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Friday, January 20, 2012

Massive Milani 75% off blowout at CVS NOW

UPDATE: if you don't see sale signs or stickers at your CVS, try taking some of the products listed below to the scanner and see if they come up 75% off in the system.

A HUGE thanks to reader Molly on Facebook for this one! Molly left a comment on my wall after she spotted a TON of Milani products on 75% off clearance at CVS recently, so I ran down to my local CVS and sure enough, this is a MASSIVE SALE, lovelies. 

NOTE: Although the CVS Beauty Clearance Sale is still going on, this Milani sale looks to be a little different (green stickers, a different type of sale sign, etc.). So  if you've been to CVS in the past few weeks and you have not see Milani on clearance, CHECK AGAIN, as this sale seems to be NEW and outside of the regular Beauty Clearance Sale.

Here's what I personally spotted on clearance for 75% off:

All pencil sharpeners

HD Advance Concealer Pens: all shades

Body Bronzers: all shades

Powder Bronzers (not baked): all shades

Easyliner Retractable Eyeliners: all shades

Minerals Blushes: all shades

Compact Makeup: all shades

Color Perfect Lipstick: all shades

Lip Mixer glosses:  all shades

Liquif'eye metallic liner: Silver

Eye Tech liner: Charcoal

Infinite liner:  Eternal

Runway Eyes Singles: Royalty, Leaf Green, Shamrock, Caribbean Sea

Runway Eyes Palettes: Beauty in Blues, Trendsetter, Haute Couture

3D Glitzy Glamour glosses: Leading lady, First Class

Nail Polish:

Techno Red
Black Magic
Ny Apple Red
Ready to Wear Red
Red to Tango
Gold Lamé
Gold Dust
Good Morning Sunshine
Ms. Milani
Midnight Satin
Magenta Metal
Blackberry Baby
Cool Vibe
Raspberry Fusion
Pink Lady
Creme Bruleé
Paradise Pink

Nail Art polish:

Blue Print
Yellow Design
Green Sketch
Orange Graph

NOTE: other shades/products may be on clearance but some of the products in the display at my CVS were already wiped out.

My advice? If you want any of these products, get to your local CVS right away and see if the clearance is going on in your area. If you wait, you won't get the best selection, so hurry!

Thanks again, Molly, for the fantastic scoop!


  1. Oh my god I want to pick up the HD Advance Concealer Pens, I've heard good things about them being dupes for the YSL Touche Eclat!

    Oohh and the Minerals Blushes, I'll need to get those!

  2. I wonder if they are no longer going to carry Milani?

  3. jenmhilton: Milani is launching a TON of new 2012 products, so I think they're just making room for them. :)

  4. Wow... is this the whole line?? Are the baked blushes/eyeshadows on sale too? I hope they aren't getting rid of milani!

  5. Victoria: No, it's not the whole line. Like I mentioned above, it appears that they're making room for the new products and also the baked stuff (the CVS locations in my area never sold the baked products before, so I'm assuming they'll finally be selling them after they get all this older product out of the way). Hope that helps!

  6. I'm here in Ga now scanning and it's no sale.

  7. I want to try the Infinite eyeliner in eternal. I think its actually a black and I want the Runway eye palettes in Haute Couture and Trendsetter. gosh i went in cvs earlier today and I didnt even think to look since Milani products were not orginally in the clearance sale. but i will for sure go tomorrow and hope they have the items I want.

  8. I've been waiting for the holographic polishes to go on sale, so I can get some back up bottles. I'm not sure if they're apart of the sale though.

  9. awesome! been wanting to try their blush and eyeliners!

  10. I've been waiting for a good sale to try their blushes! I'm so excited now!

  11. Runway Eyes Palettes in Fashionista Pinks and Catwalk are on sale too (:

  12. i went to 2 diff cvs yesterday & today and neither had any milani on sale :/

  13. Thank you so much for this information! I spent $15, saved $50!

  14. I forgot to mention that none of the items at my CVS were marked, I had to price check the items I wanted. I only checked 2 items that were not on this list and neither came up on sale. Just a heads up to price check even if there aren't any signs indicating a sale :-)

  15. No sale in Louisiana either..i think the clearance might be limited to some states only. thanks for the info .appreciate it.

  16. If anyone lives near a Fred Meyer in the PNW, I have seen select Milani products for 50% off... I wish I had a CVS though, this sale sounds great!

