item and only 1 or 2 had a sticker on the visible display). BUT on most of the displays, there is a hidden drawer below each section that contains UPC stickers for all of the items and these are where the round 75% off stickers were located. These stickers would not be visible at first. You must pull open the drawer to see the stickers. This is how I found the three items I mentioned above. It is still necessary to use the scanner to verify because in a lot of cases the clearance sticker is covering up the name of the shade when not all shades are on clearance and/or a worker could still have marked the wrong product with a sticker. But this is really helpful in reducing the number of items that you have to trek to the price scanner.

    1. Interesting....I went to three CVSs looking for the Whipped Creme makeup in Caramel. Only one even carried it in this shade (ugh!) and it wasn't marked down. This was in Jackson, MS.

      Thanks for the shopping tip though, I will check that out next time!

  88. At the store near me they did have some L'Oreal nail polishes for 50% off, it was only about 4-5 shades though.

    1. Oooh, really? I saw exactly one stickered at mine (Breaking Curfew, dark vampy purple/red) so I didn't even think to scan the rest. Do you remember what shades they were?

    2. The clearance stickers I saw were on 5 colors: a white one (maybe Satin Slippers?), two medium red colors and two dark colors-Breaking Curfew and one that was very similar. Maybe a dark brown.

    3. Neither of these was on sale at my San Diego store either. Nor was the Revlon Mistletoe nail color, Revlon Lipstain or the Lip Butters. Weird.

      I found the following on sale: Milani 3-D Holo nail polish, and nail art were 75%, WNW eye shadow singles, Revlon lipstick in the black quilted package also came up clearance.

    4. I saw a white color, 2 medium reds, and two dark, very similar colors on clearance at mine.

  89. WOW, thank you all SO much for all of these fantastic sightings! The level of detail you're including in your comments is INCREDIBLE and so helpful to me when updating this list. Wish I could hug each and every one of you right now!

    I just did a huge update, so any comments left after THIS comment have not been added to the list (I'll catch them on the next update).

    G. xoxo

    1. G can you please tell me if the Wet & Wild Mega Length mascara is going to be discontinued? That is my favorite mascara and I noticed that on Walgreens they had it as "Last Chance" and now its one sale in CVS too... Please let me if you can since you are an ambassador for the brand. Thank you I know you are so busy and thank you for putting this amazing blog I have been to my CVS more than 5 times this past 2 days trying to get my hands on all the Revlon lippies and discounts... hehehe

  90. Maybelline Color Sensational High Shine Lipstick all shades 50% off

  91. Hi G! I left a comment yesterday mentioning I found Revlon Colorburst Lipsticks on 75% clearance, but you have only mentioned Lip Butters. These are the ones that have the black quilted tops with the color of the lipstick on the top of the tube. There were only 5 shades out of 8 (?) left on display but all were clearance. The colors I bought were:

    --Candy Pink
    --Rosy Nude
    --Soft Nude
    --True Red

    Hope that helps!! <3


    1. ??? Check again, hun. I listed colorburst lipsticks (all shades) on day one. They've always been there. :)

    2. OK, that is so weird. After my first comment above, I went back to the list to double-checked and that listing was gone! I know it was there on the first day of this list, but I think that with all the cutting and pasting I've been doing, I accidentally deleted it. So THANK YOU for catching that. I really appreciate it, Toni. :)

    3. Thanks so much the list! I went to my local CVS today and they didn't have anything marked as being on clearance. So armed with your list on my phone I made best friends with the price checker machine and scored some fab deals! Thanks again!

    4. No stickers in my CVS but everything you mentioned that I scanned was clearance priced. Absolutely love getting a deal before the stickers go up and everything's picked through. You always have the best info, definitely my favorite blog. Thanks so much G!

  92. Hi everyone! I went to my local CVS in North Port, FL and found all of the Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stains, Just Bitten Lip Stains, ColorBurst Lip Butters, Age Defying Foundation, and ColorStay Whipped Creme Makeup for 75%. ALL SHADES! :D

    When I went to the checkout, the manager informed me that they had 300+ items to still be tagged and put into their database.

