Don't forget to check the beauty sale pages at Macy's here and
Nordstrom here for new beauty deals plus free shipping!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

I Need Your Input (Please!)

I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed right now (in a good way!) and I would very, VERY much like your input on a few things. If you would take a moment to read through this post and vote in the poll below, I would be forever grateful (thank you in advance!).

This time of year is crazy. No doubt about it. I'm trying my very best to bring you everything you need in terms of helping you save the most on your beauty purchases during the holiday season, but there are so many things happening (and about to happen) that I need to know what YOUR preferences are, in terms of the type of information you would like to see here on the blog.

Here are the big ones:

  • Walgreens Beauty Clearance Sale - Walgreens started their beauty clearance sale a few weeks ago and they keep adding to it (I have 100+ awesome reader pics/sightings to sort through and add to my original post).

  • CVS Beauty Clearance Sale - a little birdie told me that the official start date is November 14th, but I know that some of you have already spotted skincare and haircare on clearance at some stores. So of course I want to cover that and create a master list, as usual!

  • Black Friday Sales - There are going to be more beauty-related Black Friday deals than ever before this year--I just know it--and I want to do my usual round-up (and of course update and add to it as more deals come through).

  • Holiday Sales - Brands/retailers will be running crazy sales all throughout the holidays and I of course want to keep you posted about as many as I can.

  • Holiday Collections/Holiday Gift Sets/New 2015 Products - I'm also doing my best to cover all of these for you, but I'm super behind and have lots of new pics to share.

  • Product Reviews - I have never been more behind on product reviews than I am right now. My review queue is borderline obscene at the moment and I want nothing more than to review lots (and lots) of makeup, skincare, haircare, body care and nail polish for you. 

So here's where YOU come in. If you could take a moment to vote in the poll below, I think it would give me a much better idea of what you want to see here on the blog. In turn, I will know what to place a higher priority on, and what I can maybe focus less on in the weeks to come. Your feedback is of the utmost importance to me, so thank you in advance for a taking a moment to vote below.

NOTE: You May Select Multiple Answers.

Thanks so much for voting!

PS: Black Friday Sale coverage will also include Cyber Monday and Free Shipping Day sale info (I sort of lump those altogether).


  1. Oh no! It looks like the CVS master clearance list isn't get as much attention but that is the post that I refer back to the most for the past 2 years!!!

    1. Me too! And at the stores near me, anyway, they hardly ever have clearance stickers on most of the items so having your list, G, has been awesome!!

    2. Me too! CVS clearance list is supper important to many people!!

  2. I feel like the Walgreens and CVS deal roundups should be low priority as those are the easiest to scope out ourselves! I love reviews and spotteds, and I think the black friday deals are great because those are from different sources!

    1. Yes! I completely agree with this. :)

    2. I agree too! Especially this time of year. Besos Martha

    3. My thoughts exactly. After you post that there is a clearance beginning at one of these stores, G., I just go in occasionally to see if anything catches my eye.

    4. I agree too. Store-specific clearance sales are mostly useless to me. Either I don't have access to the chain store at all, or the local one has different things (or nothing) on clearance.

    5. Agree too....except for black Friday... I don't care about that as much as reviews. Clearance... best just to tell us to get to the store and hunt. Like you did for me and Kmart. Luv ya!

  3. Thank you for taking into consideration what your readers prefer. I voted on the holiday sales but reviews are a close second for me!

  4. I also voted for the CVS clearance. I live in a state without CVS stores, but I will be traveling again to a state with them while this sale is going on. Your list helps me maximize my limited time in the stores - and helped me get $40 worth of products for $4.00 out of pocket last year! I bookmark the list on my phone and it's invaluable, especially for the unmarked products to scan. Thank you for this list!

  5. Reviews are lowest on my list just because I think they can wait, all the other stuff is more time sensitive.

  6. first off- what a hilarious picture to go with this post! lolz my face off :) Gosh- I know the feeling- you must be so overwhelmed. I voted for spotted posts because I literally get a high off your blog- seeing all the new things coming out lol. I would say lowest on my list was a comprehensive list of clearanced items at walgreens and cvs because I think once we know to look out for those clearance sales- that's enough. For example- I read your post about walgreens clearance and seriously made a killing last week on revlon lip butters and glosses because they were not only clearanced- but they were also bogo half off and then in their beauty book they have a coupon for $1 off each revlon lippie- such an amazing deal! So I so appreciate that you posted about the Walgreens clearance, but I think it's most important to know that there is a clearance and not specifically all the things people are spotting at their different locations...hope that helps- p.s. I recommend your blog to everyone who will listen to me ;) wishing you peace and clarity, G!

    1. I also took advantage on the lip butters!!! Havent tried them at the time, bought 2 an then come back for 4 more! Clearance plus bogo!!! Cupcake, agrhhh that ended been my fave one!!!

  7. I know I could check Black Friday sales myself, but you'reso good G. Come here and I will know everything I need to know. I work Thanksgiving and Black Friday I gotta know what I'm buying and from where cause my shopping hours are numbered. Please and thank you.

  8. Thanks G for all your extra work during this time of the year. I'll like to see more emphasis in reviews/ "spotted" products . I think your "beauty bites" could be the easiest way to cover ground and of course, the Holiday Beauty Round up sale...anything else is pure bonus. :-)

  9. I really appreciate all your hard work in keeping us informed! I agree that Black Friday sales than ever this year and it's so helpful to have everything beauty related in one place. Reviews are nice but IMHO could wait.

