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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Blogger issues: you've been warned!

PLEASE take a moment to read this post if you are a regular reader of this blog. Thank you!

If you haven't already heard, Google is currently undergoing some MAJOR changes. As a consequence, you may have noticed that many of your favorite Blogspot blogs (including this one) have been experiencing some small (or large) issues right now. Well things may get worse before they get better, so please know that I'm aware of the issues and I'm doing everything I can to fix them. Unfortunately, many of these things are beyond my control.

After speaking to other Blogspot bloggers about this, it sounds like some of these issues are widespread (the Google Friend Connect box suddenly disappearing and then reappearing hours later, etc.). But some issues seem to be happening only to me at this point (how'd I get so lucky??).

For starters, you may have noticed that for the large part of yesterday, there was only ONE blog post on my main page. My default has been FIVE posts per page for a very long time and I have never changed that. I did everything I could to get it back to five, but no such luck. So...we'll have to bear with that until Google decides to restore my settings.

Also, my What I'm Loving Right Now post that I did yesterday did not appear in my Daily Email OR in my feed on Facebook. I have no idea why, but...there you go.

So the moral of this story? If you see anything really funky on my blog or having to do with my blog (daily emails, Facebook feeds, Google Friend Connect, etc.) it would be AWESOME, but not required of course, if you let me know. I don't want to rely on myself to catch everything, so if you could shoot me an email, tweet or comment I would much appreciate it. Hopefully this is the worst of it, but something tells me it's not.

I apologize in advance for any wackiness you see while Google makes its epic changes in the weeks to come. Let's all brace ourselves, shall we?
Oh and before I forget: if you have a Google profile that's set to PRIVATE, you should know that Google is going to automatically delete your profile on July 31st.

And one more thing:


I don't believe this has anything to with the changes with Google, but it just came up so I want to make sure you know about it. If you subscribe to my daily email with an AOL email address, you may have noticed that yesterday's Daily Email from Nouveau Cheap was converted to a ZIP file. I DID NOT DO THIS AND I HAVE NO CONTROL OVER THIS.  I have heard from two sources that AOL has taken it upon themselves to convert files that they deem as "large" into ZIP files. So even though my daily email only contained ONE blog post yesterday (remember, my second post went missing) that seemed to be large enough to have AOL convert it to a ZIP file.

If you don't want to have to decompress a ZIP file every time you want to read my daily newsletter (or possibly emails from other senders), the only thing I can suggest is that you use a free email service like hotmail or gmail to receive any newsletters you subscribe to. Or contact AOL directly and see if they can fix this for you.


  1. and i have trouble posting comments on other blogs. i kept getting kicked out or asking for my password and blah blah blah. i decided not to comment in most blogs at this moment.

    hope this get through yours though. lol

  2. Thanks for the heads up. I only blog about once a week, so now I know to keep my eye on it. Good luck! and BTW, AOL bites. I like Gmail! :)

  3. The GFC box problem has been going going on for a while now. It's on every blog I've read. I don't like that we can't use our Gmail accounts to post comments anymore. Now you have to have a Blogger account. That's why I use Open Id to post now.


  4. My GFC box does that, and I'm not even on blogger. Google is really getting too big for their pants, it seems.

  5. I also have problems with my GFC box, but I use the reader instead. BTW, I've been experiencing this since a long time - it happens at least once a week for the past few months...


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