  17. I went to a few stores in my area and only one CVS had the sale. Also scan your cards ladies.... a few days ago a got a coupon for $3 off any $10 Milani purchase.... including clearance. I scored big time!

  18. My CVS hasn't had ONE new Milani product in 5 months. I have no idea what's going on. Maybe CVS won't be carrying milani anymore? In event, I hope to get at least one item on clearance.Thanks for the info! I'll post it up on my blog right away!

  19. I was wondering when they were going to add the new products to the displays. I hope this clearance is going on here but I'll have to wait because it's snowing. WAAAAHHHHH!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I went to a CVS in Indianapolis and the stuff was not marked on sale, but rung up on sale at the register. I got 3 blushes, 1 concealer, 1 eyeliner & 1 bronzer for $6.89 (I also had the $5 register reward from the Maybelline deal). Thank you for this amazing post :)

  22. FOR THOSE WHO SAID THE SALE WASN'T GOING ON THEIR AREAS: did you try scanning any of the products on my list to see if they came up on clearance in the system? Thanks!

  23. My area had no signs! But, I scanned and got many things on sale! Yay! I know Milani is coming out with new stuff/ packaging for Spring.

  24. Hi G!

    I went to 3 CVS's this afternoon, and out of the 3, only 1 had sale tags up. I did scan some of the products listed here at the scanners and they were indeed 75% off. I ended up picking up the dual pencil sharpener, eyeliner pencil in True Black, and the retractable eyeliner in Espresso. Thanks for the heads up, I paid a little over $6 for it all!

  25. I just did a haul post on my blog from all the goodies I found at CVS. I did not see your post until just now but I took a basket full of milani items to the scanner and just went to town and most of the stuff was 75 off!

  26. I'm in new york (queens) and I went to 2 CVS's both of them have the clearance going on. Also noticed duane reade has some Milani products on clearance too. I will post up pictures of my haulage on my blog.

  27. Nothing was marked at my CVS but they were on sale :) I got 4 blushes, 4 eyeliners, a bronzer, concealer, and 4 polishes for $23!!!! What a steal. Thanks so much for this post.

  28. My local CVS-es never have the stickers out, or take forever to put them out (laaaazy). But I used your list and scanned away, and got 2 blushes, the concealer pen, two of the Glitzy glosses, and the retractable eyeliner in Espresso for under $8!

    Also, to add to your list: Glitzy Gloss in In Vogue

  29. The easyliner eye pencils GLITTER also on sale, picked up Black rocks and Precious silver . Color brilliance in Aqua also on sale and did I mention, amazing! With the sharpener and 2 other easyliners, it was a little over 10 dollars. They honored my $2 off $10 purchase CVS beauty club coupon even if they were on clearance and used my $3 off bday coupon...all for under $6! Great deal!

  30. Hey G, I'm Huyen. I follow your blog for 2 year & I'm a big fan, of course. Everyday I check your blog and I'm feel crazy when you update a huge sale. I'm a vietnamese girl but I have a passion for all thing about beauty that you inspire me. Every girl in my country like me love your blog so much & really want to own the great product on sale. I can say, your blog change my life. I was very ashamed about my face but thank to you, now I become more confident than I can imagine. Today, I feel very brave when I post this comment, I want to say " thank you " & I need your help. Although I know it's hard for you to help me, I just post this with a little a bit hope. I really need your help to make my dream come true. I love products you post too much but I can't buy them. So I think maybe you can buy them for me, & I pay it for you. If you can help me, just let me know, I will send you some money by my banking account & you buy them to me, then you send it to a vietnamese that I pay for her/him to took these product for me, and I can say that the vietnamese live at US. So if you can help me, thank u so much. My english isn't good, please try to understand. Thank u so much.

  31. Scoooooore!!!! Checked out two CVS stores and got some goodies. Nothing was marked so I had the handy dandy list and I still scanned items to make sure they were on sale. Everything I got was less than $2.50 Woooot!

  32. I just found your website - it's fab! I just hit my local CVS (in Chicago) and spent about $20 but saved almost $68!!! I got a ton of stuff. My display said everything Milani was BOGO half off but tons of stuff was on clearance (I referred to your list!). Thanks for the info!

  33. Today, I went to my local CVS in California and noticed none of the Milani had clearance stickers. I went to the price checker and scanned many nail polish colors. Other nail colors I know had the 75% off are:

    Cherry Pie
    Pink Pop

  34. Thanks so much for the heads up! I went by 2 CVS today (Ohio) and everything on your list was on sale. I bought a ton of blush- stocked up on luminous since I'm on the pan on mine and 2 new to me colors- a nice bronzer, 2 HD concealer pens, a runway eyes palette in fashionista pinks, and a couple other odds and ends. Thanks again!