    I saved $64 dollars and will definitely be making another trip! :)

    Thanks G!

  93. Can i ask, if these products are on clearance, then does that mean they are going to be discontinued? I don't live in the US so i don't know but there's quite a few of my HG's from the list.

  94. I have never heard of this sale.. A little Christmas surprise for me, I am so excited. Thank you for putting this all together for us..

  95. I hope my CVS participates in this. Next time I go I'll see if some items scan. I got my fingers cross. Thanks for all your hard work, G!

  96. My CVS (in San Diego) didn't have lip butter and colorburst lip glosses on sale.
    They had "DC (discontinue)" marked on the ones that are on sale. I bought two Wet n Wild singles and a bronzer because they had "DC" marked on them.

  97. I'm so bummed!! I got up extra early so I could hit up my local CVS. But unfortunately they only have a few of the Mliani products listed on clearance:( I'm hoping that changes and I will be checking daily...Thank you soooooo much for this list!! I got so many things from the clearance list last year. I printed it and walked around the store scanning item after item..the employees must've thought I was crazy lol.

  98. Orly polishes hawaiian punch, its not me its you, supernatural, french manicure silk stocking

  99. Just got back from my CVS in Austin, TX, and I bought tons of stuff already listed but found another:

    REVLON CustomEyes Shadow & Liner, all shades, 75% off. I got Rich Temptations.

    1. I'm from Austin too but my CVS didn't have anything marked. Did you see any of the Lip Butters on sale? If so, which one did you go to?

  100. I went to CVS nothing was marked and I didn't find anything I had to have on sale. As I was walking out I saw a basket of 50-75% off items. Still nothing that I was looking for... So I'm going to try a different one tomorrow. I really want the lip butters, and photo ready foundation! Maybe some lip stains:) I hope I have better luck next time!!!!

  101. I'm soooo excited for this! Thanks for updating :)

    When I saw that the revlon lip butters were on the list I ran to my cvs and was very happy they still had them. When I scanned Gumdrop, it wasn't on sale. I was so disappointed.... :( but on the otherhand I got tons of new nail polishes! :D

  102. My CVS did not have the Colorburst lip butters or glosses on sale. But the lipsticks were, woohoo! I also found a great Nicole by OPI shade on sale.

  103. If you're looking for items from this list, take them to the price check scanner. None of the items I bought were marked, but rang as clearance. HTH good luck! :)

  104. I got Nicole OPI Rainbow in the Sky-lie (core Kardashian colors rang up on sale)
    Milani 3D Holographic polish in HD (only the 3D collection rang up on sale, none of the glitters, etc)
    Revlon Top Speed np in Cloud and reg. np in Blue Lagoon (some Revlon np rang up on sale and some didn't)
    and SH Salon Effects in Fly With Me (It was the only Salon Effects that rang up on sale)
    I rang up several other items from the master list (like the Revlon lip products, Almay mascara and CG foundation) and no dice, but I'm glad I found a few things I'd been wanting! Thanks for making this list :)

  105. boo, my cvs mostly had a bogo1/2 sale. i did get a few things on sale, though.
    i got both l'oreal color riche lip gloss in soft nude and l'oreal nail color in haute couture for 1/2 off. also, i got revlon tangerine nail polish for 75% off.

    it was disappointing only because i was really keen to see if they had the revlon colorstay whipped creme makeup on sale.

