Don't forget to check the beauty sale pages at Macy's here and
Nordstrom here for new beauty deals plus free shipping!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Dear lurkers...

image source:

Over the past few weeks I've received some incredibly sweet messages from readers who don't often comment (or have never commented) on this blog and, as a blogger, I cannot express to you how wonderful it feels to hear from lurkers! Do NOT get me wrong--it's wonderful to hear from each and every one of you and I adore my regular readers/commenters more than you can possibly know. But when someone who never, ever comments on blogs takes the time to comment, it's like a smile from a stranger--unexpected and delightful!

So I thought I'd take a moment to talk to you, the lurkers out there, and ask that you leave a comment here and make your presence known! Feel free to share what posts you've read recently, if you've enjoyed what you've been reading here, if you've made any good (or bad) drugstore beauty purchases lately and, most importantly, just let us know you're HERE!

As the image above states so beautifully--I know you're not shy, you're just holding back your awesomeness!


  1. i've commented a few times before.. but i just really wanted to share that i recently bought the steve madden "fantasik" wedge, which is (in my opinion) the best dupe for the stuart weitzman "alex" wedge.. i got the steve madden's for $35(!!!) on and i ADORE them! i'm so excited to wear them! so if you've been itching for some stuart weitzman inspired wedges without the $350 price tag, go look at the awesome sales!

    AND :) i got the macadamia oil conditioning mask by "organix" from walgreens and it's AMAZING!

    love you, g! thanks for letting me share! :)

    1. A bargain's a bargain and I'm always happy to hear about them, no matter what the product! :) Congrats on the great deal, and thanks so much for taking the time to share! xo

  2. hehe though i don't always hv a chance to comment, i must say i find your posts so incredibly helpful. really appreciate how frequently you post so we can get the information as soon as possible. i totally rely on your weekly sales posts to see which drugstores I should hit up that week! thank you!!! XOXO :D

    1. Thank you SO much for that, sweetie! I am so happy to hear that my weekly sales post has been helping you out. Yay!!! xo

  3. Hi G!
    I had to take a break from your blog last year...I was becoming obsessed with drugstore finds and would stalk ones near me looking for all the newest releases. My husband became a bit concerned the day I came home with one of those rolling 5-drawer towers to store my "extra" stuff. My 6-month self-imposed ban is now over and I'm back!!
    I know you haven't mentioned anything about Marcelle BB Cream, but that is my newest obsession. I have been waiting for it in the mail...SLOW, and have been to every drugstore in my area as today was the official release. I hope it is as good as I'm thinking!

    1. Oh hun, please believe me when I say that I completely understand your need to take a break. It's so easy to get caught up in the latest and greatest products and the thrill of the hunt (you do NOT want to see what my makeup collection looks like right now), but I'm just so glad you're back. Everything in moderation, right? Well, at least that's what I try to tell myself. lol! Please let me know what you think of that bb cream once you try it? xo

    2. Lol! I feel the same as Grumpy Mom. I think I've made my poor fiance hit CVS about 4x this week. The only way I can pseudo-justify this current obsession is that our wedding is coming up soon, and I intend on buying affordable makeup to practice with since I have always been an all natural girl (used to wear nothing but lip balm). Between your blog and Jen at frmheadtotoe, it helps a makeup-newbie like me very much, so thank you, G (:

  4. I love your blog and enjoy you tips for saving money on makeup! It's means I can afford to buy more!

  5. LOL I use your blog on the go! It is bookmarked on my phone for easy access, that way when I am out and about I can access all the sales. LOL Unfortunately I cannot comment from my phone but I am always lurking around ;)

    1. I totally understand about not being able to comment from your phone (it's a pain in the bootie for me to comment from my phone). I'm just so happy you're reading, and I'm honored that you bookmarked me! :) xo

  6. Self-confessed lurker here :-) I'm fairly new to your blog but have been enjoying it very much.. I live in S.D. too... well north county if that counts ;-) I look forward to your posts.. very informative and helpful!

    1. Yay for another SD girl!! Thanks for the comment! Since you're new, you may not be aware that from time to time I post about San Diego-specific deals and various stores that I frequent in town for beauty purchases. :) Oh, and did you hear that they opened a Lush store in Fashion Valley? SO awesome! :)

    2. They did?! That's it... I have to make the trek down there! I have always wanted to see these products in person. So cool... thanks for the tip! :-)

  7. I guess I would be considered a lurker. I read the emails every night but there's not always a need for me to comment so I don't. I'm just appreciate the information that you provide. I have to be honest though, I kinda take offense to being called a lurker. I think I get what you mean by that name but at the same time it just takes on a negative connotation...

    1. Thanks so much for the comment, and for subscribing to my daily email. I'm sorry that you took offense to the word "lurker". I assure you that I did not mean it in a negative way. "Lurker" is an extremely common internet term for people who read blogs but don't comment. Not a bad thing! Hope that clears it up.

  8. *waves* Lurker from ~sunny~ SF over here! I've been coming to your blog for the last few months now and want to properly THANK YOU for always giving us the best scoop on deals and reviews of products. My nail polish collection has definitely expanded greatly since I've started coming here :)

    I may not comment often but just know that I'm sending virtual high fives with every awesome post you make!

    1. Oooh, I looooove the Bay Area (I used to live in North Bay for a while in the 90s). :) Thanks so much for reading my blog these past few months, and um, sorry about the expanding polish collection. NOT! haha! ;)

      I'm feelin' your high fives and sending 'em right back to you with a big ol' hug to boot! xo

    2. Oh, you are amazingly sweet to reply to so many of these comments! Hugs to you as well, and doooooo visit the Bay Area sometime :D

  9. Hi G!
    I'm one of your lurkers for a couple of months now. I'm a broke college student and sometimes I forget what a girl look like around here in my engineering schools. So, to keep myself sane, I try very very hard not to look like a hot mess on Fridays. Monday to Thursday, I don't have a choice but to look like a sewer rat, but on Friday, I'm wearing makeup and dresses and cute shoes. Your drugstore reviews and coupon/sale alerts are tremendously helpful to me, since I don't have to budget and time to try different things.
    Your enthusiasm for beauty products is really infectious and I look forward to your future posts! =D

    1. Awww, I bet you don't look like a hot mess EVER! ;) Thanks SO much for taking the time to comment and to read my blog--it means the world to me. xoxo

  10. I'm here! Monica aka "the_blue_cat" coming aaaall the way from Romania :)
    I've been reading your blog for over a year now. I do believe I left a few comments over he time, but not many. :)
    I would LOVE it if someone would do what you do for us Romanian beauty lovers. Sometimes I get jelous of all the perfectly wonderful tips you share with your readers, all the deals and all the coupons. I wish I lived in the US. I'd never stop shopping! :))
    The deals you share with your readers are sooo great! We never EVER get a true BOGO or massive discounts. If we get 30% off on our already overpriced drugtore items we're jumping over the roof with excitement. :) And that's plain silly by comparisson.
    And don't even get me started on the new the time they make it to our little corner of the Universe...

