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Monday, November 9, 2009

NOTD: Nailene Pearl White French Tip Pen & Bedazzle Superstar Nail Art

Yesterday I mentioned that I was working on a very girlie-girl nail look, which I'm probably a bit too "mature" to be wearing, but I LOVE it so I don't care.

I started the look by using one of a several Nailene products that I received recently for review. By far, the standout product of all the goodies I received is the Nailene Pearl White French Tip Pen (retail: around $6) which is available at most drugstores.

After using this product, I will never go back to using a traditional white nail polish when I went to give myself a French manicure. Honestly, this little pen works like a charm! It glides across your tips while depositing just enough polish. Also, the finish is so smooth (no streaks!) and it dries very quickly.

The other thing I love about this pen is that for me, the color doesn't chip AT ALL. I think this is because the formula is a pearl, instead of a cream, white. I'm telling you, I'm the kind of girl who can only wear a French manicure for about a day before I start to see wear and chips. But not with Nailene Pearl White French Tip Pen. I was able to wear a regular French manicure using this pen that lasted FIVE days without chipping. That is truly unheard of for me.

I also used Nailene French Polish Guides (retail: around $3). If you're klutzy like me, these little stickers can come in so handy. Love 'em.

If you've never used polish guides before, all you have to do is peel them off the paper and position them exactly where you want the line to be on your nails:

Then you apply two coats of the pen to your tips, wait a few minutes, peel the guides off and vio! Perfectly painted French manicure tips:

So after I had these beautiful pearlescent white tips, I decided that I wanted to use the Out the Door Northern Lights Holographic Top Coat that I talked about yesterday instead of the usual cream or clear top coat that you apply for a traditional French mani. But of course I didn't want to stop there!

Nailene also sent me some fun nail art to try. I received Nailene Bedazzle Superstar Collection (retail: around $3) and this packet just so happened to include little tiny star clusters (I have a thing for stars).

So between the pearly white tips, the holographic top coat and the star decals, my nails are currently in cute overload:

Alright, so I know this look isn't for all of you, but I just think it is so fun, so playful and so extremely girlie-girl! I am in love with it (and so is my 2-yr-old niece!).

Also, I'm going on over 24 hours and I haven't experienced any chipping on my tips or lifting from the decals. Yay!

So...what do you think? Have you tried the Nailene French Manicure Pen (or the nail guides or nail art)? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

A sample of this product was given to Nouveau Cheap for editorial purposes, either directly from the manufacturer or from the agency that works on behalf of the manufacturer. All reviews on are the honest opinion of its author and samples do not, in any way, affect the outcome of product reviews.


  1. I remember those nail guides from when I was about 14 -- my best friend had them, and I thought they were ridiculous, but in the past few months I've found myself wanting them because I'm pretty clumsy when it comes to attempting tips myself -- I'll get three or four looking great and then mess up the next one. Where did you get them?

  2. Or rereading, I guess make that where CAN you get them. :P

  3. Hey PB: I think I also tried some similar guides a long time ago, but then I totally forgot about them. Now I am SO glad I have them because they really make a French mani look clean and professional. :)

    Also, I saw these at Rite-Aid. :)

  4. Aw - how cool! I'll def. try this out :D I love french mani looks sometimes.

  5. Wow! this looks so pretty! I am definitely liking the pearly finish to the usual white manicure...

  6. I really enjoy your blog and all of your tip & reviews! I love your nails in the pics, they are so cute! What would you suggest to make your nails grow? I have a hard time letting my nails grow b/c it seems like they take forever, so i wind up getting them done at the nail salon.

  7. Oh R, I'm always scared that I'd screw up doing a French mani free hand. It's awesome to know there're something out there to help :-) It's an awesome mani you did

  8. This looks really good. Is that pearl white more on the silver side? i almost bought this as well but did not... Now i wish i picked this up, too.

  9. Your nails look really cute! I'm tempted to be a total copycat once I'm done with my current (bright yellow!) nail polish.

  10. i'm not really a nail girl but i LOVE this look. it's cute, but it's also neutral and would look nice no matter what you're wearing/doing.

    and i like little things like that that make you feel just that much more happy.

    i love seeing other people's awesome nail designs and colours! i just never bother with my own, haha.

  11. ndoodles: Thank you so much, sweetie! :)

    niki: Me too! I really love this pearly finish. :)

    Katy: Thanks so much! Actually, my nails are very short! lol. I think that when you wear a French manicure, it's deceptive and it makes your nails look longer. But in reality, my nails don't go much past my fingertips (if at all). So as much as I want to help you with suggesting a product that makes your nails grow, I don't know of one that works because my nails *always* break when they grow past the nail bed. Sorry! :(

    Halifax: Yes, there is hope for us girls who can't do a free-hand French manicure. These guides are a lifesaver! :)

    Deez nailz: I would say that it's a very light silver. In some lighting it looks more pearly white, but in most lighting it does look like a *very* light silver. Hope that helps! :)

    Leigh: PLEASE copy me! lol. I would be honored, and I'd also love to know that someone else is rocking some very girlie-girl nails out there. :)

    beautifulmonday: You know what? You're right! I was actually so surprised that this is a neutral look that actually goes with everything I wear! And I feel the same way--if something small can make you happy, go for it! Maybe I can inspire you to try a similar look on *your* nails. Be happy! lol! xo

  12. Okay, can you please come to my house and do my nails? There's NO way I could do THAT good of a job on my own hands. *jealous over here*


  13. Amber, puh-leeeeze!! I am the world's biggest klutz when it comes to my own nails, so I'm telling you--if I can do this, you can definitely do it! :) xo

  14. hi!

    where did you buy the french tip pen? i know you said most drugstores carry it, but i was in cvs today and had no luck finding the brand. thanks!

  15. Hi Michaela! I saw these pens at Rite-Aid! Hopefully you have Rite-Aid in your area, but if you don't their website says that they're also at K-Mart, Walmart, Family Dollar and Ulta. Hope that helps! :)


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