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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Spotted: New L'Oreal Infallible Never Fail Lipcolour Compact display

This one has me a bit perplexed. We haven't heard much about the Infallible duos (long-wear lip colors that come with a separate, clear top coat) in a while, right? These have been around since at least 2007--that's the date of the first review on Makeup Alley. But I rarely hear anyone talk about these anymore, do you?

Anyway, reader Kratrina spotted this new display recently and was nice enough to share:

image credit: Kratrina for Nouveau Cheap
New L'Oreal Infallible Never Fail Lipcolour Compact display
(Notice the $1 off coupon tear pad to the right)

I'm trying to figure out if these are new shades. There are 12 colors in this display, and there are 24 shades currently on the L'Oreal website. It's difficult to tell, but some of the colors in this display look brighter and bolder than the colors on the L'Oreal website (especially that color on the right side in the back row). I'm not too familiar with the shade range in this line to begin with, but maybe some of you can tell us if the colors in this display look new to you?

As you can see, the display itself says "new" and since the product itself is not new, I'm assuming this means the shades are new?

Thanks so much, Kratrina, for the heads-up about this, and for the pic as well!


  1. I'm not totally sure if I'm right about this but I think part of the "new" is that they are now claiming 24 hour wear. I think it used to be 16 hours. I can't vouch for the colors (if those are new or not) as I've never personally used them.

    1. Aaaah, I didn't even see that! THANK YOU!! That would absolutely make sense. Hum...I notice that on the L'Oreal website they don't make mention of these being 16h OR 24h. So now I'm wondering if the shades on their site are the original 16h shades, and they're keeping them for the "new" 24h formula...and then just adding these 12 new(er) shades to the line?

      Or I see that Kate (below) said the "old" shades were on clearance so...maybe they're getting rid of those completely and these 12 shades in this display will be the ENTIRE range? I guess time will tell, when we see these move to the permanent display!

      Thanks again, Jesse, for sharing that!

  2. i know they had the "old" versions on clearance at Harmon.

    1. Aaaah, the plot thickens (see my comment above) :)

    2. the thought has definitely thickened. I'm perplexed too. and sad. I use one from the "old" line and it is my favorite "dark/wine" long-lasting lipcolor and if it's gone I don't know what I'll do!!

    3. If you look at Kratrina's comment below, she confirmed that all of the shades in this display are the same as on their website. So it looks like the only thing new is that they're now 24 instead of 16 hour! I'm betting your shade isn't going anywhere, unless they've decided to cut the range to just 12 shades....but if that were the case they would have probably removed the other shades from their site by now, I would think!

  3. Where was the display spotted?

  4. Hey G,

    I looked at the names in the pics I have and they are the same as the ones used on the website. Not sure why this hit my HEB all of the sudden, but I had never seen them before.

    1. Aaaah thank you sooo much!! I'm betting it's true and the only thing that's new is that that changed then from 16 to 24 hr like Jesse suggested above!

      Did we solve this mystery??? ;)

  5. I was curious so I did a little checking and the ones currently for sale on say 16 hours of wear in the description! So the wear time is definitely new. Still not sure about the colors though!

    1. Thank you!!! Did you see Kratrina's comment above? I think you solved it!!! :)

  6. I'm 90% sure the colors are basic and it's just the 24 hour wear time that's 'new'. I just did the Loreal reset and the colors look the same to me.

    1. Aaah thank you so much!!! Based on your comment and the ones above, I'm pretty much convinced this is the case! :)

  7. the far right ones are new for sure. I buy the loreal infalliable lip colors and never seen those ones before

    1. See Kratrina's and Das Holiday's comments above! I don't believe any of these are new now... maybe the colors just look different due to lighting/camera. :)

  8. I've been seeing these displays around a lot but I was always confused about what they were because they look like packs of gum or something lol.

  9. Always been curious but never tried these... hmmm... I might have to grab one of these!


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