    Anyways...I wanted to let you know that I'm here and that I love your blog and appreciate all the work and passion you put into it every day!
    Hugs from Romania!

    1. I'm from Romania too ... living in America ... and yes, the sales, the coupons ... we have great deals here, and I've been taking advantage of some of them, thanks to G's posts ... I check them out every day, especially on Monday morning.. :) And Monica, maybe one day ... that little corner of the Universe will drop the prices on beauty products and start using some coupons ... :)

    2. Welcome to my two beautiful Romanian readers! SO glad to have you both here!

      I'm sorry to hear that the drugstore deals may not be as good, or frequent, in your country, and I sure hope that eventually changes. Until then, I hope you can enjoy reading about things here, so that when these products eventually make their way to you, you'll be ready to know exactly what you want to buy! :)

      Thanks again for making me part of your blog reading. I really appreciate it! xo

  11. Expatriate San Franciscan living in L.A. here. I love your blog...I pride myself on living reasonably well without being stupid with my limited money...I just don't post much because I sort of speed through FB and my blogs...self-employed, times are tough for all of us, trying to promote my online store...takes up a lot of my 'puter time in between work time, sometimes my family wonders where I am, LOL! But - de-lurking and saying THANK YOU for your great blog!! I believe it's you I have to thank for discovering Milani...

    1. Hey there! How's the adjustment of going from Nor Cal to So Cal? I know that when I moved away from SD to Nor Cal it was a bit of a culture shock (in a good way!) so I can only imagine you experienced that too. And then when I moved back to SD from Nor Cal it was an adjustment AGAIN!

      Thanks so much for reading my blog and I'm just so thrilled that it's been helping you discover some new brands and save a bit of money too. Yay!! xo

  12. Lurker from Texas here! I've actually been coming here via search while looking for reviews on Orly Bonder. Oh gosh, that was over a year ago! I do admit however, I am a rather shy person. The last purchase I made was the Revlon lip butters I purchased the Red Velvet & Raspberry Pie & I am in LOVE! I try to read your posts every day via my trusty Google Reader so I don't miss anything. I am currently back in college. I graduated college in the 90's but now that my kids are almost out the door I've been itching to go back to school & do something different. Your blog is chocked full of AWESOME! :)

    1. Wow! I'm so happy to hear you've been reading for over a year! Thanks so very much for coming back. :) And I'm thrilled to hear that the lip butters have worked for you--that's awesome. And CONGRATS on going back to school. I often think of doing that myself (for a Master's degree) but after being out of school for so long (I graduated in the 90s too!), it's kind of a scary thought. I really admire you for taking the plunge, and I hope my blog brings you a nice diversion from studying every once in a while! xo

  13. Wow...I am a lurker that has enjoyed the growth of this blog up close from afar, I guess LOL I remember when Nouveau Cheap was just a sweet lil'ole blog of a 100 of so followers and if I knew that commenting was appreciated I'd of done it more often! Congratulations on your awesome blog!

    1. WOW! You have been lurking for ages!!! I can't even put into words how much it means to me to hear that you've been reading my blog for this long. And please don't feel any pressure to comment--I just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the "silent" readers and give them a chance to comment (if they want to). I'm just so thrilled that you've chosen to come back (again and again!) to my little blog. That truly means the world to me and thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart. xo

  14. This is my first time commenting, too. I just started following your blog recently and I love it! I commented on your FB page about Tangle Teazers last night. Thanks so much! I will try not to be so shy, LOL!

    1. Welcome! And thanks SO much for taking the time to comment. I absolutely love hearing from new readers, and I'm thrilled that the Tangle Teezer has worked for you! Yay!!! And don't worry about being shy--if you feel the need to comment that's GREAT, but please don't feel any pressure. I'm just so glad to have you here reading. xo

  15. I just found your blog and I love it. I don't usually comment - I'm a wall flower type person. But, I did comment on your Milini Highlighter post AND bought two of them!! Thank you for that post, I was searching for a powder highlighter for quite some time and didn't want to spend a lot of money on the high end ones.

    I just started my own blog about cosmetics, skin & hair care, (I have 5 followers...whoot,whoot) so blog will be as awesome as yours :)

    Take care,

    1. So happy to hear the Milani highlighter is working for you! I haven't tried them yet but now you've got me itching to get them! :) And congrats on starting a blog--it's an amazing journey and I wish you nothing but the best and MUCH success! Thanks so much for the comment and for reading my blog! xo

  16. Hello! I have only discovered your blog in the past few months. What a find! My makeup collection has definitely grown over that time, also! I had never shopped at a CVS before I read about the makeup clearance sale - now I go at least once a week! My most recent love is a Milani concealer pen I picked up from their clearance. I loved the first one I bought so much that I went back and cleaned them out - 5 in total! Anyway, love your blog. I actually sent in some pictures last week about the Stila Daydream and Live in Full Color palettes I saw at Nordstrom Rack. I thought about your blog as soon as I saw them! Have a great day!

    1. Wow, I'm so happy to hear that you've tried CVS because of my blog! That's fantastic and I'm so happy to hear you've been taking advantage of their deals (and that you love the Milani concealer!). And thanks so much for those pics--I got them and LOVE them and will write back soon! Thanks again for the sweet comment. xo

  17. i'm still here. :) i know i don't comment as much as i used to, but i still look to your blog for the deets on the newest drugstore makeup.

