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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

John Frieda webcast update

Remember last Tuesday when I posted about the John Frieda webcast opportunity? Well today's the day! If you haven't watched the John Frieda Full Repair webcast yet, it's now up on the John Frieda Facebook page--click here to view it. At the end of the webcast, Harry Josh will mention a code, which you need to enter into the form at the bottom page in order to be eligible for a chance to win the Grand Prize Giveaway (a trip to NY for a style session with Harry Josh).

Regarding the free full-size John Frieda product I mentioned in my original post, my contact at John Frieda confirmed that once you signed up to ASK A QUESTION for the webcast (which many of you did last week), you were then presented with the option of choosing between one of two John Frieda Full Repair products, and then you were asked to submit your shipping address. I asked my contact to confirm this, and she explained to me that this is how you were able to obtain the product. So hopefully everyone got a chance to get their product!

Good luck to those of you who entered for the Grand Prize, and I'd love to know what you think of your John Frieda product once you receive it in the mail!


  1. When I submitted my question, I only got a "thank you" message, but I was not asked for my product-choice or address. Hmm. :/

  2. Same for option to choose a product. and I did it right after you posted that the link was live.

  3. Lace Escapades: Oh no! Really? I asked my contact to confirm exactly how to get the free product and she told me that, after submitting a question, you'd be presented with the option to choose a product, along with a place to submit your address. I'm SO sorry this did not come up for you. Did you "like" them first? I'm trying to think of what could have gone wrong...let me know, ok? Thanks!

  4. Same with me Lace. I thought it was after the webcast that you were asked for info but i guess not.

  5. Kaley and Samysalsa: I am so sorry, you guys. I too, thought you would be given the choice of free product after viewing the webcast, but when I asked my contact for more info, I was told that the choice would be presented after you submitted your question, NOT after the webcast. Let me speak with her again and give you an update tomorrow, ok? Thanks so much for your patience.

  6. I did not get a choice of product either, just a thank you message.

  7. Anne, I'm so sorry to hear this. I hope to have an update for all of you tomorrow. I'll post something as soon I find out, ok? Thanks for your patience.

  8. Thanks for getting on it! I'm in the same boat as everyone else. :( Hopefully they'll give us some leeway. If not, it's no biggie. Thanks though! :)

  9. I also was not asked for a shipping address and choice of product; seems to be the case with everyone. I was wondering if they would send an e-mail with a coupon for the product, but as you know it is really difficult to redeem a printed coupon for a free product these days. I do hope they can provide us with an answer. Thanks again, G. for your follow-up.

  10. Same as everyone else. I asked a question the day the link went up last week and saw nothing about choosing a product or anything. Thanks so much for trying to figure this out for us! Don't worry too much about it though. It's nice to have a chance for our questions to get answered anyway. :D And we know that you can't magically make PR problems disappear.

  11. Just thought I would let you know that I also did not get the option either. Just the thank you message.

  12. Nope, no product for me either. Just a "thank you".

  13. Hi ladies: I want to apologize again for the fact that you were not given the option of choosing a free product when you submitted a question last week. I spoke with my contact and apparently this offer was a "while supplies last" type of thing, and I guess I posted about it too late (in comparison to other bloggers who must have posted about it before I had the chance). I am SO sorry to everyone who thought they were going to receive a free product for submitting a question. Please know that we're working on a way to make this up to you, so please stay tuned.

    Again, I am so very sorry.


    PS: Hana, thanks SO much for you comment and understanding. xo

  14. What, Did they have like 5 to give away? I was also there when the link first went live and I had the question already written so I just needed to cut and paste, plus I did an auto-fill on the personal info, so I know I got in pretty quickly. Not blaming you G, I'm calling shenanigans on JF's PR people.

  15. No worries! Glad you found out what happened with it, thanks anyways!

  16. makes sense, but its cool. Got a free JF repair item anyway with a $5 off coupon and $5 each sale at CVS :)


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