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Friday, May 7, 2010

I'm Wet n Wild's Featured Blogger of the Month!

If you could see me right now, you'd laugh. I'm literally trying to stop myself from jumping up and down as I write this! As you all probably know by now, I am a HUGE, longtime fan of Wet n Wild Cosmetics. I fell in love with their red lipstick back in the mid-80s and it's been one big lovefest ever since. I literally can't count how many WnW products I've owned over the years, and we're talking way before (decades before) I even thought about starting my blog.

It was a dream-come-true to have the opportunity to work with Wet n Wild after starting this blog, and I really couldn't believe how wonderful they were during their big 2010 makeover, sending me products to review and appreciating my feedback. But now? I don't even know what to say. Yours truly is the "Featured Blogger of the Month" for the month of May! In case you don't receive their newsletter, here's the snippet about Nouveau Cheap:

I'm freaking out!! All I can say is, THANK YOU, Wet n Wild, for featuring me in your newsletter, for being such a great brand to work with, and for creating cosmetics that have been awesome and affordable throughout the 80s, 90s, 00s and now the 10s. It's been a great ride and I cannot wait to see what you have in store for us in the future!

Oh! I almost forgot! If you'd like to read the full review featured above, click here.

Disclaimer: I did not compensate Wet n Wild to be featured in their monthly newsletter, nor has Wet n Wild compensated me for writing reviews of Wet n Wild products on I have been given samples of Wet n Wild products for evaluation prior to writing my reviews, but all reviews are the honest, unbiased opinion of



  1. Wow!! Congratulations! You definitely deserve it. :]

  2. I'm so happy for you! You deserve it for your fantastic, honest, eloquent reviews!

  3. Congrats. This is so well deserved! I'm so happy for you!

  4. Congrats, R. It's a great brand and you featured it well :-)

  5. Congratulations my dear friend! You deserve it, and many more!


  6. Again, congratulations babe! XOXO

  7. congrats Awesome!!!

    Go Recessionista Go Recessionista

  8. Wow, congratulations! That's definitely a huge goal to reach! You really deserve it, you work so hard on your site!

  9. That's awesome...congratulations! :D

  10. Congratz!!!
    That's so awesome!

  11. Congratulations! You deserve it!
    Your reviews have always been so well written and helpful.

  12. Congrats, totally awesome. I saw this in my email and was like wow, that's a blog I love.

  13. Congratulations! You deserve it :)

  14. Congrats! I was checking my mail this morning and I opened the WnW newsletter and was so excited to see you were the featured blogger. I just had to come over here and congratulate you. :)

  15. Oh Wow! It seems like you have found your calling - something you were equipped and destined to do. I am so happy that the haters weren't able to scare you off from something you were meant for. You bless your readers and deserve the blessing yourself.

  16. Jean: Thank you so much, honey!! :)

    wingsinheaven5: Thanks, doll! :)

    PCS: Oh stop, you're gonna make me blush! lol! Luv ya, girlie! xo

    Stephanie: Thank you so very much, sweetie! :D

    H: Thank you so much, sweetheart! xo

    Amber: Thank you, thank you, honey! And another huge congrats to YOU for your Woman's World feature! :D

    Anthony: Thank you SO much, honeypie! Love ya! xo

    CD: LOL!! Thank you so much, doll (and it's good to "see" you again. I've missed you!).

    Stephine: Awwww, thank you so much for that! You are too sweet. :)

    JenJen: Thank you so much, honey! :D

    Phyrra: Thank you, thank you, gorgeous! xo

    Fay: That means SO much to me. Thank you so much for the kind comment! xo

    kimmy: You are too darn sweet! Thank you so much for saying that!! xoxo

    Lillian: Thank you so very much, dollface (and I do mean DOLLface!). xo

    Susie: Thank you, honey! :)

    Annette: OMG, thank you so much! I so appreciate you taking the time to do that! :D

    Denise: You are a genuine sweetheart for that comment. Thank you SO much for all the kind words, and for all of your support (and helpful comments). You'll be happy to know that comments from haters get deleted ASAP these days...I don't have time for it, and besides, they never come back and ever READ my responses, so why waste time responding honestly and thoughtfully to someone who just wants to spew negativity and be on their way? I welcome negative comments if they're presented courteously and thoughtfully. Otherwise, you're getting the big delete from me. :D

  17. How exciting!! As an avid follower, I'm not surprised by this honor! Congrats!!

  18. This is so cool! I know just how you feel so ride that feeling to it's end and enjoy your "Mom" time. :)
    *yes, this is a combo-comment!

  19. Oh, man, that's awesome! Congratulations!

  20. mooosley: Thank you SO much for that! And of course, thank you so very much for all your support!! xo

    amanda: Thank you!! :D

    Elizabeth: lol!! Thank you so much (for both comments!). xo

    Janet: Thank you, honey! I appreciate that! :D

    Leigh: Thank you, sweetie!! xo

  21. That's awesome, R! Congrats!

  22. Gloria: Thank you SO much, sweetheart!! :D


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