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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Spotted: NEW Revlon Parfumerie Scented Nail Lacquer Collection

UPDATE: Click here to see my review and swatches of four of the shades in this collection.

I get excited about every single new collection I post on this blog, no matter how big or small. But sometimes, I completely lose my mind over a new collection, and this is one of those times. Revlon has taken two of the things I love the most, nail polish and perfume, and combined them into the most beautiful drugstore collection I've seen in quite some time (in my humble opinion, of course).

Huge thanks to three lovely readers for their contributions to this post: Amy, Holly and Fatima. Amy and Fatima spotted the new Revlon Parfumerie Collection at their local Harmon Beauty stores, and Holly spotted it at a Bed Bath & Beyond with an extended beauty department. So definitely check your Harmon/BBB stores first (I'm sure this collection will hit the usual drugstores in the next few weeks).

First up, Amy of Gotham Polish was the first to bring this collection to my attention and she shared the following pics (Amy also has swatches of three of these shades on her blog here and there's a dupe alert):

image credit: Amy for Nouveau Cheap
Revlon Parfumerie Scented Nail Lacquer Collection
(retail: $4.79 each at Harmon/Bed Bath & Beyond, 0.4 oz)

I don't see the words "limited edition" on this display, so these polishes might be a new addition to the permanent collection.

"Fragrance revealed when dry"
"Vibrant, shiny shades"
"Light fragrances last all day"

There are sixteen shades in this collection, and they are broken down into three categories: Fruits & Florals, Freshes and Sweets & Spices.

Amy writes:
All polishes have the name of the scent [on the front of the bottle]. There's no point opening the polish in the store to smell them - you'll just smell nail polish. The eponymous scent will reveal itself after the polish dries. And the bottles? ADORABLE!
NOTE: The order in this display is a tiny bit off--I'll clear that up in a moment, but just keep in mind that some of these fragrances should actually be in other categories within this display (example: Bordeaux should be in the "Sweets & Spices" category instead the "Freshes" category):

image credit: Amy for Nouveau Cheap
 Fruits & Florals
China Flower, African Tea Rose, Apricot Nectar, Pink Pineapple, Sunlit Grass

image credit: Amy for Nouveau Cheap
Bordeaux, Watermint, Surf Spray, Lavender Soap, Moonlight Woods, Wild Violets

Note the Deborah Lippmann Mermaid's Dream dupe, Watermint. Amy has swatches of Watermint here.

image credit: Amy for Nouveau Cheap
Sweets & Spices
Italian Leather, Beachy, Fresh Linen, Spun Sugar, Beachy* (repeated)

*There is actually another shade in this collection (that should be in the second Beachy slot above), which I'll show you in a second.

Reader Holly also spotted this collection (at her local Bed Bath & Beyond with an extended beauty department) and shared some pics as well!

NOTE: I believe that the polishes are all in the correct categories is the following display.

image credit: Holly for Nouveau Cheap

image credit: Holly for Nouveau Cheap
Lavender Soap, Sunlit Grass, Beachy, Fresh Linen, Surf Spray, Watermint

image credit: Holly for Nouveau Cheap
Fruits & Florals
Wild Violets, China Flower, Pink Pineapple, African Tea Rose, Apricot Nectar

image credit: Holly for Nouveau Cheap
Sweets & Spices
Moonlit Woods, Spun Sugar, Autumn Spice, Bordeaux, Italian Leather

And here's a closer look at Autumn Spice, which was missing from the first display:

image credit: Holly for Nouveau Cheap
Autumn Spice

As I was writing this post, reader Fatima shared this pic of Apricot Nectar (she also spotted this collection at her local Harmon Beauty):

image credit: Fatima for Nouveau Cheap
Apricot Nectar

Did I mention that I'm OBSESSED with these bottles? And don't even get me started on the scents--I need them all. 

Once again, the new Revlon Parfumerie Collection was spotted at Harmon Beauty, as well as Bed Bath & Beyond (a store with an extended beauty department). So definitely check your Harmon/BBB stores first (I'm sure this collection will hit the usual drugstores within the next few weeks).

In the meantime, I would love to know what you think of this collection so far! I know that scented nail polishes are not for everyone, but they're definitely something that appeals to me, so expect lots of reviews from me in the future (my wallet is crying as I think about how many I'll want to buy when I find this display).