    1. Hey girlie! You've been reading and commenting for ages and I cannot tell you how much I APPRECIATE and LOVE ya for it. So glad to see you're still reading after all this time. I miss you and I'm always delighted when I see you comment. xoxo

  18. Hi G, I'm a total lurker, but now I guess I'm just coming out of the shadows to say thanks for all of your amazing posts! I first found your blog when I was in the US and looking for some good drugstore products, and now I just read it to look at your amazing swatches! The latest nail polishes you've swatched really make me swoon. :)

    1. Welcome out of the shadows, honey! lol! :) Thanks so much for taking the time to comment, and I'm so happy to have you here! And wow, I'm so honored that you'd call my swatches amazing. I'm always struggling to try and improve the quality of my swatches so that means THE WORLD to me. xoxo

  19. What brought me here originally was anything nail polish, but I've learned a lot about other goodies and look forward to every new post. I will say that I don't really wear makeup so I tend to skim those posts. But everything else, yay!
    My most favorite find here- the St Ives Green Tea scrub. It's amazing! My Wal-greens is always sold out but we have a dumpy, un-popular Rite Aid who carries it. Within 2 or 3 weeks both my husband and my mother could see a difference and said my skin was more glowy! I couldn't see it but for my husband to notice, it must be good :) I recommend it to anyone and everyone who will listen. So thanks for sharing that one!

    1. I'm so happy that polish brought you here, but that you found other reasons to come back! That's so wonderful to hear. :) And YAY! I'm SO glad that the St Ives Green Tea Scrub has been working for you. It's my favorite, so it makes me burst with joy to hear that it's improved the quality of your skin too (and kudos for the hubby for noticing/commenting on it). That's amazing! *hugs*

  20. I read your blog every day! I just love it :) I got a bunch of milani blushes for really cheap recently because of one of your posts. It was super great!

    1. Thank you, honey! So happy to hear that you were able to stock up on those blushes. Yay!!! xo

  21. Hellooo From Jacksonville, Florida. I've recently been checking out your posts on Flakie polishes, I totally picked up Finger Paint's Asylum from Sally's yesterday but they were out of twisted :(. I read pretty much every day in my little office cube. I used to be high-end brand only but now I've been opened up to the world of drug store products which is AWESOME. If I'm scoping out something I search your blog for a review before I purchase. This may be my first post....possibly my second if you count contributing to a map. haha. I love your blog, keep on keepin' on :D

    1. Greetings, Jacksonville! :) I'm so happy you were able to get one of those flakies, and I'm even more happy to hear you're reading from your cube (as a former cube-dweller, I know how important a nice diversion can be!). I'm so happy that I could help open up the drugstore world a bit for you. Reading that totally makes my day. xoxo

  22. I've been reading your blog for about a year, though I don't always comment. Your blog is one of the first places I come to when I want to try a new drugstore product! I love your posts, and I'm glad you brought back the Vintage Vault because it's so fun seeing older products!

    1. Wow, thanks so much for being a loyal reader! :) And I'm so happy to hear you enjoy the Vintage Vault series! Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. I really appreciate it. xo

  23. Hi, I'm a loyal lurker from Chicago! I left my first comment last month in regards to the Milani clearance sale. I subscribe to your daily e-mails and read them every morning as I'm on my way to work. I love your blog and appreciate all of the hard work that you put into keeping us well-informed, frugal and fabulous! I may not comment but I am here enjoying all that this blog offers and spreading the word when given the opportunity. My beauty arsenal is ridiculous but I couldn't be happier about the steals, deals, dupes, etc. THANK YOU for your awesomeness each and every day!

    1. Hello, Chicago! :) Thanks so very much for reading (and subscribing!). I am so honored that you read me on your way to work, and thank you SO much for all of the very kind words. I really, really appreciate it. *hugs*

  24. I love your blog ! I read it every morning with my coffee. I look forward to seeing new reviews every day. I appreciate all the leg work you do . It saves me time and money. Thanks to you i have discovered Wet&Wild.What a fantastic value. Again thanks for all you work.

    1. Awww, I love that you read me over coffee. Makes me feel all warm and cozy to know that. :) Thanks so much for sweet comment, and for starting your day with this blog. Means the world to me. xo

  25. Hi! I've been reading your blog for a few months now and I love your reviews. It's great to know whether something is worth the money before I buy it. Thanks!

    Also, I have a frugal living/coupon blog and definetely reposted the Simple Skincare coupon from CVS. Thanks for the heads up!

    1. Thanks so much for reading, AND for linking to my coupon post. I really appreciate that, and glad to "meet" a fellow frugal blogger! xoxo

  26. I love lurking around your blog :) I do not live in the states but I visit the states pretty often and your blog keeps me updated on the amazing drugstore deals. I am really lucky that my visit to the states ALWAYS coincides with the CVS sale and with the help of your blog, I am able to snag loads of amazing deals :)
    Thank you for updating your blog ever so often :)

    1. Wow, I'm so happy that your visits to the US coincide with CVS sales. Yay!!! Thanks so much for reading and for commenting too. Glad to be of help to you! xo

  27. I am definitely a lurker! I have been reading this blog for about a year now and I absolutely love it! I am a junior in high school and this blog definitely gets me through long class periods. However I still read on the weekends and in the evenings after school! I love all the posts regarding new collections and product reviews. Thanks for the great community you've provided. It's so great to read the comments from fellow makeup lovers, even though I have never commented myself. But I will start! Lots of love. <3
    -Ashley :)

    1. Thanks so much for the very sweet comment! I hope you feel welcomed into our little community with open arms. Wish I could give you a big hug! :) xo

  28. I have to confess that I am a lurker. I found your website through a video on youtube and I have since been on your site everyday. I love your posts and it helps a lot with my budget when I can get all the sales for the week on one site. Thank you for your awesomeness!

    1. Awww, thanks for the "confession"! ;) So nice to hear from you (and love your screen name, btw!). xo

  29. I'm no lurker....I'm a STALKER. ;-)
    Read your blog everyday. LOVE it! Thank you so much for all the information!

    1. Hahahahahah! Thanks so much for coming out to play (and for the great big laugh, which was much needed). xo :)

  30. Hehe, now you're making me feel ashamed! I've been lurking for a couple of fact, I kind of check your blog several times a day. I always really appreciate your heads up on sales and coupons. Also, (strangely enough), you've gotten me hooked on big lots. I found a Sula nailpolish in there one day and thought of you :D

    1. Oh honey, NEVER feel ashamed for not commenting! :) I understand that people don't comment for different reasons and I would never want anyone to feel they HAVE to comment. I just love hearing from people who may never comment, so that's why I did this post. :) Thanks so much for reading my blog--that means so much to me (whether you comment or not!). xoxo

      PS: Yay for Big Lots! :)

  31. Hey G!

    I'm not sure if I've ever commented, but I've read for a few months! I at least read the preview of every single post but often times find myself cruisin' your whole site! I normally don't comment very much because I'm usually reading from my phone.

