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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Wednesday Question

I'm so sorry for being MIA yesterday, but "real" life is extremely hectic for me this week and I want to apologize for any unanswered emails, tweets and facebook comments. I can't seem to catch up but I hope to be able to respond to you within the next few days. 

Which brings me to this week's question, which was inspired by my lack of time to get things done lately:

If there was ONE step in your beauty routine that you could eliminate forever, which step would it be?

No doubt about it: I would eliminate mascara application. When it comes to makeup, I can zip and whiz my way through everything, but putting on mascara always requires me to slow down and take my time. If I could have naturally full, thick and long lashes and never have to apply mascara again, I'd be pretty darned happy! How about you?


  1. FOUNDATION AND CONCEALER!! If I had perfect skin and never needed foundation or concealer ever again... I would die of happiness.

  2. First I thought eyeliner. But you mentioning permanent mascara. Perfect! My eyes would stop being 'ho hum' without makeup then.

  3. Filling in my brows. I am quite the "eyebrow aficionado" and my routine is pretty time consuming.

  4. Foundation! I love how my skin feels w/o anything... but I don't like how it looks!

  5. I would have to say either foundation(although that step is actually quite easy and only takes me but a minute or 2) or eyeshadow. I can have my whole face done in 5 minutes, but come to my eyeshadow, and I easily add an extra 20 minutes...and I don't even do anything fancy! So, I guess I would probably actually have to say eyeshadow!

  6. Since you just said "beauty routine" I'll go with washing my face at night. I HATE it. I'm always really tired and don't feel like getting up and doing it, but if I don't I ALWAYS break out the next day. -_-

    If you mean just doing my makeup, I hate concealing redness and acne, but I have to just about everyday, so I'd love to be able to skip that step.

  7. FOUNDATION. oh man, if i didn't have to worry about acne or discoloration...i probably wouldn't wear anything but mascara and lip balm!

  8. Does flat ironing count? If i had either naturally beachy waves or pin straight hair i would be in 7th heaven but i have an odd combination of the two. I really do not like flat ironing. So time consuming

  9. Foundation, for sure. It's the most expensive product, and it's potentially the most useless, if you can get away without it. I mean, it doesn't really change anything about your face otherwise, right.

  10. Can I say shaving?! That may be stretching it as a "beauty" routine, but it's close enough, right?! :D It takes too bleeping long, not to mention razor blades are ridiculously expensive!

  11. Undereye concealer! I hate it. Mine are pretty bad (hereditary), and although I have a system that works, it just takes too long.

  12. Brow maintenance! If I didn't have to pluck/wax/fill in/gel I would be pretty happy :)

  13. Foundation!!!! I cannot seem to find my Holy Grail product that will leave all areas of my face even...I get patchy flaky spots no matter how much primer and mousterizer I use, and then the whole dumb thing gets rubbed off halfway through the day anyway.

  14. Probably eyeliner. I like clean precise lines and during times of rushing in the morning, it's just really hard and annoying!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. i would say brow maintenance too. had to religiously pluck them,comb them and put color to them and had to do it every morning( why does all the stray hair grow around my brow and my actually brow has thinning hair why why why) lol

  17. Brow maintenance for me as well, no question. ITA with Myolie above me ^ - I have the same problems, and don't know why either! :-/

  18. All of it. Why can't I be a natural beauty? WHY GOD? WHY????

    Ok, just one, probably foundation like so many others. It's hard getting the right coverage even if you have a foundation you like/love. If I'm not careful, I get that line around my jawline. And yeah, I don't have a perfect match with my foundation, although my skin coloring is so uneven it's a perfect match with my forehead... so I get the perfect match with my jaw, then I have that line at my hairline!

    Although I hate coloring my hair too, but at least that's only once every 6-8 weeks. If it was something I had to do more often, like every week, I'd be tempted to shave my head and buy wigs.

  19. Anything to do with brows... or hair in general for that matter. Shaving, waxing, plucking - I would love to never do any of it again (but not be a woolly mammoth either.

  20. Definitely foundation and concealer! Some people can get away with wearing just tinted moisturizer, I wish I could do that :(


  21. I can't decided between mascara and concealer. I have really straight lashes so curling my lashes then applying mascara makes my eyes bigger, but it always smudges somewhat and I hate waterproof mascara. It'd also be great so have good skin... So I can't decide, lol

  22. oh dear lord what WOULDN'T i choose?! probably foundation. it's the worst and hardest thing for me to do. i can never get it looking "right".

    if we mean overall beauty routine, i think shaving. as soon as i'm rich, i'm getting laser hair removal EVERYWHERE from my lip down!!!

  23. I would love to skip concealer! I would love to have flawless skin. But I agree, curling my lashes and putting on mascara takes up a lot of time for me! I would get rid of that 2nd!

  24. Eye shawow primer. I have a difficult time keeping eyeshadow on!


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