And don't forget: Amy at Gotham Polish has some lovely swatches of Italian Leather, Wild Violets and Wintermint (Deborah Lippmann Mermaid's Dream dupe) on her blog here.

Thanks so very, very much, Amy, Holly and Fatima, for the great photos (and new lemmings!). I really appreciate it!


  1. Oh no.... I think I need all of these G!

    1. You and me both, JoElla. You and me both. Sigh...

  2. I wonder how long the scents last??? Love the concept plus Revlon makes my favorite nail lacquers so I'd buy them even without the scent!

    1. Maybe you missed it--I mentioned above that the display says "Light fragrances last all day." Hope that helps!!!

    2. I'm on day three with wild Violet and the scent is still faintly there. It was pretty strong day one!

  3. Yay! Affordable Revlon nail polishes!

  4. Do you know if these are limited edition or are a new permenant line? Sorry if I missed this in the post.

    1. Please see what I wrote right underneath the first picture!

  5. The sweets and spices look amazing and my autumn loving heart wants the scents to be wonderful as well. I wish the "sunlit grass" wasn't yellow. Grass is an almost intoxicating scent, but yellow just doesn't quite work for me.But enough about me. ;)
    Thanks for posting!

  6. I love this concept! The bottle do remind me of perfume. Oh no this will be hard to resist.

  7. New bottles!!! I need them in CVS immediately. The Revlon Nail EB Sales are great. Thanks G!

  8. I have to admit, I find the concept of scented polishes to be kind of nauseating...the colors look gorgeous though!

  9. I am going to be broke after this, these looks so cute!

  10. I want at least 3 or 4 of these.The watermint for sure.Apricot nectar is a must for me.

  11. Ugh, I just bought like 10 new polishes this weekend. Guess my wallet will have to suck it up because I must have some of these!

  12. I really don't like scented polishes... but Autumn Spice looks amazing!

  13. Those bottles are adorable! However, I am very skeptical about the scenting. I have "Beach" from the last scented collection and it smells absolutely HEINOUS. I can't even wear it. So, I may just look at these from afar. It will be interesting to hear reviews on these.

  14. Those bottles are so cute. I know I'll be on the lookout for these!

  15. Oh I am in trouble!!! I love Revlon everything and cannot wait for these!!!! I love the bottles too!!!! I just hope that little nob on the top of the bottle doesn't make application tricky i.e. Chanal polishes. I have trouble holding onto the little tiny top. Anyway I am super excited especially since the big Sinful Colors Halloween display never came my way, I have some extra beauty dollars stashed in my piggy bank!

  16. Oh no! I love anything new that is "scented" I will just hand over my money to Revlon like you said. Can't wait to find these in my area.... sigh!

  17. Very interesting that they decided to do these scented polishes in a new bottle style instead of in the classic Revlon shape like the last couple of scented collections. I don't think I have enough BB&B coupons on hand to get all the shades but I'll for sure be picking up some of them.

  18. OMG, I'm with you G, I need all of these!!! And that bottle, wow! Revlon got it right with this collection! I haven't seen anything this unique from a drugstore brand in awhile. I will be stalking every store until I find these. Thanks for the pics! :D

    1. I absolutely agree with you, Carol. And you are so welcome! Hope we don't both go broke when we find this one. lol!

  19. I just want the bottles, they're soooo cute!

  20. The colors and so pretty and those bottles!! I might just buy them for the bottle!

  21. Oh no... I wish I lived in US as we in the UK will likely never see these :'(

  22. Autumn Spice reminds me a bit of OPI Tease-y Does It, the bottles are adorable ugh!

  23. Could you post a sightings map for these??? Even though i dont think anyone follows this blog in the Utica, Michigan area except me.Id like to get my hands on these.Im sure these will sell out quick! Im gonna be accumulating my Revlon $1 off coupons.I hope Rit Aid gets them in!

    1. If I find out that these are limited edition, I certainly will! I just don't do sightings maps for permanent collections since they'll eventually be everywhere. Thanks for the request! :)

  24. Oh, no. These are GORGEOUS. I'm with you... love the bottles. I was going to start a No-Buy on the 26th... but... but... but... :(

  25. Haha so I had no idea that some of the polishes were out of order... I guess I was too excited to notice, but it makes more sense that way lol! And Autumn Spice? NEED that one, no wonder if was already gone from the display!!!

