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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Cutest Birthday Gift Ever!

I think we all can agree that true friends are one of life's greatest treasures. When one of my dearest friends, Amber from BeautyJunkiesUnite, sent me a gift on my birthday last week, it meant so much to me that even before I opened it up I got all teary and emotional. Girlfriends RULE, don't they? I mean, who else will listen to your troubles, let you vent, support you through life's ups and downs AND send you adorable beauty products for your birthday?

I just had to share with you what Amber sent me, and of course I'm going to walk you through it as if you were opening this present as well!

Here's what it looked like when I opened the adorable little white box (that had a pink bow on it, of course):

Before I even knew what it was, I was bombarded with cuteness! It turns out that Amber sent me virtual cake and ice cream for my birthday, because she couldn't be with me to eat the real thing in person.  And when I say virtual, I mean cake and ice cream-scented beauty products! Does she know me or what?

Blue Q Butter Cream Birthday Cake Lip Balm SPF18

Um, how unbelievably adorable is this lip balm? Amber and I have never discussed Blue Q before, and I don't think she had any idea how much I have always loved this brand. I mean, for years I was obsessed with their Miso Pretty line (gosh, everything smells soooo good in that collection) and how hilarious are their anti-bacs (especially their Maybe you touched your genitals hand santizer)! Oh and their Danger, Zombies, Run! gum? I could go on and on, but my point is that without even knowing it, she got me a lip balm that I totally would have purchased myself!

And now, the "ice cream" to go with the "cake":

Mint Ice Cream-scented mini hand and face wipes? This might be THE cutest thing I have ever seen. Seriously, they're tiny and so adorable it almost hurts to look at the package! 

I looked up NWP and discovered  that they're a UK company that has offices here in the US. You have got to check out their catalog here. They have THE cutest things I have ever seen--lotion in the shape of a cupcake, ice cream cone shower caps and more.  It's complete cute overload.

Thanks so much for taking the time to share in this birthday gift with me. I was so excited to show it to you because I know that you all appreciate beauty-related cuteness just as much as I do!

Thanks again, Amber, for filling my special day with so much cuteness and love. :)


  1. Aww, how sweet of her to send those to you! :)

  2. All that comes out of my mouth is "awwww" when I look at the gifts Amber sent you. It really is great having friends that are there for you 24/7. I think great girl friends are life's way of making it up to you for all the bad ex-boyfriends!

  3. cute stuff! happy birthday girl<3

  4. Happy belated birthday! Your presents are adorable. =)

  5. Those ARE adorable! Thanks for sharing :]

  6. awwww those are so cute. your friend is so thoughtful.

    belated happy birthday! :)

  7. Lace Escapades: Thank you, honey! I thought so too. :)

    Ashley: YOU ARE SO RIGHT!!! lol! ;)

    FizzyPOP: Thank you so much, honey! xo

    kali: Thank you, love!! xo

    SiSi: You are so welcome, honey!

    robin: That's exactly how I felt! ;)

    sugar sugar: Thanks so much, honey!!


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