    1. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment! I'm so happy to hear that you've been enjoying my blog--thanks SO much for reading! xoxo

  32. GUILTY as CHARGED! I love to peruse your blog, I have found a ton of helpful swatches, reviews and updates. I love to see the 'spotted recently' posts, the 'here comes some new goodies from WetnWild'as well as all of your reviews. Thanks for ALL that you do & know that for all that comment, there are at least 5 of us just lurking in the background!

    1. Haha! :) Thanks so much for taking the time to let me know what types of posts you enjoy. That info is so valuable to me and really helps let me know what I should post more of in the future. And thanks SO much for reading. I really appreciate that and it's wonderful to know my lurkers are out there even if they don't comment! xoxo

  33. >.> I guess I'm one those lurkers as well. I've been following your blog for awhile from Canada and now in the US (where I have access to the products and makeup in your blog). I LOVE your blog! I think it's awesome that you take the time and share what's new or what kind of deals are going on. Heck, I get excited whenever you post something new. Oh FYI...You should check out your local Big Lots. I found some Sally Hansen Diamond Strength nail polish for only $1. And G...Keep up the great posts!

    1. Thanks so much, hun! And welcome back to the US. :) Thanks so much for the Big Lots tip--I haven't been there in a few weeks and now I'm itching to go. lol!! *hugs*

  34. Another lurker here and I must say I love that you took the time to acknowledge us =)

    1. Awww, I'm SO glad you feel that way, honey! And WELCOME! So, so happy to hear from you. xoxo

  35. Long time lurker here. I've commented a few times though :) can I just say how much I love your blog and the tremendous effort you put into it? You've saved me tons of money with your sale info and reviews so thank you for dong what you do!

    1. Thank you SO much, honey! I'm so happy that you're here and reading, and thanks for such kind words. Means SO much to me. xoxo

  36. ha...i'm a hardcore lurker. I comment occasionally, but I mostly don't because I don't have a blog so I don't really feel like I'm part of the whole beauty blogging community. I feel like I'm trying to jump in on a conversation with the cool kids when I am just NOT a cool kid. haha.
    anyway, LOVE your blog. It's kind of changed my life. I've been reading it (and a ton of other beauty blogs) for about 7 months now.

    1. Haha! I love that: "hardcore lurker". ;) And please PLEASE don't ever think that you can can't comment just because you don't have a blog! I'm willing to bet that 90% of my readers who comment don't have blogs of their own, so please feel welcome to comment whenever you'd like, hun! Thanks SO much for reading, and I hope we get to "chat" again in the future. xoxo

  37. I am definitely a lurker.. I love your blog, but often times I just don't know what to say! Thank you for your Drugstore Sales of the week, there is usually always something on them that I will pick up, and without you I wouldn't know about them!! Thank you! :)

    1. Oh honey, I NEVER know what to say, so don't feel bad! LOL!!! ;) I'm so glad you took the time to comment on this post, and I'm really happy to hear my blog has helped you a bit. That makes my day. xo

  38. I'm a lurker from the East Coast :) My favorite posts on your blog are your reviews. I love the coupons and deals you post, but you help us pick and choose which items to buy and that's a big way I save money on beauty products! Thanks, G!

    1. Thank you so much for that, honey! I'm so happy you're enjoying my reviews--they're the hardest things for me to write and it means so much that you read them. Thanks again! xoxo

  39. Love Love Love your blog! I check it every day! Your effort and dedication really does show!!! You've prevented me from buying so many things that I wouldnt have liked--but at the same time you help me find the products I am looking for!! I cant imagine how many products I missed out on before I found your blog. Please keep doing what you do! Thank you!!!

    1. Thank you SO much, Katie. It's one thing to help turn someone on to a good product, but it REALLY makes me happy to hear that I might have helped someone steer clear of a bad one. So thanks for that--I really appreciate you taking the time to say hi! :) xoxo

  40. What a shame... I read a lot of your posts and NEVER comment. I'll work on that, just be assured your work is much much appreciated (as ungrateful as it may sound). Thanks for reminding me !!

    1. Awww, I'm just so glad you're reading, and that you said hello! Thanks so much for that! :)

  41. I read your blog every day! I love it when you compare similar nail polishes.

  42. I'm so grateful for the Wet n' Wild maps you've had. Plus, you're the one who made Walgreens register rewards program make sense to me.
    Thanks to that, I have 16 dollars to play with on my next visit!

    You rock my socks!

    1. I'm SO glad that those maps helped you out, hun! And YAY for using those Register Rewards! Whoo hoo! xo

  43. I guess I'm considered a lurker. LOL I read your blog every day and love what you put out, I just never have the time to comment. But I appreciate all of the posts you share with us. I have a blog just for fun, but I could never keep up with it everyday! I've bought quite a few beauty products thanks to your suggestions! Hope you have a lovely day! I might not comment that often, but do know that I read your stuff daily! :]

    1. Thanks so much for the comment! And I hope that the products you've bought on my suggestion have been working for you, honey! xo

  44. I am definitely a lurker! I love reading your daily posts. I am currently on a makeup buying hiatus, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying your posts. Thank you for always getting the latest beauty news to us!

  45. I sent your blog link to my sister in law when I found you a week or two ago and bought my favorite shampoo at Ulta when you had it listed last week, so it's totally awesome how you link the sales. I finally understood how to use the UP rewards at Rite aid thanks to you!

