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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Mr. Recessionista gives you HIS Valentine's Day gift idea!

My dear boyfriend (aka: Mr. Recessionista) has grown tired over the years of my constant "Did you try that new soap in the shower?" and "What did you think of that shampoo?" questions. Believe me, this started way before I began blogging, and I'm afraid it's just probably never going to end because, let's face it, we love to buy beauty products for our significant others, right? And we REALLY love it when THEY love something we bought for them!

So when I received a bar of men's soap recently for review, it took me all of about two seconds to yell, "Honey! Honey! Come try this cool bar of soap!" and at first he gave off the usual response, "OK, OK, please just leave it in the shower and I'll try it the next time I'm in there."

But then something happened. He tried the soap and he came out of the shower a changed man. Well, not really changed, but he came out of the shower more excited than I have EVER seen him about any beauty product I have ever lovingly forced upon him.

So instead of just having him tell me about his experience with this soap, I asked if he would write down his thoughts. He agreed (what???) and he said that he wanted to write the following review not for YOU, but for the man in your life. He actually said, "I want your readers' boyfriends, husbands, dads, brothers, friends and significant others to read this."

So let me start by showing you some pics of the soap-in-question.

Woody's Quality Grooming Meat and Potatoes Soap (retail: around $10, 12 oz)

How CUTE is this soap? It actually comes wrapped like meat from the butcher, which I think makes it an adorable gift for the meat & potatoes person in your life (and I promise, it doesn't smell ANYTHING like meat or potatoes--in fact, it's loaded with tea tree oil, hemp oil, essential fatty acids and anti-oxidants).

And just to give you an idea of how BIG this bar of soap is, here's a pic of it next to a normal bar of bath soap:

So....without further ado, here's Mr. Recessionista's message to your hubby, boyfriend, dad, brother, significant other or friend. I hope you enjoy it--I personally find it hilarious, entertaining and actually quite helpful (and I promise I'm not saying that just because I love him!). And for the record, I have not edited or changed a word of his review but I did add one note, which you will see in a minute:

OK, I’m sure by now that you are sick and tired of your wife, girlfriend, significant other, or friend endlessly asking you questions about what soap or shampoo you like to shower with. I have a suggestion for you and I’m going to tell it to you for two reasons: so you can have an answer to end those persistent questions and because it’s simply a really good all-around soap, seriously. The soap is called “Woody’s Quality Grooming Meat and Potatoes Soap for Hair and Body.”

First, this thing is a brick, a heavy brick. It looks like it will last about 2 months, maybe 3, and it takes two hands to pick up after its wet. I’ll say this, if you drop it, make sure your feet are out of the way. (Yes, these are positive attributes. ) [Sorry, I asked him to add that last line because I wanted it to be clear that he wasn't complaining because, in fact, he loves the size of this soap. -R.]

Second, the smell isn’t over-powering and it doesn’t have that “lilacs in a field on a sunny ‘fabric softener’ afternoon” or “vanilla cake with melted butter, topped with sugar and cinnamon” kind of smell. It’s slightly musky, with a cedar and citrus mixture of scents (I’m not sure cedar is in it but so what, it smells like it does. Or, at least it does to me).

Third, it actually washes off! I couldn’t believe it. When I first looked at it, it looked a bit like those other funky, greasy glycerin soaps – you know, those weird homemade clear soaps that leave a waxy film on your skin like you had a bath in melted saran wrap – but it’s not. You can actually see the soap’s thick lather wash off and your skin is left feeling like it has been lightly moisturized. The lather takes awhile to form, but when it does, it’s like a barber’s shave cream.

Forth, and this is my most favorite part, you can use it everywhere… literally, everywhere. It’s an “all-in-one” kind of thing and you can use it on your hair, your beard, banana and coconuts, whatever. If only we could brush our teeth with it, it would take care of everything! I currently have a beard and this soap didn’t leave it feeling like it was dry pile of straw and kindling that could start a campfire all by itself. It also didn’t leave it feeling like I had a thin coating of bees wax delicately smoothed onto every single hair. I also used it on my scalp and hair. I lathered my hands with the bar and gently smoothed the lather on. I then used my fingertips to massage my scalp and it lathered as mentioned. My hair was clean and it felt like it was conditioned, but not in the way where it feels like I had waterproof skin lotion stuck in it.

