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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Review: Noah's Naturals Gentle Cream Cleanser

Please note: I wanted to hurry up and bring you this review as quickly as possible because this product is currently on clearance at Walgreens for $3.49 PLUS there's a $1 peel-off coupon on each tube, bringing your total cost down to just $2.49. But you've got to hurry if you want to try this because the peel-off stickers expire on 11/30!

 Noah's Naturals Gentle Cream Cleanser 
(retail: around $6.49, 3.4 oz)

I can never resist a good bargain, especially when it comes to natural skincare. I've seen Noah's Naturals products at various stores (Walgreens and Walmart come to mind) but for some reason this is the first product I've tried from this brand (yes, the clearance price + coupon helped in that decision!). 

Looking at the image above, it's pretty impressive to see that this cleanser is free from just about anything controversial. That's wonderful, do not get me wrong, but at the end of the day, it really doesn't amount to a hill of beans for me if the product doesn't work.  So I put this cleanser to a five-day-morning-and-evening test.

First of all, I think the fragrance is outstanding. It's not a very strong fragrance, but it is there, so if you're a person who prefers little-to-no-fragrance in your facial products, this isn't for you.  I ADORE the scent of this cleanser because the predominant note is acai berry, which I love love love.  The product itself is opaque white in color and it's got a lotion-like consistency.  I have found that if I don't already have a lot of water on my face (ie: I'm using this at the bathroom sink as opposed to standing in the shower) it feels like I'm actually applying a medium-weight lotion to my face.  Not the best feeling for an oily-skinned gal like myself, but I've gotten used to it.  When I use this product in the shower and I have more water on my hands and face, this cleanser actually produces a light lather, as opposed to feeling like a standard cream cleanser.

Now on to the important questions: 

Does it remove my makeup? Yes and no. I'm delighted that it removes my eye makeup, including my washable mascaras, but occasionally I've found that this doesn't always completely remove my long-wear concealer. 

How does my skin feel after I've used it? Now here's the tricky part. At first, I thought, "Ugh. What is this coating I'm feeling on my skin?" I literally felt like I had already applied moisturizer to my face after I would rinse this product away. BUT, after lightly drying my face with a towel, I surprisingly did NOT feel that light coating on my skin. My skin just felt soft and very hydrated, yet clean at the same time. 

The best analogy I can give you is this: have you ever used a new conditioner and after you rinse your hair, you think, "Uh oh. My hair feels super coated and heavy."?  But then once your hair is dry and styled, it feels very soft but not as greasy or heavy as you thought it was going to feel? That's exactly how I feel about this cleanser. At first it feels like it's going to be heavy, oily and way too rich for my skin. But once it's rinsed and I've patted my skin clean, my skin feels kind of amazing.

To whom would I recommend this product? I think this might be a good cleanser to use if you've got dry and/or mature skin. If your main concerns when it comes to cleansers are 1) finding something that does not strip your skin and 2) finding something that leaves your skin feeling hydrated after you use it, I think this might be gentle and hydrating enough to fit the bill.  Also, if you do not normally wear a lot of makeup, and certainly not long-wear makeup, this might make a great everyday cleanser for your skin. Skincare is SO subjective though, so I don't want to say: dry and mature-skinned gals, run out and get this NOW! Because different ingredients react so differently on each person's skin. I personally cannot use anything on my face that contains menthol because it's breakout city when my skin comes in contact with menthol. However, menthol is in so much skincare out there--skincare that is wildly popular--so I know it doesn't break out everyone.

To whom would I not recommend this product? If you've got very oily skin, you wear long-wear cosmetics and you're looking for an all-in-one nightly cleanser that removes everything, this is NOT for you. Also, people who prefer unscented facial products can just keep on walking--this won't be a love-match.

Will I continue to use Noah's Naturals Gentle Cream Cleanser? In the winter months, YES. But I'll be using it in a very specific way.  I will not continue to use this cleanser at night, because it simply doesn't remove every last trace of my long-wear makeup.  However, now that winter is upon us and my skin has more dry patches than usual, I find this cleanser works beautifully for me as a morning cleanser, when my face is already free of makeup.  I think it's the perfect product to use when I have dry patches and I just need something to lightly cleanse my face in the morning and give it a touch more hydration before I apply my moisturizer.  So it works for me in the winter, but only in the AM.

I hope you found this review useful, and remember: if you think this might be a good match for your particular needs, run to Walgreens, look for this on clearance and use that peel-off sticker before by 11/30/10! 

Do you use any products from Noah's Naturals? Is there a hidden gem in this line that you'd recommend? Any must-haves? I'd love to hear from you!


  1. Thanks for the review on this one. I've seen it in the stores and was curious about it. That sale and clearance do make it irresistible.

  2. I haven't seen this in my Walgreens, I don't think. What area did you find it in? With the normal facial cleansers? Thanks!

  3. I spotted them on the bottom shelf, and kinda off to the side.

    I think Walmart still sells this line.

  4. Ooh, thanks for this post! I'm on the search for a cleanser to use with mah clarisonic face brush thingie (it's *glorious!* expensive, but glorious). My face is pretty dry and in the winter is a desert, but I still need something that is going to remove my makeup at the end of the day. Definitely gonna check it out since it's on sale!

  5. Thank you so much for this review. I am going out right now to buy this. Hopefully my Walgreen's will have it. I am new to your blog which was recommended by a friend of mine. I have purchased so many products recently based on your reviews and reader's comments.
    Thanks again.
    Kimbery T.

  6. That looks like my kind of cleanser......thanks for the review!

  7. Oh, sooooo bummed. They do not carry the line at my Walgreens. I live in Central Ohio. I might have to make some calls around my area because this is to irresistable to pass up!

  8. I didn't see it at my closest Walgreen's yesterday. Hopefully I can make it to a few more this week to see if any of them do. But I'm not hopeful. :(

  9. I do have one product from Noah's Naturals, but not this line, it's from "Organics by Noah's Naturals" and it's a hand cream in a jar. It's super thick and heavy, reminds me of vaseline. I don't like it, but we have a wood burning stove and in the winter our skin and hair gets so dry. With me, my feet dry so bad they crack and bleed. I'll be using this on my feet with socks over them. I just realized it would probably be a good cuticle cream too. If any of you live in New England, you can get the Organics line at Ocean State Job Lot for between $3-5.

    This sounds just like the cleanser I am using now, Olay Foaming Face Wash. Just regular Olay, not one of their fancy lines. The entire description sounds the same, except it never actually foams up or lathers, which is weird since it has foaming in the name of it. Maybe because I have oily skin? You know, like how shampoo doesn't lather as well on oily hair.

    It also doesn't do a very good job on heavy duty makeup, so I make sure to use wipes first at night. I do like that I got it in my eyes and...nuthin'. It doesn't sting or burn or anything.

  10. Hii there,
    I tried this product after your very accurate and fantastic review of it.The sale sorta sealed the deal I have to say! But I love ,love its subtle fragrance and how my skin felt after using it.Soft,gentle and not stretched at all.
    I was also impressed with how it removed traces of my make-up,even though I must say i was not wearing a whole lot when I tried it last night.But for now I give it a thumbs up.
    Thanks again ! I would be lost without your awesome blog!


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