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Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Lipstick League - week of 6.13.11

Lipstick League Question of the Week: 

How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

G's Answer: On a typical morning, from stepping into the shower to putting the finishing touches on makeup and hair, it takes me one hour. 

Links of the Week:

Beauty Junkies Unite -  Find out if the new COVERGIRL Intense ShadowBlast Primer + Rich Color Eye Color shades will rock your world...or not!

Clumps of Mascara - is in love with Pixiwoo’s Real Technique brushes. They are totally this year’s Best Dressed as far as makeup brushes go.

EauMG - Four-legged guest fragrance commentator, Frink the Frug, reviews his summer fragrance obsession, LUSH Dirty.

Lipglossiping - chills out with MAC’s Magically Cool Liquid Powder and discovers a new fav!

Nouveau Cheap -  Father’s Day is the rare occasion when a splurge can be totally guilt-free. Need an elegant last-minute gift for dad? Check out the new L’Occitane Verdon Collection of men’s grooming products.

Orange to LA - takes a stroll down memory lane with A Smell To Remember, a post about perfumes from her past.

Pink Sith - Joeybunny introduces you to three Missha BB creams.  Are they the bees knees? Read and find out!

Phyrra’s  - Independent Spotlight for June is with Belén from Lost in Makeupland!

we heart this -  take a quicker and easier route to glamour with the Urban Decay Urban Lask kit.

 How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

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