Fifth, the price is right. (It’s seems like a lot, but when you look at it and break it down, I think you actually save some money.)

All in all, this is a really good soap. I strongly suggest it to men (and women) who like to wash themselves all at once without having to use 5 products to do it. I also suggest it just so you can surprise your significant other with an answer to those persistent questions, once and for all.

So there you have it! I hope you enjoyed Mr. Recessionista's message as much as I did, and I hope that you find this helpful if you're scrambling to find a good, inexpensive Valentine's Day gift for the special person in your life. If you want to get something beauty-related for a special man and you want him to actually use and love it, I would definitely consider getting him a bar of Woody's Meat and Potatoes Soap. You can find Woody's products online at Amazon and other various beauty supply sites throughout the web. You can also visit their website here.

A sample of this product was given to Nouveau Cheap for editorial purposes, either directly from the manufacturer or from the agency that works on behalf of the manufacturer. All reviews on are the honest opinion of its author and editorial samples do not, in any way, affect the outcome of product reviews.


  1. What a great post! I love hearing guys perspectives on products. This one looks like a winner!

  2. Did they send you the lipbalm too because it is AWESOME! Do not let Mr. Recessionista get it because you need it in your life.

    Also, what a good sport. Ya know, it must be a full moon or something because I gave DH some facewash (since he doesn't really wash his face - well with soap anyway) and he actually LIKED it and said if he remembered, he would USE it.

    I nearly fainted when he agreed to using extra products!

  3. I have to say that your boyfriend is such a good sport! First I read about his chafing on his inner thighs LOL and now he writes a guest post on your blog and a great one by the way.

    I love reading your blog.

    I think I'm the only weirdo that got a snicker out of a "man" soap called "Woody's" O_O

  4. April and Ashley: Thank you! I am so glad you enjoyed my venture into experimental reviews! lol. It was a risk but I really wanted you guys to hear his exact words about this product. :)

    JT: No, but now I wish they would have! lol. Sounds amazing! And yes, he was a very good sport, so I guess we're both lucky to have guys who will deal with our "habits" and congrats about the cleanser! It's amazing when a guy says he will try to remember to use something. No joke! That's like the highest compliment they can give about a beauty product!! :)

    Anon: OMG, you're right! LOL! I have exposed his issues to world and now he's writing reviews! What's next, right? I'm so lucky he's such a good sport about it all. :)

    Thanks so much for the kind words about my blog! And you know I didn't even think about the woody thing! lol. I immediately thought about surfing. :) But I am surprised that no one commented about Mr. Recessionista's reference to his "banana and coconuts" which totally cracked me up! LOL. :)

  5. Haha, I LOVE this post! It was hilarious & helpful :D

  6. Call me immature but i was very entertained by his "bananas and coconuts" phrase, lol. I may keep this mind down the line when I have someone to give it to.

  7. "But I am surprised that no one commented about Mr. Recessionista's reference to his "banana and coconuts" which totally cracked me up! LOL. :)"

    OMG I totally read over that. LOL

    Wow, coconuts?!!! O_O

    I just love this post. Please tell him to do guest posts more often. ^-^

  8. Okay, he just brought out the LOLs in a major way and it sounds like he should be hanging out with my husband! He is SO tired of me running up to him, "Here, smell this!" and of me asking him to try something. And lately--he's lagging on me in that department. Unless it's Purity, Pantene anti-dandruff shampoo, or Clarins shaving cream...he's not getting near it. Banana and coconuts??? I got it RIGHT away and burst out laughing. Moving on... :)

    I'm going to make him read this so maybe he'll consider using the stuff I'm pushing on him so he'll review it!


  9. Yeah I caught the banana and coconuts thing, but missed out on the "Woody's." TOOOO funny.

    Clicked on your link to Amazon and that bar is about $15, but another seller has it on there for about $10. The final cost of the $15 bar is cheaper because the shipping on the other one is higher.