  26. Ohhhhhhhhhhh I think I will die (metaphorically) if I don't get Autumn Spice!

  27. I like the shape of the bottles. But, dang...I cannot get past the thought of sniffing my fingers!! o_O

  28. Please, somebody convince me I don't need these!

    1. I'm sure that someone here, who doesn't like scented nail polish, could probably convince you. But sadly, that someone is not me! :-)

  29. These look amazing heading to bed bath and beyond in the morning!

  30. I was so excited to see these in Harmon on Sunday! I took pictures to share, but they're not very sharp--glad to see others beat me and provided better!

    I couldn't decide which to buy, so eight came home (Apricot nectar, Autumn spice, Beachy, Bordeaux, Italian leather, Surf spray, Wild violets, Wintermint). The formulas are a little runny on the ones I tried, but opaque in two coats (except Autumn Spice, which is a *gorgeous* one-coater, and Surf Spray, which is very sheer and opaque in four; probably best as a topcoat). Wintermint is truly a DL dupe! I swatched that on one finger, and Mermaid's Dream on an adjacent finger--couldn't tell them apart!

    The fragrances aren't overwhelming but definitely noticeable (Bordeaux is the most subtle, with Wintermint the most pronounced, of those I've tried), and do match their names (well, maybe not Italian leather--alas, I'm not sure what that actually smells like). The display has a stack of magazine-type perfume inserts featuring Autumn Spice and Surf Spray so you can smell those two in-store.

    I've decided I "need" the other eight too and will go back for them on payday. :)

  31. Oh wow that is such an awesome idea! i have never considered that before. I haven't seen them around yet but hopefully they become a part of the permanent collection,
    I would really love to know what you thought of the scents if you have used it.
    I would be interested in seeing if they actually are strong or last for a while.
    Many thanks! <3 :)

  32. hm....i've never tried scent polish before, because i'm rather skeptical about the idea, but i see at least 3 of these i'd love to try, and the colours are pretty enough that i wou;dn't be mad if the scents are weak.

  33. Scented polish is dumb but I see many colors I want and the bottles are cute. Too bad I will probably never find these in my area. Not like I need to spend more money on nail polish any way!

  34. OK, I;m already sold. I love Revlon and I ADORE these bottles. What a great idea and better than the previous smelly range and their daft names!

  35. I feel like these have to be permanent because there's so many. Replacing Revlon's old scented collection probably, and augh they're so adorable!!

  36. Working in a Harmon myself, I'd encourage anyone who wants them to get to the displays soon. I put our display out Monday night and several crew members had bought up nine of the colors before my shift ended [myself and a co-worker both killed the Autumn Spice; also picked up Wintermint for myself]. The scent on Autumn Spice is to die for and it wears very well. Fall in a bottle.

  37. I wore the Spun Sugar today & love, love the formula! It went on super smooth & dried quickly. Absolutely no chipping without a top coat & I've showered & done dishes. :-)

  38. Autumn Spice! Oh my god Autumn Spice. Looks STUNNING! And I want Watermint. I like Mermaid but can't afford it.

  39. I picked up African Tea Rose at my local Harmon... the smell is so lovely. Rosy and sweet! I wish I had an actual perfume just like it. And the pink color is very nice as well.

  40. The Autumn Spice at my store was sold out :( So devastated.But i did pick up WinterMint.Hope other stores get them in soon.

  41. I'm obsessed with Revlons scented polishes already, was wearing Apricot yesterday. These are a must. And guess what? A new BBB, with a Beauty department, opens TODAY just 10 minutes down the road. I will definitely have to check it out, with my 20% off coupon in hand (will it work on these?).

  42. does anyone know what the brush looks like? I don't like the small ones since I got used to the larger curved one.


      I just posted my full review with pics of the brush yesterday!

  43. I wish Revlon would come out with foundation in a bottle that was vintage-looking, like Two Faced has

  44. I hope I can find these at my local Walgreens. I really want wintermint (not just because it's a dupe of a polish I already want, but because I love mint smells), autumn spice, spun sugar, Bordeaux, and the moonlit woods (I'm curious to see how that one smells).

  45. The Rite aid I went to only had the sweets and spices.

  46. I just got this. I bought the wild violets one. I'm a little disappointed in how long the scent lasts. I wish it would last longer because you could get several if these shades cheaper and be able to apply a top coat. I thought it would last for a few days not a day. It's almost not worth it.


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