    1. Wow, thanks so much for that! I really appreciate it, and I'm so glad to hear my sale posts have been helpful to you and that you're using your +UP Rewards! *hugs* xo

  46. Lurker out of PA nearish Pittsburgh. I love that your blog combines frugality and beauty with an emphasis on drug stores and other mass retailers!
    Oh and I really am shy. :)

    1. Hello, Pittsburg! :) Thanks so much for coming out to say hi, despite the fact that you're shy. That REALLY means a lot to me! *big hugs*

  47. I've been reading your blog for about a year now .. I just LOVE it ... I have a wish list that I carry with me, but of course, sometimes I leave it at home while in the store, I'm trying to remember if the "x" item was on my list, or if I've read any of your reviews on it ... Haha ... All I can say is that ... YOU'RE PRETTY AWESOME ... and that you should also be on YouTube .. I think it would be such a joy to watch you talk about your favorite products and what not .... Ps ... I hope your Mama is feeling better these days .... Great Job ... :)

    1. Awww, thanks so much for the kind words! I don't think I'll ever do YT, just because I hate the sound of my voice and the way I look on camera. Sorry! :( But thanks so much for reading my blog--I really, really appreciate it. And an extra big thinks for asking about my mom--she's doing MUCH better! *hugs* xo

  48. Awesome Awesome !! That's all I can see. I am regular visitor to your blog.. but like you said I never commented before.. This one sure did made me comment here. You are doing a great job. Thank you so much !!

    1. Thank you so much, honey! I'm SO happy that this made you feel like commenting. So very nice to hear from you! xoxo

  49. Hi G,

    Giving you a wave from the south (Georgia)! I have been reading your blog since the fall and love the deal alerts and product reviews. I have been most excited about drug store clearance and getting to know Wet n Wild all over again. Their eye shadows are amazing! I tend to be shy by nature, so I usually end up reading but not commenting. Thanks again for all of the great info!

    1. Hellooooo, Georgia! :) Thanks so much for the comment, and I'm thrilled to hear you're "rediscovering" Wet n Wild. Yay! xo

  50. Hi G, I am technically a lurker too, I suppose. I stumbled upon your blog back when I was on the hunt for the Wet n Wild Dream Weavers collection. (Thank you, by the way! I eventually found all of the ones I wanted!) But anyway, I've since been subscribed to your blog and I always look forward to your updates! So hi from Maine and thanks for all you do!

    1. Hello, Maine! :) Wow, thanks so much for continuing to read my blog ever since the Dream Weavers collection post! :) I'm so glad you were able to find them and thanks so much for the kind words. xoxox

  51. Lurker here! I love your blog and I know I can always find the scoop on great deals. I had a major nail polish haul after hearing about the 75% CVS clearance here on your blog - I never would have known about it otherwise. Thanks for that! ;)

    1. Whoo hoo for the major polish haul at CVS! Aren't those fun when they're 75% off? :) Thanks so much for taking the time to comment--I really appreciate it! *hugs*

  52. Lurker here from Georgia...everything seems to come much later over here, I have yet to see any Milani on clearance and some places barely put up clearance stickers you posted about in December!! Just bought the ecotools eye set and a back up bronzer brush when it was BOGO with the dollar coupon we got for signing up on there site. I lurk ever day....

    1. Welcome, Georgia! :) So glad you were able to get some EcoTools during the sale (and use the coupon). That's fantastic! Thanks so much for sharing! xo

  53. Hi G,

    I love your blog, fresh content about bargins that I love to read about. I've posted once to contribute on the CVS clearance sale. Love your take on the products and what you post about. Long and comprehensive and i can tell you are a very sweet person. I enjoy your posts about WNW megalast polishes and the Sunday Ads/deals. Keep it up! I don't like Almay reviews since i think that's an unpigmented brand and overall waste of money.
    Stuff i've bought lately, the L'oreal infallible shadows: Sage, Eternal Sun, the matte cream color (not smooth) and Bronzed Taupe. I got the new Milani Green baked eyeshadow because I saw a picture on this blog. Looking for Maybelline Tough as Taupe! I'm also getting some beach wear from Marshalls to got to a short Maui trip. Excited! My color theme is coral with pops of mint/turquoise. :)
    Have a very good week.

    1. Wow, thanks so much for the incredibly kind comment! I know that sometimes people may think my reviews are a little too long or too comprehensive, but I just can't change that--it's ME, and I always feel compelled to give readers every last detail of my experience. So I really appreciate the fact that you're receptive to that. It makes it all worth while, and I want to thank you for taking the time to share that with me. *hugs* xo

      PS: Have a blast on your trip! :)

  54. This post made me laugh, because I'm a lurker! I really like reading your blog because I'm 14 so I'm not old enough to get a job which means not much money for makeup. I like how you post deals since we have a Walgreens right up the street from us and a lot of deals you post can be found there. It's also one of the only places near us that sells Wet n Wild so I really like reading your Wet n Wild reviews.


    1. Thanks so much for the comment, and I'm glad you got a chuckle out of this post! :) And I'm so glad to hear my Wet n Wild reviews have helped you. Yay! xo

  55. Delurking to say how much I appreciate your blog. I read it almost every day, just usually don't have time to comment. I'll try to do so more often! :-)
    Your reviews are stellar and honest and I really love that you are about (exactly, I think) my age. I find you to be so much more relevant to me than all of the uber-young bloggers and youtubers, lol.

    1. Yay!! A fellow "mature" gal! Haha! Thanks so much for the comment, and I REALLY appreciate the fact that you are able to relate to what I write here. Wish we could sit down for a cup of tea and chit chat about the "good ol' days" and the fact that I will never wear leggings again no matter how popular they are (been there, done that). ;) xoxo

  56. Hi! I'm Jovi and I just recently found your blog by hearing about it on YouTube!! I absolutely LOVE it and find it so interesting and helpful! I'm new to blogging so sometimes I forget to check up on here, but if I want to buy makeup I deff come check this out first! Keep it up! <3

    1. Hi Jovi! Thanks so much for the sweet comment, and for reading my blog. I appreciate it! xo

  57. I follow probably abut 7-10 different beauty blogs that I've discovered within the past 2-3 years, and have probably commented mayyyybe 5 times total. :p I'm also a broke college student, and I really adore and appreciate the time and effort you and the rest of the online beauty community put into your work. I don't know why I don't comment...I think I just assume everyone else has voiced my same opinion already.

    Thanks for all you do! Love from Arizona!
    - Christine

    1. Helloooo Arizona! :) Thanks for the comment, and no worries about commenting! Just do it whenever it feels right. :)

  58. I just wanted to let you know that I never comment however, I check your blog daily, I hope all is well with your parents. Thanks for great budget friendly posts!

    1. Thanks so much for the sweet comment--both of my parents are doing MUCH better and it means so much that you'd even think to say that. *hugs* xoxo

  59. Hi! I've been reading your blog for a few months and I love the product reviews and money-saving tips. I think the best drugstore purchase I've made recently would be the new L'Oreal Infallible shadows--they are absolutely gorgeous and I think your blog was the first place I heard about them.