  106. Thank you so much for doing this!
    I just went to two CVSs and neither had ANY clearances marked. At the first, I found a bunch of stuff on the list that I wanted ring up on clearance...but other things ring up full-price (Revelon lip butters and kissable balm stains) so I passed on them. BUT at the second CVS those things came up on clearance! So, i win. Spent $25 on like $80 worth of stuff

  107. Okay so I went to three stores today in the Jackson, MS area. One isn't participating in the sale (yet?). One didn't have the things I wanted, so I didn't scan anything. A third is definitely participating, and here is my haul:

    Milani 3D Holographic in Cyberspace (the blue one) - $1.37
    Revlon Grow Luscious Lash Liner in 004 Emerald - $2.37
    Milani Lip Flash in 01 Lip Flash (brown) - $1.87

    I saw the Revlon Whipped Creme Makeup in Caramel, but it rang up regular price on the scanner. :(

    Also, here's a couple products to add to the list:

    Black Radiance Indelibly Sheer Lip Tints regular $2.99, sale $1.49 (50% off)
    Black Opal Patent Lips regular $7.99, sale $3.49 (50% off)

    Unfortunately G, the Black Radiance primer is not on clearance.

    Hope this helps!

    1. I never see anyone from Jackson!!! I thought I was the only one who know about this wonderful blog. What CVS did you got to?

    2. *blushes* I went to two more after I made this comment! I found the sales at the one on Canton Mart & I-55 in front of the NE Jackson YMCA.

    3. I'm planning on going to that one to day too. :) But check out the one on state and meadowbrook nothing is marked but they have most of the things on the list.
      One question have you seen any of the le wet n wild pallets anywhere?

    4. Oh, don't enable me, I haven't been to that one (yet?)! The only place I saw the LE Wet n Wild palettes was at the Walgreens on Ridgewood over a month ago. Even then, the display was picked over. Sorry :/

  108. Just checked my CVS. The Maybelline Color Sensational High shine lipsticks in the all silver packaging are 50% off. Also, the Revlon Photoready foundation in Rich Ginger is 75& also.

  109. I just had hip surgery two weeks ago, and I'm on crutches. But I needed to go to the pharmacy anyway for some pain medicine. Was going to wait till hubby got home to take me, but I was afraid nothing would be left by the time we got there. I went at noon today and the Revlon and Milani displays were picked over pretty good. I managed to snag $50 of stuff, and saved $150 :D It was very difficult to do this on crutches, but I managed. Took me over an hour though. . . Nothing in my CVS store was marked, so I don't know how everyone else knew. I guess there are a lot of people in Sacramento that read your blog XD Thanks again!!!

  110. My local CVS disn't have the lip butters or the balm stains by Revlon on clearance. Just the bogo sale that they are running. I was kinda bummed.

  111. After a couple rounds of hitting up CVS clearance sales in the past, this is the first time that things on the master list have been full price (at all 3 of my stores). G or anyone else - do you know if some things just don't go on clearance in some regions/stores, or will the clearance prices come in later?

  112. My CVS has the Revlon Colorstary Aqua mineral make up for 75% off. I only checked the lightest shade, that being the one I needed!

  113. Okay, so I have a couple of things to add/some more details about items:

    Milani Glitzy Eyes Retractable Eyeliner - Terra Brown, Blue Topaz (Purple DID NOT ring up on clearance)
    Milani HD Advanced Lip Color (all shades)
    Milani Lipsticks (Barely There, Orange-Ina, Red Label, Rose Hip) <-- I honestly think they're all on sale.
    L'Oreal Colour Riche Nail Colors (Haute Couture Red)
    Physician's Formula Shimmer Strips Gel Cream Eyeliner Trios (Glam Eyes - Brown)
    Physician's Formula Various eyeshadow palettes (Seems to be only Pop!/Eye Candy/Smoky (for eye color) palettes)
    Rimmel Lip Glosses (Moisture Renew Line - Purple Rescue, not sure about other shades)
    Sally Hansen Insta-Dri polishes (Magenta Motion is the only one I found on clearance)

    For those of you in Central NJ, I went to two different CVS stores to see what they had. Nothing was marked down, and there were quite a few items on the master list that aren't ringing up as clearance here (listed below). Some of these are BOGO1/2OFF this week, so maybe they'll change on Sunday? A girl can hope lol.