  35. Yay! So glad to hear that everyone's scanning and finding the clearance prices in the system! I love hearing what you're all buying! :)

    Serena: Thank so much for the VERY lovely and heart-warming comment. I am so happy to have played even a small part in helping you to feel better or more confident about applying makeup. Unfortunately, I do not purchase products for readers. I hope you understand, and I'm so sorry I can't help.

  36. I bought all four of the nail art polishes that were on sale. I also picked up Techno Red, Raspberry Fusion (LOVE this), Gold Lame, and Gold Dust. I also bought two eyeshadow singles in Coffee Shop and Blue Lagoon, which I'm excited about since I've never used a Milani shadow before.

  37. Thank you SO SO SO much for posting this! I love Milani but their products are on the more expensive end so this sale is amazing imo. I went to a few CVSs and everytime I checkout, the cashier would say something along the lines of "wow great deals!" haha love it!

  38. I'm another one who found that stuff wasn't marked as clearance but it still rang up that way. Thanks for the tip! I also ended up checking a few of the things that were on the massive clearance list that weren't marked, and they were on sale too. Now I'm kind of happy that my CVS doesn't put clearance stickers out. I can grab stuff before anyone else knows it's on sale! hehehe

  39. I need to go back to get more. Than you for your list. I know at the CVS I went to they had certain shades marked down so it's nice to know in the highlighter pen it suppose to be all of them I passed up my shades because it wasn't marked. Also in the Runway Eyes shadow singles I got Coffee Shop. Just wanted to let you know since I don't see it listed. Again Thank you so much for the list=D

  40. MUAHAHAHAHA! Even though I got there late, nothing was marked. I got first dibs on the goodies! I got four of the mineral blushes, love those. Two are just backups and I figured now is the time to try the other two. I also got five nail polishes. And don't forget to check your clearance section at your CVS (if they have one) because I also got Oxy Pads for my kids on 75% clearance and CVS brand triple size cotton balls in the 120 pack. The 100 packs aren't on clearance.

    G the only thing new for your list is one of my nail polishes, it's Wild Violet.

  41. G, I have been stalking...oops I mean reading your blog now for a little over 6 months and this is my first comment. If it weren't for your dedication to your fans, hard work and love of makeup I wouldn't have been able to snatch up the following:

    2 Easyliners (Black & Black Rocks), 1 Eye Tech (Charcoal), 2 Mineral Blushes (Luminous & Sunset Beach), 2 Powder Bronzers (Radiant & Light), 2 Minerals Compact Makeups (both Honey Beige), 1 Lipstick (Sugar Rim) and 1 Runway Eyes palette (Trendsetter) all for the low, low price of $19.78! (I saved $54 buckaroos!)

    Thank you so very much for the fantabulous blog and all the info!!!

  42. Thanks for the great tip!!! I will def check my local cvs to see if they still have anything. Will also post on my blog if I make purchases

  43. Louisiana does have milani on sale. At least new orleans does!

  44. Just wanted to jump in and say that the sale is still going on as of 2/5 today in Knoxville, TN. There were no stickers but the discount does come up when you scan it. I've been coveting Milani's mineral blush Luminous for a while now, so thank you G!

  45. Ive been looking everywhere for milani blush in color coralina which is impossible to find local, and ive been looking for beauty's touch illuminating powder i have the other two but i really want beauty's touch and i cant find it anywhere in new york manhattan if anyone has seen it in manhattan at a drug store, please let me know which one. Soon im just going to order it online but i preffer to get it at the drugstore locally then wait for a package and pay shipping etc

  46. I love milani and i didnt get there in time for the sale, but their blushes and powders of any form are all made in italy, which for a drugstore brand and for the price thats amazing cause anything made in italy france, germany, a lot of great products come from overseas in those locations because they have strict protocall, rather then mass produced products made in china, so these products milani products a lot of them esp. the powders eyeshadow, blush, any powder formulation is made in italy, and finely milled . So that beats a lot of thigns that are high end products that are not made in italy. Milani is a really good drugstore brand. Im glad people are realizing that, but it means that its flying off the shelves like crazy now that its gotten all over youtube, and the internet, so its harder to find the products you want because they leave the store quicker then they make their way back into the store.


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