    1. Thanks for the comment, sweetie! I'm SO glad the L'Oreal shadows are working for you. YAY!!! XO

  60. I love anything you post about polish. I put a link to your blog in one of my posts this week. It was a post about the new Milani colors coming out. I love that you post cheap deals and talk to readers about using coupons and shopping. I enjoy your blog a lot. I wish I could view it in Google Reader Play though. For some reason it makes me go to your page every time.

    1. Thanks so much for linking to my blog! I really appreciate that. :) and thanks SO much for reading! xo

  61. I raise my hand that I am one of the ones who is full of "awesomeness". haha While I do not make comments, I enjoy having a place that makes me feel 'in the loop'! Thanks for all you do :)


    1. Thanks so much for being so full of awesomeness! ;) and I really appreciate you coming out to say hi! xoxo

  62. I read, even if I can't always comment. <3

    1. And I do the exact same thing with your blog, honey! Luv you! xo

  63. I've posted a few times, but I want to say thank you again for staying on top of new releases, weekly specials, etc... I would never have known about the CVS clearance except for stumbling upon your blog a couple of years back! I've only started reading regularly in the last couple of months, but I have you to thank for some recent Maybelline bouncy blushes, Wet n Wild lipsticks, and (hopefully) future Jordana glittery nail polishes! Oh, and I started scouring coupons more regularly, and have been saving them to stack with specials run by stores; you've taught a newbie how to use coupons effectively!

    1. I'm so thrilled that I helped you discover the CVs sale, and I LOVE that you're working those coupons. Yay! Thanks so much for the sweet comment! xo

  64. hi! i visit your blog almost everyday but i don't think i've ever left a comment o.o;; love your blog for the weekly sales posts and your random awesome finds, as well as the thorough reviews of various items. thank you for creating and maintaining this blog :D

    1. You are so sweet to acknowledge my random finds! :) The random ones are probably my favorites to write about so it means a lot that you like them. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. xoxo

  65. Hi!

    I've only recently started following your blog but I already love it! As a college student, I need to find ways to cut back on expenses and I love makeup too much to get rid of it completely, so your blog has been a great help! I really like your product reviews and learning about new deals! I'm from Texas but I'm going to school in Massachusetts.

    1. Hello Massachusetts via Texas! :) thanks so much for the sweet comment and i'm so glad you're here! xo

  66. I could have sworn I commented on this earlier today, LOL! Anyway, I just recently discovered your blog and have been reading for a little bit. I really enjoy it! Sorry for lurking, I'll try not to be so shy and comment more.

    1. You did! It just takes a while sometimes for me to approve my comments. :)

  67. I have never commented, but I read your blog every single day. The best post was your review on the Dove nourishing oil shampoo and conditioner. The pictures of your hair were super helpful because I agree, unless you know someone's hair texture you have no idea how their review applies to you. We have the same hair issues and after reading your review I got the shampoo and conditioner and my hair has never looked better! Your blog is easily the most helpful site I visit. Thank you so much for all that you do. I'll be here in the background reading and appreciating you as always.

    1. You have no idea how much I appreciate your comment. Those products worked so well for me that I was just hoping that at least ONE other person had the same experience! Thank you so much for taking the time to means the world to me. xoxo

  68. My name is Lisa S. and I'm a lurker..... :0) Actually, I just found your blog a few months ago, I follow a few blogs (only the awesome ones, of which you are one!) I like to peep around the edges for awhile to get a feel before I say anything. So be warned you'll probably be begging me to shut up after this. ;0)

    1. Lol! ”Hello, Lisa.” ;) thanks so much for the comment, and I would absolutely LOVE to see you around here more in the future! *hugs*

  69. This will be my first comment, but I've been reading your blog daily since I got addicted to nail polish a month or two ago. Yours is my favorite! I'm a single mother who is dedicated to my daughter, but one of my 2012 goals is to focus more on myself and things to beautify myself...just for me. So finding a good deal on cosmetics, while caring for a teenage girl (yikes), is important. Thankfully, you've been assisting me a great deal with finding affordable makeup AND nail polish too.

    I really appreciate all that you do!

    1. Thanks so much for the lovely comment! I think it's so great that you're taking a little time to take care of YOU. We all deserve a little pampering and TLC from time to time so i'm thrilled that I can help with that. Yay! xoxo

  70. Well, it's the same for us, "lurkers", to know that you actually took the time to post this as a thank you! I really love reading your posts, especially the drugstore dupes posts! Thanks you for taking so much of your time to give us all the latest on promotions and how to save money! Posting a comment was the least I could do! Thank you for your awesome blog!

    1. What an incredibly sweet thing to say! You totally made my day, sweetie. Thank you SO much. xoxo

  71. Hi! I confess, sometime I do lurk (shifty eyes) but I love the blog, the WnW posts are my fave so far and Walgreens deals as well, I often find myself heading down the street to treat myself to a new nail polish or gloss or to scope out the clearance bin. I found Seche Vite for $4.49 a few weeks ago!!

    1. Lol! Thanks so much, and congrats on the great SV deal! Whoo hoo! :)

  72. I'm so happy to hear that my blog can help you formulate your shopping list for when you're back in Canada or the US. Yay!! Thank you SO much for reading, and for also telling your friends about my blog. That means so very much to me. xo

  73. I've commented a couple of times, but I check in with your blog daily. I love knowing what deals to expect when I head to CVS (my only local drugstore), and I took advantage of your fabulous lists on the CVS clearance sale and the Milani clearance sale since nothing was labeled at my branch. It helped me pick up a bunch of fun stuff for a really great price. Thanks for all of your hard work!

    1. I'm so happy to hear that my lists helped you score some great bargains at CVS! Thanks so much for taking the time to share that! xo

  74. Haha, I guess it's only right that I comment, your blog has really helped me out, and I check it daily! I haven't found another one solely about affordable beauty products. As much as I love MAC and Sephora-- those kinds of items are treats on a high school student's budget! I picked up Milani's blush in Luminous and their click pen concealer for around 2 dollars each this weekend, and I can tell they're going to be HG products. I would never have known if it weren't for you, as the sale wasn't marked. Thanks so much!

