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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Review: New CoverGirl LashBlast Length Mascara

I first heard about this new version of the famous CoverGirl LashBlast Mascara when I saw this post over at the The Daily Beauty Break. It was then that I knew I had to get my paws on a tube, so I took advantage of the pre-sale and ordered one on Amazon (retail: $7.49).

According to the package, LashBlast Length will give you "extreme length that lasts." Being a lukewarm fan of the original LashBlast (the brush is a bit too big for my liking and it didn't give me the volume that other mascaras give me), I was very curious how this new product would compare to the original. Let's take a look:

I immediately recognized that wand. Sure enough, it bears a striking resemblance to the Rimmel Glam'Eyes wand:

Glam'Eyes on top, LashBlast Length on bottom

As you can see, the length of the brush is the same, but the rubber bristles are longer on the Rimmel product, where the LashBlast Length bristles are shorter and more dense.

Now let's take a look at the results. Here's a pic of my eye pre-mascara. As you can see, I have barely-there lashes and I need all the help I can get in both length and volume:

Here's my eye with two coats of LashBlast Length:

The first thing I noticed was that the formula of this mascara is on the dry side. This isn't necessarily a bad thing (I can't stand wet mascaras) however, a dry product combined with a rubber brush can equal a challenging application. For the first 10 or so strokes to my lashes, I felt like this mascara just wasn't depositing any product onto my lashes. I really had to work to get the product on, but once I did, I noticed that it was giving me good length, as promised.

Here's a pic of my eye after three coats:

As you can see, there was a teeny bit of clumping on my lower lashes but nothing too bad.

Now here's a pic of both of my eyes taken with my camera pointed up at my eyes to give you a better perspective of the length of my lashes (please excuse the redness--I was exhausted the day I took these pics!):

As you can see, the length is definitely noticeable! Personally, I feel that I need more volume in my mascara (hello, Prestige My Biggest Lashes!) but if volume is not a concern for you and you're really just looking for length, I would most definitely consider LashBlast Length. It delivers on its promise, even if you have to work a bit to get it.

As for flaking and smearing, I experienced none at all when I wore this for a full day and night. Generally speaking, I never experience flaking or smearing with CoverGirl Mascaras (unlike another popular drugstore brand--yes, I'm talking to you, L'Oreal). Also, this mascara easily removed with my usual facial cleanser.

Final Analysis: If you're looking for length and you don't need volume, definitely give this product a try. But be warned that you might need to apply three coats to see the magic. Also, I wasn't too thrilled with how this mascara applies to the lower lashes because it clumped a bit and it didn't give my lower lashes the length and definition I was hoping to see. So if you need length, you don't care too much about volume, and you normally don't wear mascara on your lower lashes, this might be your holy grail mascara.


  1. Oh, I love the original LB. I'm guessing this is CG response to complaints about the gigantic wand (which I love, lol). But what makes this one different from other CG mascaras like Lash Exact?

    Thanks as always for the review. =)

  2. Hey Beda! Actually, since I've used both Lash Exact and Volume Exact in the past, I think I can answer your question! To me, the brush is smaller and it's easier to get at your tiny little fine lashes with this brush. Also, Lash Exact didn't lengthen enough for me (in fact it didn't give me enough volume either). LashBlash Length, in my opinion, gives a lot more length than Lash Exact. Volume Exact is a very good mascara for volume and definitely provides more volume than LashBlast Length. Does this help? lol! :)

  3. Great review! My lashes are a lot like yours...I need volume and I want length on my lower lashes. I won't be getting this!

    I do like the original though. I think the complaints about the brush being too large are a bit unwarrented! Big Brush=Big Lashes


  4. Hi Lisa Kate! I agree that a big brush is good (that's one of the reasons I love Prestige My Biggest Lashes) but my issue with the brush on the original LashBlast is that it's big *and* the shape is bad (for me at least). I get product all over my upper and lower eyelids with that brush--it's just way too awkward for me. Plus, it didn't give me enough volume. But I'm so glad it works for you (as is the case with millions of other girls!). I wish it worked for me too because it's so widely available (unlike Prestige). :)

  5. Ah, Cover Girl- another US brand I miss! Really great review, very thorough, will have to pick some of that up next time I visit the states.

  6. Hey BJL! How about this: When Max Factor stops distributing to the US (next year, I believe) I'll send you a CG LashBlast Length and you send me a tube of Max Factor Volume Couture and we'll call it even. :)

  7. Wow, way to be on top of things and review stuff before I see it at the stores! Um... was a fan of LashBlast but then something happened w/ me and 2nd tube that I was like: Eh, NO. So we'll have to see...

  8. Hey ndoodles! Yeah, I was so excited about this product that I just couldn't wait until it hit stores (I think it releases in September). Thanks so much, and I'd love to know your opinion if/when you get it!

  9. You know I love, love this one! The length on your lashes does look quite incredible my dear ;)


  10. Hey Amber! Well I bet that has a lot to do with the fact that you already have such thick, dark, gorgeous lashes! lol :) But seriously, it doesn't surprise me that you love it because if I had your lashes I think it would be an HG product for me. xo

  11. what a great review! i got the EXACT same results as you did :) i just would've have been able to put it into words as well as you. totally a more dry formula so the necessary extra coating is annoying!! thanks for posting this.

  12. Hey Kellie! Wow, I am so happy to hear that someone else shares my view! I was beginning to think I was crazy for not loving this as much as others. I've tried this again and again since writing this post and it's even more frustrating because the formula is now drier than it was before. It literally feels like I'm not even putting mascara on my lashes--just stroking a clean, dry brush on them! lol. xo

  13. wow your eyelashes transformed with the mascara on! :)
    i'm into volume now though, and the curl, so i'm gonna give this a miss, and plus i haven't seen it sold in our local stores.

    follow me@

  14. Hey Dana! Thank you so much! But I'm right there with you--it didn't volumize nearly enough for me, and also it didn't hold a curl. So for me, it's a fail. But if all you really want from a mascara is length, this one will definitely do the trick. lol. :)


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