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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Nouveau Cheap readers: PLEASE READ

If you use Facebook, RSS (Google Reader, etc.) or my Daily Email to get your daily dose of Nouveau Cheap, PLEASE NOTE that you're not getting my content.  

I am posting on this blog as usual, but you're not seeing it in RSS, you're not getting a daily email from me, and as you've noticed on Facebook, I am having to manually post my new blog entries there. Clearly there's a massive problem that needs fixing, but at this time I do not know how to fix it.

Since July 7th (the day I got the new Blogger dashboard) something seems to have gone severely wrong with the way my content is being posted. There are severe HTML issues that I'm not savvy enough to understand, but they're apparently affecting the way my content is being posted and it has literally crippled my feeds (aka my Daily Email, RRS feeds and Facebook feed).

So where do we go from here? Well, I can try to wait this out (and hope that Google self-corrects the problem), I can try to switch to Wordpress (which might take a while) or I can try to get someone to assist me. Right now I'm entertaining all options but I don't have a clear plan as of today.

The most important thing for YOU to know: As of today (July 10th),  YOU MUST PHYSICALLY VISIT MY BLOG IN ORDER TO SEE MY CONTENT. If you rely on your RSS reader or my Daily Email to get my content, neither source is currently working and you may not see what I am posting here on my blog.

I apologize for this inconvenience, and I will of course keep you updated on any major changes that might occur in the future.

Thanks so much for reading,
G. xo


  1. Awww,this sucks! Luckliy, I'm not having any problems with my blog. It's a shame things are so messed up for you. I would reccomend just waiting it out, since I have a friend that has wordpress and hates it.

    Don't worrry G! It will work out!

  2. I was able to read this post through my Google Reader, so I guess the problem's not widespread. I went back and checked your latest posts and there was only one that never came through my reader.

    Just an FYI...

  3. Oh no! I'm sorry to hear you're having problems with it. I do use Google Reader and have been getting your posts (including this one), so maybe it's only certain RSS-feed programs that are having issues?

    Thank you for all the work you do :-)

  4. Is this post "supposed" to be not seen through RSS? I follow you through RSS and this one showed up just fine. I've had no problems either with your previous posts.

    I might have missed your July 8th What I'm Loving Right Now post, but might also be my poor memory hehe.

  5. i just double checked and i dont think ive missed any posts via google reader? might not be that widespread.

  6. aly7: Thanks, hun. If it comes down to having to switch to Wordpress, I'm sort of scared to do it NOW, with all these apparent HTML issues. I'm scared that it might be a very rocky transition, which is the LAST thing I need. lol! So for now I'm going to try and wait it out. :)

    Carolyn: Thank you SO much for letting me know that. I subscribe to my own RSS (through Google Reader) and the last post I can see is my Real Techniques brush review, so apparently it's only affecting SOME readers. Argh. :(

    jjlee: Thank you so much! Yeah, I guess it's not everyone (which is GREAT news) but it's still so very frustrating. :(

    electronicfly: Apparently it's only affecting SOME readers, but not all. I'm VERY happy you were able to see this post in your RSS, which means the problem is not as widespread as I thought it was. Thank you!

  7. Hi there... I haven't experienced anything with my blog yet. Google Friend Connect was acting up, but I do not know if that is related or what. I hope everything works out soon for you, sweetheart! xo

  8. Michaela: Thank you so much for doing that! I subscribe to my own RSS via Google Reader and the last post I can see is my Real Techniques brush review, so I do know there's a problem (and there are also massive problems with my feeds in general), but you're right--it's not as widespread as I thought. Which is FANTASTIC news. :)

    Lacey: I'm SO happy you're not seeing this issues on your own blog!! And thank you. :)

  9. I'm not having a problem with Google Reader, either. I cross check that with what I see from you on Twitter, and if I don't hear from you once a day, I come here to your blog and check to see if there was anything I missed. So far, it's all up to date. :)

    I did notice on my blog that the Google Friend Connect thing was missing last night. Stupid Google. *blows raspberries*

  10. Apriltini: I can't tell you how much I appreciate you doing that. Thank you so much for letting me know. I'm thrilled to hear this isn't as widespread as I thought, but it's still frustrating to know my feeds are acting up in general, and that my Daily Email is not being sent out AT ALL, and that my FB feed isn't auto-updating. Waaaaah! lol

  11. I've still been getting all your posts through Google Reader, just FYI :) Hopefully the issues get sorted out soon though!

  12. Maggie: Thank you SO much! That's incredibly helpful to know. *hugs*

  13. I started panicking because I thought I would be missing Nouveau Cheap! Then I realized I was still reading it from Google Reader. :) I will continue to follow your blog, even if it takes a little more effort -- totally worth it!

  14. FYI, I am also getting all your posts through google reader.

  15. I subscribe through Google Reader and I have gotten everything also. No missed posts at all.


  16. I've been getting your posts on Google Reader. Haven't had a problem so far.

    You definitely should look into just doing your own self hosted site using Wordpress. So much better and upgrading WP is a snap. You'll have more control and can add as many plugins as you want.

  17. I wondered why I'm not getting your emails. Hope everything works out for you,Hunny. P. S. I've been M. I. A. Cuz I was in hospital over a month. Trying to catch up on everything. Love ya,Ter xo

  18. I'm seeing all the posts too in Google reader. If you can't see it in your reader, try unsubscribing and resubscribing.

  19. I'm getting you just fine through Google Reader. No problems at all. I get hundreds of feeds thru reader, many of them Blogger, haven't noticed any problems yet.

  20. G., all of your posts have been coming through my Blogger Dashboard, as well - I haven't experienced anything missing, just so you know. I used to use wordpress before I blogged about nails, and I just don't like it. But everyone's different, there are a lot of folks who love it.

  21. I visit your blog everyday, so to me it will be mo difference. Keep up the good work I love your blog!!!<3

  22. I'm a Google Reader user. Got this post on the Reader and I checked your blog, and it looks like I haven't missed a post. :)

  23. Then I'll just have to make it a point to read your blog every day!
    Don't know how to help out .. but I've missed getting your mail!
    Good luck figuring it all out.

  24. I believe this may be part of the problem with the Google Plus rollout. Others have mentioned issues with Blogger and I am archiving new posts on my blog (though I post much less often than you do) until they get their selves straightened around.

  25. I'm still seeing it as usual in Google Reader, so the RSS feed is fine.

  26. I am getting them in my Google Reader. Just read three post today including this one. I hope you get your kinks worked out. Wordpress rocks!

  27. Phooey. I'm RSS via Snaptu reader and I'm not getting your stuff. But I bookmarked you in my mobile browser, and I follow you on Twitter. So I'm not missing anything! (Was REALLY convenient to get via RSS though.)

  28. I think the problem may be sorting itself out, because your blog vomited all over my FB this morning! I got a flood of FB posts in my feed that were all the posts from the last week or so.


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