  10. If it was me, I would wait to do the reviews after the first of the year (unless it's a HG product). Seems like that's when the beauty world takes a break ;) I wouldn't pay much attention to the clearance sales either, unless you find out something is being discontinued. I think the Wags clearances are particularly easy to spot, because of those wonderful bright orange tags :D I would keep the new spotted posts to those that are LE, everything else will still be there later (and most of us post them on the you tell me page, anyway)

    I guess what I am saying is keep it to those that are time-sensitive. This is my go-to blog for holiday deals, I am both looking forward to, and dreading, the holiday sales. I can't even imagine how much more intense it must be for you!

  11. Great idea to take a poll. My 2 most important would be Black Friday/Cyber Monday and Holiday sales/deals. But I also checked CVS Beauty Clearance. I love your reviews, but those wouldn't be a priority for me. Great job!

  12. G, listing every single beauty item that is on clearance at CVS/Walgreens must take forever! I'm With the majority of commenters here in saying that as long as you make us all aware that the clearance sales are starting, we should be able to pop in these stores from time to time and do our own searching. I know that's hard for the people who don't have easy access to these stores, but I feel that Walgreens uses those huge neon orange clearance tags so it is very easy and quick to walk down the whole beauty dept. and see what's on clearance. CVS uses stickers so it's pretty easy there too. We don't want you to get overwhelmed because obviously you have a life outside of this blog and Xmas is a busy time of year as it is. Also, since this info you are providing us is free (and invaluable) we all need to just thank our lucky stars that you even continue to do what you do on a daily basis! May the force be with you, G! :D

  13. Glad you mentioned the Cyber monday. That's what I'm super excited about. I'm hoping some of the lower priced brands like ELF, Morphebrushes, and bhcosmetics will have awesome sales so I can scoop up tons of new stuff.

  14. Because I'm from Canada I voted for Holiday Collections/Holiday Gift Sets/New 2015 Products and I would love Reviews.

  15. I think when it comes to the clearance sales, those items can be so specific from region to region that it is maybe more useful to see sales and codes for different retailers especially now that gift season is upon us! That said only do what you can G!!!

  16. I keep up with your blog through Feedly, and I only ever click through for product reviews. Would love to see more of those, especially since we seem to share the same skin issues!

  17. It sounds like you need an assistant, you should put Mr G to work, lol!😉

  18. G I have tagged you many posts on #walgreensbeautyclerance on my account cateyesdamsel (ig id)

  19. I was so torn on which to pick, but I think since it only happens once a year I choose the Black Friday deals. The holiday sets are great too. I love your reviews, but if you need to hold off on them for the time being I completely understand. Great idea about making a poll and I hope everyone's input helps you out. Thanks again for all that you do.

  20. I think we should be more concerned about how that poor kitty got itself into that predicament.

  21. Because of my country (Puerto Rico) I chose CVS/Walgreen clearance since those are the only big drugstores we have here. Last summer cvs clearance list was AMAZING!! Most items were never tagged on my cvs, so I bought everything I possibly could!! XD Reviews can wait!

  22. I'm not sure if this went through? My suggestion is that you create and editable Google Docs spreadsheet for the Walgreens and CVS clearances, so that you can crowdsource the information rather than having to transcribe everything that people send you.

    1. That's a great idea but I'm afraid it would actually end up being more work on my end to constantly edit/censor/monitor a shared doc like that. I learned my lesson with the sightings maps that there are some strange people on the Internet (actual readers of my blog excluded of course!) who can't be trusted with public documents. If the markers on my map weren't set to approval, you honestly don't want to know the kinds of things that would be on those maps. :(

      So yeah, I love the idea but I just can't do it. Sorry!

  23. Darn, I figured that this blog was specialist enough not to be a magnet for trolling. =/

  24. Unfortunately, for those of us outside of the States, the sales are of little use. Though obviously very important for those within the States! So, I personally prefer the product notices! Whatever works for you and keeps you getting all the beauty sleep you need this holiday season!! ;)

  25. Darn, I figured that this blog was specialist enough not to be a magnet for trolling. =/

    It seems like tons of pictures of the clearance sales show up on instagram; maybe just encouraging people to tag their pictures #cvsbeautyclearance (or similar), and encouraging readers to check that tag, would be enough.

    1. There's been hashtags for those for quite a while! :)

      Here they are in case you need them (I mention these in my "master list" posts as well--I think I even embedded the hashtags into my blog post graphics for last spring's sales, hoping to draw more attention to them--I will do that again this time around!):

      #walgreensbeautyclearance (also #wagsbeautyclearance)

      Hope that helps and thanks for the recs!

  26. I love the spotted posts! It's like window shopping before I get into the drug store!

  27. Love your blog. I tell everyone about it. Cvs master clearance has helped me every year. Even the ladies in the beauty dept are shocked I have the inside scoop before them. I live in the Bay Area and our cvs never get the stickers put on until a couple weeks after your list goes up. I run to the store and start scanning and buying. Thanks for all your hardwork!

  28. I voted by marking the first and last box, wasn't sure if I could pick two...but it went through.

  29. I don't think you should spend too much time on the wags/cvs beauty clearances either, mostly because we can add what we find to the comments, like I just did! Anyway, encourage us to do that, and to check the comments and it's all good.

    I would also skip reviews for the time being. You know January is when all the new stuff comes out, and that's when we will be hoping for your reviews. So you're swamped now, then it will be a tidal wave!

    Holiday sales, and spotteds are the BEST right about now, in my opinion.

    Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, G, for all the work you do. This blog is invaluable to us makeup lovers! I may go missing for a few weeks here and a few months there (when I'm broke mostly so I don't get tempted. lol) but I always come back!

  30. I come here just to see what new collections drugstore brands are putting out. It's my one resource for this. It's the best blog I've found for drugstore products. Please keep up the good work with drugstore collections. Not that I can find them in my local rinky dink Rite Aid, but I can find them on Evilbay most of the time. Thank you for all the work you do for me! lol I love your blog. :)


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