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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Lady Gaga Japan Earthquake Relief Bracelet

Even if you're not a fan of Lady Gaga, it's hard to argue when celebrities use their fame for good. And that's exactly what Lady Gaga has done with the bracelet she created to help the people of Japan during this crisis.

 image credit:

The We Pray For Japan Bracelet is available for pre-order NOW for $5 on the Lady Gaga website, and all proceeds will go directly to Japan relief efforts.

I think this is an excellent way to get younger people to contribute to this cause, so I applaud her for using her fame for good. I hope you feel the same, and if you haven't already donated to the Red Cross or another organization, I hope you'll purchase this bracelet for $5 and keep it for yourself or give it to the Lady Gaga fan in your life.

A HUGE thanks to my lovely reader Sarah for the heads-up about this.


  1. I'm starting to become a big fan of Lady Gaga! I love she's so involved in what's going on around her and that she's a huge supporter of being yourself and of the LGBT community.

    I'm not going to purchase the bracelet, but I'm trying to figure out where I can go to donate money directly (instead of online)

    Thanks for posting this!

  2. I like that Gaga is helping Japan, but the bracelet design seems wrong to me. A taloned hand that looks like it's trying to grab at something or claw at someone? Is that some sort of Lady Gaga symbol? I'm not it's quite appropriate. and they could have used something a bit better. Still, if it raises money, it's all good in the end I suppose.

  3. Arezu: I want to be sure you know you can donate to the Red Cross on your cell phone by texting to this number: 90999. You will automatically be donated $10 to their efforts, and the charge will appear on your cell phone bill. Couldn't be easier! You can read more info about this

    Hope that helps!

    auroragyps: I believe that the claw is a symbol of her "monsters" which is how she refers to her fans. I totally understand what you're saying, but I think that if this appeals to the millions of Lady Gaga fans around the world, and they donate because of it, the design makes no difference to me! :)

  4. The only problem with the 90999 which became apparent with the Haiti earthquake, is the money takes awhile to get to the people. Donating directly to the red cross makes your money work faster. is matching every donation up to i think $25000. I chose this way because the amount i give is doubled...Just another way to help out! Sarah

  5. sarah: Thank you so much for the info! I remember hearing that the money took a while to get to relief efforts, but I do still think it's a good way to donate for sheer convenience (if you're not willing to go online, etc.). But THANK YOU for the tip about That's fantastic!!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I dislike her so intensely, and using the plights of others -- be it LGBT people or those affected by a natural disaster -- as an indirect means of pimping her own bland, Top 40 warblings is just offensive to me. This isn't aid; it's advertising. The people of Japan will be better off if others directly donate to a relief organization instead of buying some factory-made piece of plastic that probably violates environmental and ethical labour standards.

  8. Jules: I completely respect your feelings on this. I guess I see it this way: any attention to this cause (and any money given to it) is a good thing. Her fans would be fans regardless, so if they contribute money to the victims via a bracelet (which so many other causes use to promote awareness at this point), I'm all for it. Especially if they would not have contributed otherwise (which is sad, but may be true in certain situations).

  9. Thanks for telling me about this and to Sarah for the Dealnews info. I will definitely be making some more donations in addition to the bracelet I ordered.

  10. I completely agree with you G!

    And in response to Jules...I'm just curious, is there some sort of evidence that says Lady Gaga is just using the plight of others for her own gain? To me this just seems to be personal opinion. She seriously seems to care (albeit in her crazy way) and what better way to show it than through your passion and in her case, music? It's sad that people don't try to see to good in the deed and believe everything has some sort of selfish underpinning.


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