    Also-- I forgot I made a beauty blog last year... it only has one post haha. Just noticed since I had to sign in to comment.

    1. Thanks so much for the comment! And i'm thrilled you were able to get some great deals on Milani at CVS! Yay!! :)

  75. I read EVERY day, but don't often comment. I absolutely love it when you do the maps for the hard to find WnW stuff and I get to be the first pin in Georgia :)

    Love your blog and hate what you do to my budget! xo

    1. Lol!!! Sorry about your budget. ;)

      And now i'm going to think of you when I do the next map and see a marker in Georgia! xoxo

  76. I've commented here a couple times before but yeah... I mostly lurk. Hahaha. I was actually going to come by here anyway though to say thanks for that awesome Curel lotion post last week! I went right out and picked some up, and oh my goodness is it a lifesaver! I've tried too many so-so things in the last few months that I was about to give up- but you saved me!!!

    1. OMG, I am so happy to hear that the Curel worked for you!! YAY!! Thank you so very much for taking the time to let me know that! *hugs*

  77. I would be considered a lurker... I love your blog and check it religiously! I've never commented before but thank you so much for all your hard work! :) xoxo zoe

    1. So happy to hear from you, honey! And thanks so much for reading. I really appreciate it! xoxo

  78. Hi, I'm a lurker and I love your posts! Also, I'd like to send my best wishes to you and your family. I know things were rough for a while (oh boy, do I know how that gets to you)and really hope this year goes more smoothly, more happily and especially healthier for all of you.

    1. What an incredibly kind and thoughtful thing to say! Thank you so very much. My parents are both doing much better. :) Thanks from the bottom of my heart. xoxo

  79. I anxiously await your emails every night to see what the latest & greatest is, whether it be a review or a deal! I absolutely love your blog, it is at the top of my list I check everyday. You do an absolutely tremendous job at keeping up with everything that you do, and I always pass on the great information on the drugstore sales to my bestie since she doesn't have the time to keep up with it. You are the best out there IMHO, and I appreciate everything you do....I bow at your feet because I know I couldn't do it! Lol :))

    1. WOW! I don't even know what to say! Thank you SO much for taking the time to leave such an incredibly sweet comment. I appreciate that more than you will ever know. xoxo

    2. G., You are so very welcome! As I have stated the few times before that I have posted, keep up the awesome job that you are doing!! I really don't count myself as a "lurker" perse as I do read every day/night & soak up every possible word as beauty is my passion....but I try not to post unless I have something of value to say, as I know that you & any other blogger out there are super busy and I wouldn't want to take up too much of your time. xoxo :))

  80. I've only commented once. I do love your blog SO MUCH and look forward to it every day! I am currently loving the new L'oreal Colour Riche Balm in Rose Elixir (it is exactly what I wanted Lip Butters to be), and I'm disappointed in the new Maybelline brow pencils. You can't sharpen them or twist the product up! It's crazy.

    1. I'm so sorry to hear about those pencils, but i'm glad you found a new lip color that works for you! Thank so much foe the comment, sweetie! :) xo

  81. i'm guilty...i'm a lurker LoL I don't post much, but i do read everyday! i love reading about the sales and your reviews. it's helped me tremendously with my beauty purchases!!

    1. Thank you SO much for that, sweetie. I really, really appreciate it. *hugs* xo

  82. Aloha!
    Just wanted to leave a comment to let you now that you are my #1 favorite blogger! I've been following you for 2 years now so I'm definately a "lurker". Just want to say that I really enjoy reading your blog everyday!

    1. Aloha!! And wow, it is SO nice to meet you after two years!! Thank you SO much for sticking with me all this time!! I am truly honored and i'm so happy you left a comment! xoxo

  83. Hi, I have been reading your awesome blog for a few months now. You should be called Nouveau Cheap & Cheerful! I live in Canada but zip across the border every few weeks to Washington state. I love reading about affordable drugstore beauty products that turn out to be gems. Thank you.

    1. Hello, Canada!! :) you are so sweet to call me cheerful...that's very kind of you to say. Thanks SO much for reading and taking the time to say hi! xo

  84. Hello, I've been following your blog for a few months and you have revolutionized my love for cosmetics, skincare, nail polish, and most of all a good deal ;) So here are a few things I purchased as a result of your posts. Milani blush in Luminous, WnW eyeshadow trio in Silent Treatment, As Seen On Tv Salon Express nail stamp, a handful of nail polish, Eco tools brushes, a desk organizer from Staples and probably more that I can't even recall. I heard about your blog thru Frmheadtotoe youtube channel. And have recommended your blog to lots of friends and family. I also learned we other things in common - we are caring for aging parents, we are about the same age and live in the same county. Whew, so there you have it, I am officially an exposed lurk. LOL!! Thanks for everything!

    1. LOL at "exposed lurker"! Thanks so much for the wonderful comment, honey! And WOW, thanks SO much for taking the time to let me know what products you've purchased because of my posts! That's amazing! I love Jen and I'm so honored she mentioned me (and that you found me via her). xoxo

      PS: And I love that we have so much in common (yay for SD girls!).

  85. I'm a fellow lurker as well and I fall in the "shy" category. But I read your blog whenever I can and find myself trying to find great drugstore deals. I love a good sale and your blog has helped me to discover a bunch of them! Thanks for all you do!

    1. Well around here, shy = awesome! ;) Thanks so much for the very sweet comment. I really appreciate you taking the time to come out and say hi! xo

  86. Hiya, I've been reading your blog a long time, but I've only commented a handful of times. I can't tell you how many purchases you've helped me make and I truly value your opinion. Thanks for all the hard work you do on your blog- it's definitely helped me out!

  87. I came across your blog about 4 months ago and I just love the concept you have behind this blog. I love the fact that you can find affordable products and rank them accordingly. I don't always comment but I am subscribed so I get to see all the new things you have up. Its great really because ive always wanted to be a part of all the new make up coming out and all the great deals out there. Before this I use to find out about everything last minute and then it would be no use to me. Thanks to you, I now am :) And not to mention all your awesome reviews. Now,If I want to buy anything I consult your page first just to see what you have to say. So again, Thank You so much for all the effort you put on to this blog. It is greatly appreciated :)

  88. I guess I'm a semi lurker. I've commented in the past but probably not as regularly as I should. Your blog is what I use a lot when I'm planning a trip to the States. I look at what's on sale, what's newly released, etc. and it's so very helpful. Thanks for all that you do and don't stop..even if some of the masses are quieter than others!

