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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Wednesday Question

I haven't asked a skincare-related question in a while, so this week's question is long overdue. I can't wait to hear your answers to this one, so please chime in and leave a comment!

When you cleanse your face, do you use a sponge, scrublet, wash cloth, buffer, Clarisonic, Wave, etc., or just your good ol' hands?

I must admit that these days I'm loving my scrublet (not the one that comes with the L'Oreal cleanser, but the one I recently purchased at the Japanese dollar store. I will be reviewing this shortly if you're interested to know more). But before scrublets came into my life, I was doing it the old-fashioned way, and just using my hands. How about you? What do you use?


  1. I use the Clarisonic Mia and I love it! I bought it with a gift certificate I got for my birthday last year.

  2. I have a big stack of wash cloths and use a clean one every time I wash my face.

  3. my hands!
    BUT, i just got the l'oreal 360 this past weekend, and have used the scrublet like 3 times now, and i really like it! =]

  4. I use a microfiber cloth + Biore Ice Blemish Fighting Skin Cleanser at night. The microfiber cloth is like the one used for car detailing but if used gently on the face, it acts as an exfoliant.

    In the morning, I just use either the same cleanser but no cloth (just hands) or just the cloth with no cleanser, depending on how oily I feel when I wake up.

    I also use the Biore Microderm Exfoliator 1-2 times a week (depending on how lazy I am feeling).

  5. I used to use a Clarisonic, but lost the charger in a move. So now I just use a facial brush that I picked up at a drugstore, and honestly, it works as well as the Clarisonic.

  6. I use my hands, but I'm waiting for my scrublet and a sample of L'OrĂ©al Go 360° Clean to arrive in the mail =D

  7. Hands all the way, bb! I don't feel like spending so much on a Clarisonic and washcloths are typically too rough for my delicate skin :) Haven't tried the scrublets yet...we'll see if I get there.

  8. My skin is really sensitive so I use my good ol' hands :) although sometimes I wish my skin could take a little scrubbing!

  9. I use microfiber cloths from the auto section at walmart (probably the same thing Sunkissed Nina uses). If I'm gentle they work really well.

    I'd love to try the Clarisonic, but for me personally I just can't justify spending that kind of cash.

  10. the tools i use depend on my mood & what i've worn on my face. if i haven't worn makeup that day, i'll use my hands. if i'm suffering from dry patches, i use micro fiber cloths i bought from qvc. if i've worn a full face of makeup, i was my face with my hands & african black soap. i follow that with my clairsonic mia. sounds like a whole lot, but i love the way these things make my face feel. i was stumbled by stickershock last year re: purchasing the mia. i would rather have spent the $ on makeup. this year, i invested in it because i wanted to see how much makeup i could get out of my pores. i also wanted to try to reduce my pore size. i love it!

  11. I've been wondering about this myself. If I wash my face twice a day using a wash cloth then I have wet ones everywhere!! This is ridiculous but I know you're not supposed to use them more than once until they've been washed again.

  12. I use my Clarisonic w/ Burt's Bees Radiance cleanser every other night or every 3rd night, and the nights that I don't use that I remove my makeup with Albolene and a microfiber cloth.

  13. I wash my face every night with Extra Virgin Olive Oil and then once a week I do an olive oil and kosher salt scrub. That's it!

  14. I use my hands. I don't bother exfoliating while cleansing because I just rub a slice of pineapple on my face and the enzymes exfoliate for me!

  15. Good ol' fashioned HANDS. That's what they're for, doing stuff with :P the other stuff is just... extraneous fluff haha

    (just watch, i'll get a scrublet in the near future cuz that's something i would do and totally deny that i ever said the above comment hahah)

  16. usually facecloth or hands. (i love facecloths but mine always end up smelling funny, even when i clean them to death.) hence, i have started using Aveeno's premoistened pads and may continue at least through the summer. they're very exfoliating, they really seem to impart some radiance, and they're so hygienic! only i wring them out a bit first- when they premoisten, they really mean SOAK.
    i like L'Oreal's scrublet but when i use it it sometimes slips out of my grasp! and soap drips down my arm.
    basically, i'm lazy....

  17. I use the Scrublet with the Go 360 cleanser to remove my makeup in the shower, I use a microfiber cloth (from the Walmart automotive section) with plain hot water to exfoliate, and I use my hands to wash my face with baby wash in the morning when I wake up. :]

  18. I used to use my hands, but now I use the scrublet! I use the exfoliating scrub version, and it's gentle enough to use everyday. (Hopefully, I can get a review up soon.)

  19. Thanks to you, I use the scrublet! :-)

  20. I've been using my hands almost forever but got a Clarisonic Mia a few months ago & really love it. I still have oily skin at an old age & have always had problems with creams & lotions sitting on top & being sticky. Now everything seems to penetrate quite well. Love your email.Thought it would be only for young people but have used several of your suggestions with great success. Thanks from a 69 year old grandma.


  21. I just use my hands, everything else seems too much work and you have to clean it. I didn't even realize they had brushes for your face until recently, lol.


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