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Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Most Evil Makeup Brush Cleaner in the Galaxy

Use the dark side of the clean your makeup brushes

I stumbled upon this last night and when I posted it on my Instagram, it was such a hit that I thought I should share it here as well.

The Star Wars Darth Vadar Silicone Oven Mitt is $17.45 on Amazon (free shipping with Prime). But if you find your lack of faith (in other brush cleaners) disturbing, you may find that the Force is strong with this one. It's similar to other silicone makeup brush cleaning gloves...but far more evil.

(I've never tried to cram so many Star Wars references into one blog post--or any blog post--before. I hope I didn't let down you hardcore Star Wars fans out there!)


  1. Looks awesome but I'll stick to me #2 egg that seems to work. Also on frends beauty they have the viseart palettes for $59.99

    1. Thanks for the tip! I'm actually already working on a post about that one--it will be in a new sale round-up coming up in just a few! :)

  2. I'll stick to the silicone pot holder from 99 cents only store. It works great!!

    1. Oh I love mine too (the one I reviewed from Daiso a while back). This was more for the fun of it, and for any hardcore Star Wars fans out there. ;)

  3. I sense a disturbance in my bank account.

  4. I love this so much I sent the link to a friend as a gift idea for another friend. This is awesomesauce! I may buy one or two for myself after they restock.

  5. Cracking up at this! I was totally like "They make a Darth Vader Brush Cleaner?" And they do!!! Lol. I always want to get the other brush cleaners, but they just aren't evil enough for me. This is the perfect balance!

  6. Come to the Dark Side, we have cookies.

  7. Never too many Star Wars references, G. I enjoyed the post and thanks for this tip :-)

  8. How do you use silicone mitts or pads as brush cleaner? I've always swirled my brushes against my palm with baby shampoo. Is there really a difference?

  9. Oh G I adore you! I cracked up when I saw it on your instagram! I tried to explain to my bf how this makes you awesome and he didn't get it. *sigh* poor guy LOL

  10. "Come to the dark side.... we clean your makeup brushes."

  11. I would so have to sing/dum-dee-dum the Darth Vadar music while using this!


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