Don't forget to check the beauty sale pages at Macy's here and
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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Free Milani blush! (Hurry!)

A HUGE thanks to my longtime reader, beautifulmonday, for this one:

IF you want a FREE Milani blush in Terra Sole (which I reviewed here) you've got to HURRY and get over to Milani's Facebook page NOW! Go, before supplies run out!

Thanks so much for the heads-up, beautifulmonday!!


  1. I (and it looks like many others) are having problems getting it to load...
    With the whole NYX debacle I'm not going to sit here and keep trying lol was anyone able to enter?
    I'm sad, I'd love to try their blushes out... can't find them anywhere locally!

  2. the page for the free blush isn't loading for me :(

    anyone else have this issue?

  3. Hey ladies--when I first clicked the page (before I published this blog post) it didn't load at first, but when I hit refresh on my browser it loaded with no problems. I would hit refresh a few times and see if it eventually loads (I imagine a lot of people are trying to access it right now).

    Also, I have personally heard from TWO people who were able to get the blush, so it definitely HAS worked for people. :)

  4. I got in on the blush no problem, but I was on Facebook and saw the announcement before it caught on like wildfire.

  5. I had to reload the page many times but was able to enter! I hope it went through and I get my blush! Will it be a full size?

  6. It took a whole lotta refreshing, but I finally got it! Thanks for the heads-up, G!

    On their wall, they said they've reached 10,000 entries, but they'll keep it open for a little bit, since people are having trouble loading the page. That was pretty nice of them.

  7. I entered! =) Thanks for the heads up!!

    If you have trouble loading it, you just have to hit the refresh button multiple times! I had issues loading the page as well, but I kept trying to refresh it, and it worked!

  8. I just got through! It said I'm on the list to receive a blush in 4 weeks.

  9. Phooey. It's 3:25 CDST and it's closed. :(

  10. Ahhhh, I missed it! T_T Oh well. Thanks for telling us about it!

  11. I got an email saying I won one and will be receiving in about 4 weeks!

  12. Yay! Got it today USPS. It is pretty, has minimal shimmer and is highly pigmented. Thanks for the heads up!


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