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Monday, April 7, 2014

Special Anniversary Reader Interview Series: Get To Know Kathryn

In honor of the five year anniversary of Nouveau Cheap, I'm interviewing fifteen readers in this very special series, as my way of saying thanks for your support (to read more about this interview series, including how the readers were selected, click here).

All of the readers who were interviewed for this series were given the same ten questions, and they were asked to submit a picture of themselves, their pet, their makeup stash, or anything else they felt like sharing.

The sixth interview in this series is with reader Kathryn. Take it away, Kathryn!


G: How long have you been a fan of drugstore beauty products?

Kathryn: Pretty much since I was about 13 years old, I've been a fan of drugstore beauty products. That's when I started getting into makeup and it was all I could afford!  I still love getting a great deal at the drugstore.  

G: What was the first beauty product that you remember purchasing?

Kathryn: It was definitely a lip product, probably a Bonne Bell Lip Smacker or Revlon lip gloss.  I can't quite remember though.

G: What are your five can't-live-without drugstore beauty products?

Kathryn: Hmmmm.  This was tough.  I love Wet n Wild Color Icon eyeliners because they're so cheap (99 cents, hell yeah!) and they come in so many colors.  Maybelline 24Hour Color Tattoos by Eye Studio are the best.  I only own 4 but I use at least one every time I put on makeup.  Jordana's Best Lash Extreme Mascara is the best mascara I've ever used and at 3 bucks a pop, it's a STEAL.  Nivea Lip Balms are by far my favorite lip balms and I have A LOT of lip balms.  And I love Revlon Super Lustrous lip glosses and wear them frequently.  

G: Tell us your best "drugstore score" story (something you got for a great deal on clearance and/or with coupons, store rewards, etc.).

Kathryn: This may not be a steal to many people but it was to me!  I had been eyeing the Revlon Creme Blushes in Coral Reef for over a year but I could never bring myself to buy it at $12.99.  But I got a CVS ExtraBucks coupon for $4 off any Revlon Blush product so I took that to CVS and got it for a little over 8 bucks!  Wahooo!

G: What's your go-to shade of lip color?

Kathryn: I typically go for a soft rosy pink color or darker coral.  I have an addiction to lip products so it changes a lot.  Lately I've been wearing Nyx Butter Lipstick in Fizzies, Essence Lip Stick in All About Cupcake, Jordana Twist n Shine Moisturizing Balm Stain in Honey Love, or Revlon Lip Butter in Berry Smoothie.  Those are definitely the ones I reach for the most lately!

G: What's the one movie you can always re-watch, no matter how many times you've seen it?

Kathryn: Ferris Bueller's Day Off.  I have seen it so many times and yet, I love it more each time I see it.  

G: What's your current favorite TV show?

Kathryn: The Walking Dead.  Ooooh this season is so good.  I think it's the best so far.  So obsessed. [I just have to say, I loved this season too! One of the best yet. --G.]

G: What was the last book you read?

Kathryn: Now, here it gets a little hairy because I tend to read multiple books at once.  I can tell you what I'm currently reading.  Almost done with Night Film by Marisha Pessl, Insurgent by Veronica Roth, and The Starboard Sea by Amber Dermott.  Almost done with all of them and then onto something else! 

G: If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?

Kathryn: A professional photographer, travelling the world and photographing it.  I would love that. 

G: Tell us a bit about your hobbies, what you like to do in your spare time, or anything you're very passionate about!

Kathryn: Well, I love photography, as evidenced in the last answer.  And I love reading and watching TV shows, Movies, and YouTube videos.  I do collaging and crafting too.  

As part of the interview, I asked Kathryn if she'd like to include a link to her blog, Facebook page, Twitter page or whatever else she would like to share. Kathryn chose her Instagram page: @ksmurfy7.

Thanks so much for allowing me to interview you as part of this series, Kathryn! I absolutely loved getting to know you a bit better, and I hope other readers feel like they know you a bit better now as well!


  1. Great picture of you Kathryn! It's funny that you and G think this season is the best of TWD and it's the only season thus far that I CAN'T get into...and I don't know why!

    1. thank you Kica! I hope you still enjoy the show because it's one of the best shows (in my opinion) out there!

  2. Nice to meet you Kathryn! Great photo!

  3. I loved the book 'Night Film'! Probably one of the best books I read last year. It reads like non-fiction even though it is fiction. Just a really neat and different book. Love Walking Dead too! I think this second round of episodes started out slow, but it all came together in the end... Great interview!

    1. Night Film was incredible. It pulled me out of my world completely and into the world surrounding Cordova. It was disturbing but I think after The Walking Dead, I'm somewhat okay with that. Yeah, this back end of TWD season did drag a bit at the beginning but oh my goodness, those last two episodes! alsdjfldsjf;kdsf!
      Thank you Carol!

  4. HI Kathryn! Love your picture and love that you love zombies. :-)

    1. thank you! and yes, zombies are awesome...though I don't think I would want to deal with them...hehe

  5. Great to read and get to know you! I feel the same way about those Revlon cream blushes- good way to use those extra bucks! Also, love the Walking Dead, too! Can't wait for the next season. Thanks for the interview!

    1. I am so pumped for the next season! What's gonna happen? Ahhhh!
      And thank you!

  6. Thank you so much G for doing this, it was so fun! I can't wait to see the rest of the interview.

  7. Cute pic, Kathryn! Nice to get to know another reader, especially when she's also a fellow lip product addict!

  8. I love these interviews! I also love those Wet n Wild eyeliners. I know somewhere recently someone was complaining about how dry they are, and I said sure, compared to the gel type liners they are, but I agree with you there are so many fun colors and at 99 cents, why not? They stay on me all day and I just can't see paying Urban Decay prices for crazy colors I won't wear all the time, but just on the occasions when I'm in the mood. Ya know?

  9. I'm a lip product addict, too! Also, I'm guilty of reading up to three books at one time! That's why hearing that Kathryn has those little quirks is funny to me! : )

  10. Nice to meet you Kathryn!!! All the lippies all the time!


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