    I TOTALLY think that you should add this review, and oh, BTW, a link to this site!!!! to the product review at Amazon.

    The only review on there at all is very tongue in cheek and says that it smells like roast beef!

  10. hahaha! I laughed so hard at the banana and coconuts that my cat looked at me funny.

    That has to be the most disturbing looking soap I've ever seen though. I'll have to ask my hubby what he thinks about it later. :)

  11. lo, yay for Mr. Recessionista's review!

  12. LMAO!
    bananas & coconuts

    & also with how he decribed the smell.
    so funny!

    i sure wish its available here in the philippines..

    i would love to get my man a bar of this!

    awesome post!

  13. At forst sight, i thought yuor b-friend was reviewing a piece of raw beef...

    But i have to say this product is quite interesting: men want the whole B&B rutine simple, and if you can reduce it to just one product, they appreciate it. Mine has a hard time when he stays at my home, because he has to use my Ballerina shampoo (flowery smell, kinda like the cherry blossom Suave) and my Dove body washes...go figure!

    Again, you've given me an idea of a good gift. Thank you!

  14. HA! Banana and coconuts. BANANA AND COCONUTS. Your man is hilarious-- I can see why you love him! This sounds like a great all-in-one but I think I'd have a hard time walking into my shower and seeing a block of "meat" in the shower rack. I think my guests would run from my house screaming bloody murder.

  15. Oh oh! And have you checked out I am in love with that site! Bought 4 items-- MAC lipglass, 2 Smashbox blushes, a YSL lipstick and with shipping, I only paid $40. :D

  16. Excellent review! No woman could've done a better review. absolutely entertaining.

  17. banana and coconuts! LMAO thats awesome! i seriously think just for fun you should get him to write a review every week on some kind of "manly" product.

  18. Nea: So glad you liked it!! :)

    Rubychopsticks: LOL! I'm glad you caught that and it made you laugh too! :D

    Anon: LOL!! Yeah I said the same thing about "coconuts" and he said, "Well I was trying to make it the least offensive analogy I could think of." lol!!! And I told him that some of my readers would like to see another review from him...he agreed! I can't wait to see what he tackles next. :)

    Amber: OMG, if I had a nickle for every time I've said, "smell this" and held a lotion/perfume/soap/candle under my boyfriend's nose! lol! So glad I'm not alone! And your hubby seriously needs to write a review on your blog asap! xo

    Denise: Wow, thanks so much for all the research you did on amazon! That helps so much! And I'll definitely ask Mr. R to post his review on there. This soap DEFINITELY DOES NOT smell like roast beef! lol. :)

    Mrs. Litz: LOL!!! OMG, your comment cracked me up! The cat! :) And yeah, I would love to know what your man thinks of this! :)

    Susie: Sooo glad you liked it!! :)

    thiamere: I'm so glad his review made you giggle!! I liked his scent descriptions too. :) And I wish you had access to this soap in your country. I'm sorry! :(

    Elena: LOL!!! Yep, my boyfriend actually has the same issues in my shower, but now that he has this soap, he's sooo much happier to take a shower here! :) I would LOVE to know what your man thinks of this if you get it for him! xo

    Shela: LOL!! I'm glad you liked that reference too. ;) And it actually doesn't really look like meat in person--it's more of just a swirled orangy and cream glycerin soap. I promise! :) And thanks for the tip about that website--I'll definitely have to check it out! :)

    Connie: Thank you so much! And I totally agree. He gave us a perspective that we couldn't possibly write ourselves (and I love him for that!). :) He just read your comments and it totally made his day. :)

    Giselle: LOL! So glad you liked that "term". :) I just asked him if he'd consider writing more "manly" reviews and he said yes! Can you believe it? He said he'd try to do it once a month. Yay! Thanks so much. :)

  19. Mr. Menagerie likes that soap too! He's been using it for a while and enjoying it but has neglected to send me his review!!!!! *cracks whip* lol! I agree, you NEED to try the lip balm. Steal it from him.


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