    Almay Get Up & Grow Mascara
    Milani Nail Lacquers (currently BOGO1/2OFF in this week's ad)
    Milani One Coat Glitter Nail Polishes ("")
    Revlon Colorburst Lip Butters ("")
    Revlon Colorstay Creme Gel Eyeliner (reg. price)
    Revlon Colorstay Liquid Eyeliner (reg. price)
    Revlon Top Speed Nail Polish - Mistletoe (currently BOGO1/2OFF in this week's ad)
    L'Oreal HiP Eyeshadow Duos (reg. price)
    L'Oreal Infallible Eyeshadows ("")
    NYC Individual Eyes Custom Compacts ("")
    Physician's Formula Shimmer Strips Kohl Kajal Eyeliner Trios ("")
    Physician's Formula Various skincare ("")
    Rimmel Moisture Renew Lipsticks (Iced Coffee, Violet Pop, Fancy) ("")
    Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Nail Polishes (select shades) ("")

    Hope this helps someone! I wasn't super smart about the way I shopped, unfortunately, as I got in the mode of "SEE. WANT. GRAB EVERYTHING!" >_> So I'm going to slowly but surely look things up and narrow down my haul... Just because there's a sale doesn't mean I have to go overboard. :P

  114. The two stores I went to in Austin had absolutely NOTHING marked. I had to break out my phone and check the scanner back and forth. Sadly, NONE of the lip butters were on sale. I was so sad. The selected lip stains were not there either. I ended up picking up 3 revlon mascaras, each being only $2.50 or less. Even the male clerk was impressed. The second place had Milani and I picked up the HD lip sticks, a fat lip pencil, and the Rosy Nude Revlon lipburst.

    I am going to check a very big CVS soon, as I am hoping to score those lip butters.

  115. If you have other stores in your area check them out. I went to 4 in the last two days and some have different stuff on sale compared to others. So it's not just a regional thing but local to the stores.

    On day 2 I've noticed the stickers out now in my stores. So I've spotted some new things today

    Revlon Colorstay Nail Polish $1.99
    rich raspberry
    stormy night
    red carpet
    wild strawberry
    the base coat
    cafe pink
    fall mood

    Revlon Colorstay overtime (lips)
    Perennial Peach
    Forever Scarlet
    Forever Pink
    Keep Blushing

    Colorstay Ultimate? lipgloss
    Perfect Peony

    Colorstay Shadow Quads

  116. my cvs didnt have anything but the milani on sale :(
    but thanks G

  117. I got $90 dollars worth of product and I only paid $27! :D

  118. I have a quick question, this is my first cvs sale. Do any of these items get restocked at all during the sale or does the "first batch" or original batch that was out just get sold out and they wait for new inventory?
    thanks in advance!

  119. I am in Southern CA, and the following items do not ring up as clearance as of yesterday (scanned in the machine):

    Milani One Coat Glitters (scanned: silver dazzle, purple gleam)
    Revlon Kissable Balm Stains (scanned: Crush, Sweetheart)
    Infallible eyeshadows (scanned: sultry smoke)

    However, the following items are definitely on clearance (some marked, some unmarked): Milani HD nail polishes, Milani lipsticks & lip flash pencils, various Revlon nail polishes, WnW single eyeshadows, some specific shades of L'oreal nail polish, and some other misc Revlon items (plus I'm sure lots of items that were unmarked & I didn't scan).

    I have been to a couple different stores in the LA area. I'm hoping they're rolling out the sale gradually for some reason, so I'll continue to check!

  120. The CVS I stopped At today had nothing on sale

  121. I've been to SIX CVS stores in my area (work and home) in the past few days and NOTHING!!!! I'm getting too anxious...will again on my lunch break tho :)

    Thanks a lot for all your hard work!

  122. Thank you for the info G! I have been hitting up various stores in my area and they all have different things marked down. Even so, I have been scoring big time! My fav find has been my Revlon Whipped Foundation in my color Warm Golden! For like $3 something! Also I have gotten mascaras, eyeshadows, and lippies. I plan to use alot of it as stocking stuffers for Christmas!

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