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Monday, June 24, 2013

New Blog Series: Beauty Bite

I'd like to introduce you to a new feature on Nouveau Cheap:

Since I tend to cover lots of different things on this blog (sale info, new product sightings, product reviews, etc.) I'm currently in a situation where I have many, many beauty products in my review queue, and not enough time in the day to actually compose my reviews while still keeping you up to date on all the other stuff I love to share here.

If you've been following this blog for any length of time, you know that I like to go very in-depth with my product reviews and give you as much information as I possibly can about the product I'm reviewing. I will never change that (it's just who I am!) but I also need to review all of these new products I have before they're not "new" anymore! For a few weeks, I've been kicking around the idea of doing some "short and sweet" reviews where I give you photos, swatches and the pros and cons of an item. These abbreviated reviews will NOT take the place of my regular product reviews, but it's a way that I can cover a lot of ground in a shorter amount off time, while still giving you the "essentials" about a particular product.

I asked those of you who follow me on Facebook to give me your ideas about what to call these new "mini-reviews" and you all had such great ideas (thanks again to everyone who took the time to submit names!). Ultimately, after a vote from my Facebook followers, I ended up going with a short and to-the-point title that I've had in the back of my mind for a while, and that name is Beauty Bite.

So when you see a post that begins with the words "Beauty Bite," you'll now know that the review you're about to read is a "bite" as opposed to a full meal. You'll get the essentials that (hopefully) will provide you with enough information to help you determine whether or not a product may be worth your time. As I said before, I will continue to provide you full-length reviews in the future, but I thank you for your patience and understanding while I try to make my way through the backlog of products currently on my desk.

Thanks so much, and look out for some "Beauty Bite" reviews in the very near future!


  1. I think this is great. I just want to say that I truly appreciate the time you take to review products. You have saved me money on products that aren't great, but you've also sold me on products I would have never tried. Like the CG 3-in-1 Foundation. I would have never tried that until I saw your review and now, quite honestly, I cannot live without it. So thanks for your reviews, whether they're short or long! :D

  2. This is such a great idea. Thank you for putting your readers first and for always providing us with so much info! :)

  3. Sounds awesome! More reviews from you would be great!

  4. While I appreciate your in-depth reviews this is a great idea!

  5. Love it! Don't apologize. You're doing the readers a favor. Can't wait to read the new section.

  6. Wholeheartedly agree - this is a great idea!

  7. This is a great idea! Love the first bite post.

  8. Love this! Thanks for all of your hard work!

  9. Love your reviews! Thanks for all you do!


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