  89. Hi. I am a lurker. I think i might have commented once before, but i lurk 99% of the time. I? have been following you for a long time, more than a year, and i NEVER miss a post, ever!!!! So, thanks for appreciating us lurkers :D

  90. Hi, G! Longtime lurker from Tacoma. I've been reading over a year... My favorite posts are about the retro products you pull from your stash. You and I are in the same generation. My fondest cosmetic memories include the smell of Lip Quencher lipsticks, Tinkerbell perfume and their Bopo polish, and the Maybelline rollerball Kiss gloss in Cherry.

    Also, I hope you continue to review the classics! Maybe Camay soap or Jean Nate powder?
    My favorite product is the $3 E.L.F. Studio cream eyeshadow in Dawn. For me, it's a non-creasing sheet taupe that is awesome as a base. Keep up the good work!

  91. Hey G! I absolutely love your blog. I found it almost 2 years ago and have been reading it every day since then. Thank you for being a great part of my day.

  92. Another lurker here! I'm fairly new to your blog but I can definitely say that I am thoroughly addicted, and have already saved a good amount of money due to your awesome weekly ad posts! I never even knew what Red Plum was until Nouveau Cheap! Thank you so much for all of the time and effort you put into this blog. It's honestly the most helpful and informative one I've found. :)

  93. Hey there ! Im a lurker, but love the blog! My latest purchase was Sally Hansen Black Tie polish. so pretty!

  94. i adore your blog and honest reviews. i come here first whenever i get a chance to sit down and check my blog roll reader. :-) thanks for all of your hard work! i truly appreciate it. :D

  95. *taps mic* Hello? Um.....Hi. My name is Britany. *hears everyone say "hi Britany"*

    Oh, um...hi. And been a lurker for....*looks up* 2..3 months now? But...I've decided change. And I am. *nods*

  96. I confess to my lurker status!!! Discovered your site a couple of months ago. I find myself searching your archives for your reviews of products that I am considering quite often and read your new posts daily!!! Scored some great products at the big cvs clearance which is totally thx to you!! Best new product from the cvs sale . . , physicians formula powder foundation!!! Thanks for all u do!!!!!!!!

  97. Hi! I am guilty of being a lurker. I truly enjoy your posts and have helped me tremendously with beauty purchases. Thanks for all the time you take to put into your blog :)

  98. *Raises hand* Hello, I'm here...

    There. I delurked. Back to lurking nao....


  99. I read your blog at least once every week andd have been for awhile now. I love it! Thanks for the awesome posts :)

  100. Wow, 138 comments is a lot, but as expected. I think this might be my first time commenting? This is a first I'm being called a lurker, I don't think I hear that word very often. :) I check your blog a few times a day .... maybe more. I wait for weekly sales. I'm sorry about what happened to your family. I admire your recovery. I'm a serious lurker. I have probably bought all of the products you mentioned. Mad Gab's don't really work for me. I ran all over the place looking for the new L'oreal infallible eyeshadows and Maybelline eye tattoos when I saw your post way back when. I love them! And I'm loving the Jordana mascara, it's the first non-waterproof mascara I'm excited to put on everyday! :D So thanks, I love your blog and don't ever stop. I'm thinking about starting a blog but I'm so unsure. Now I'm starting to feel like I'm pouring my soul out here... maybe that's why I don't comment. Haha. Anyways, peace and love. I hope you read and comment. If not, no worries. <3

  101. Another lurker here! Love the "I'm not shy" graphic! I should comment more, especially since I love the blog & read it almost every day! :)

  102. I have been lurking and reading regularly for a few months, ever since I started getting more into makeup and couponing... as you can imagine, this blog is pretty much perfect for being interested in both! Reading the reviews here has made me branch out and try some new things (like flakie polishes! I'm currently obsessed with Finger Paints flashy and getting so many compliments on it). Thanks to this website and, I'm getting to be a CVS extrabucks/couponing pro. :)

  103. Hi, I love your blog and follow your reviews every day fact, I'm the reader who nominated you for the Fab Over 50 are the real deal!

  104. I've been a lurker for ages!! *waves* I'm not sure I even remember how long. I love reading about all the lovely goodies that I can't get over here in the UK. I kind of torture myself with it, until my next visit stateside... *bangs head against the wall*

  105. Hi, I am from hot and sunny Singapore. :) I have been reading your blog since last year. I bought my first wet n wild eyeshadow trio (the glided age) after reading your blog. Been using it since and loving it a lot! Every time I use it, I will think of you. :) I also bought a lot of other stuff like the Revlon lip butters, physician formula eyeliners after reading your reviews.

    I read your every day. New products always excite me. Since reading your blog, I have been slowly converted to using a lot more US drugstore brands because they are much more affordable. We don't have all the brands here so I buy from eBay.

    Im glad you started this post. It makes me realize I'm not the only lurker here. :)

    Keep up the good work you have done for your blog and for us, the makeup fans/ readers out there!

  106. I'm a lurker from Brazil, here I found swatches that I dont find anywhere else, thanks a lot for all the trouble you have doing this awsome blog and keep the good work.

  107. Love your blog! I check it so often that it's #6 on my "Most Visited" page on Chrome. :-) I also have you bookmarked on my iphone so I can check sales or swatches when I'm shopping. I've bought quite a few of your recommendations. (Dove Damage Therapy Nourishing Oil Care line was a winner- I can wear my frizzy hair down once in awhile now!)

  108. I really like your blog! I love how it's about drug store brands, not about OPI and China Glaze and such. I actually found your blog months ago from either another blog or by googling a swatch of a drug store polish. I always check to see the sales for CVS, Rite Aid, and Ulta. Everything in one convenient place! Your blog helps me find drug store nail polish and make up dupes and other products I'd like to try. Thank you for everything! :)

    I really enjoyed the Jordana glitter swatches and Best of 2011 posts!

    My first-ever comment on a blog. XD

  109. I love this blog, I've been following it for about 2 years now. I depend on Nouveaucheap to let me know what's ON and Poppin yet value priced!

  110. I love this site, I came across it while searching for reviews on Hard Candy eye liner. I added this to my "favorites" and I check it all the time! I even went back and read tons and tons of old reviews. Keep up the good work!



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