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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Seven Random Facts

A lot of bloggers have been doing this tag lately so I think it's time I chimed in (if I remember correctly I did a similar tag in the past, but it was a long time ago so why not disclose a few more random facts, right?). Also, thanks so much to the bloggers who have personally tagged me for this one!

1. I've said it before but I have to say it again: I'm a HUGE Lost fan. I have every season on DVD and have watched every episode over 20 times (pathetic, I know). I read every Lost blog out there, and I lurk on several Lost message boards and I think Lostpedia is better than Wikipedia (not really but you get the point). And even though I read Lost spoilers for season 6 on a daily basis, the best part about Lost is that, the more spoilers you hear, the MORE confused you get. Spoilers aren't really spoilers in the Lost universe.

2. I have a huge crush on Paul Rudd.

3. I have a Bachelor's Degree in English Literature and I minored in Film Studies.

4. I love every vegetable EXCEPT for Brussels sprouts.

5. I am ashamed of my addictions to celebrity gossip and reality TV.

6. I am over-the-moon excited and thrilled by the news that Soundgarden is reuniting.

7. One of my goals in life is to someday attend the Lebowski Fest.

If you have a blog, consider yourself tagged (if you haven't already done this one). And if you don't have a blog but would like to contribute, I would LOVE to see your seven random facts in the comments! :)


  1. okay, 2 things: I got huge crush on Paul Rudd AND I'm excited that Soundgarden is reuniting! XD

  2. YESS to 1 and 5!! I love Lost, and I'm such a geek I can't wait to watch it all in chronological order hahah!! AND watching Lost has made me inclined to look in the background/at random props for hidden secrets when I watch other shows!

    Perez is also one of my first sites I visit daily, I can't help it. I absolutely think Speidi are twats. I have an aversion to people who get rich by doing nothing.

    I'm going to do the 7 things on my blog too! =)

  3. Fifi: YES and YES!! Yay for us!! I'm willing to bet you must also have a crush on Chris Cornell?? How could you not, right? lol! xo

    Lisa: Hello my fellow Lostie! I am always thrilled to hear from beauty fanatics who are also Lost fanatics (there aren't too many of us out there!). I also try to look in the background on other shows, but usually they're not as sophisticated with that as Lost as always been (what a bummer). And please do NOT get me started with the whole Speidi thing! lol. xo

  4. Paul Rudd? I though I was the only one! lol he's a hottie!

  5. Tiff: As if I didn't love you enough already! lol!! You are SO not alone in the Paul Rudd fanclub! lol. xo

  6. we're Losties!

    your degree sounds amazing; i have never gotten to take film studies but i'm a literature geek despite having a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology and a minor in Writing.

    btw i adore brussels sprouts; my mum and i have actually fought over them in the past. fresh ones, oven-roasted with a sprinkle of olive oil, salt and pepper, and any herb you like are deelish.

  7. beautifulmonday: Yay for my fellow Losties!! And talk about amazing degrees! You are a right-brain AND left-brain person! That's awesome!

    If I didn't have too many bad experiences with Brussels sprouts in my life I would totally try your recipe. lol. I'm afraid there's just no saving me! :) xo

  8. And yet, the question remains...Are you a Sawyer girl, or a Jack girl? :-}


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