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Monday, October 1, 2012

Last night...

I want to thank all of you who left comments on my post from yesterday about my parents' 51st wedding anniversary. It means so much to me that you'd take a minute to wish them well and, given the rough year we've had, it makes me emotional and touches my heart that much more.

I don't often write completely non-beauty-related posts here, but I wanted to share an especially emotional (and sort of funny) moment from last night...

My parents, who are both in their early 70s, had a great night and even though it took some time for them to get relaxed and enjoy listening to the band, they eventually got up and danced a few songs, including when the band played this:

My parents are big fans of the Righteous Brothers (I remember them playing their albums way back when I was a young child) and when this song started playing, and I watched them slow dance together on the dance floor, it really got to me. As I watched them, my brain did what I can only explain as a "movie moment" instant rewind of the years. For a brief moment, I imagined my parents dancing to this song back in 1965 (the year the song was released). They would have still been newlyweds at that time, married for just four years. I imagined my dad standing tall in his Air Force uniform, with his blue eyes and fair skin. I imagined my mom with her petite frame and her long, flowing black hair and beautiful olive skin. I imagined them dancing together, excited for what the future would hold in the years before my brother and I were born and how the years ahead of them were filled with exciting possibilities.

Then my mind shot back to present day, and I watched them dancing together, some 50 years later, surrounded by their family and the children they raised together. My parents are still so very much in love, and I could see that as they looked at each other and danced to this sweet, familiar melody.

Now for the funny part (in case any of you are crying like I am right now). 

As my mind was going through this emotional time travel, Mr. G had taken a restroom break. Before he excused himself, everything was fine--we were all laughing and joking and having a blast. Cut to him returning from the restroom, and he finds me sitting at a table, by myself, sobbing my eyes out (trying my best to do a "clean cry" and not ruin my makeup).

So he comes back, takes one look at me and says, "What in the HELL is going on???' I briefly explained to him what I was imagining in my mind as my parents were dancing, and he stopped me mid-sentence. We've been together for so long now that he knew, the moment I started to explain, that if I were to continue talking about this, things would only get worse. So he grabbed my brother and said, "Say something to make her laugh. NOW." And, as brothers always do, my little bro made me laugh and get me out of this emotional journey I was taking in my mind.

Thanks so much for taking a moment to read this. I'm not sure why I felt the need to share this with you, but I consider you all part of my "extended family" at this point, so if I'm going to cry, I'm NOT going to cry alone. *hands you a tissue*

G. xoxo


  1. I am furiously blinking back tears right now. What a wonderful family you have. Thanks for sharing, the tug of the heart strings was appreciated.

    1. Thank you so much for the very sweet comment. And i'm sorry about the tears. :) xoxo

    2. Don't be sorry about the tears, G. At least for me, they are happy tears. Just like at the wedding we went to on Saturday. The best man told the story of how the couple got together, and I totally lost it when he described their first hug, how it went on and on, and the groom just got this silly grin on his face, and then they started swaying back and forth, and then the groom gestured to his friends to go on without him. Even though I am related to the bride and not him, I could totally see this, just as you saw that moment with your parents.
      Congratulations to them.

  2. We love you, G! I got teary eyed just reading your post. You're not just some random beauty blogger to me. The fact that you do non-beauty posts once in a while makes us feel like we know you. Reading your blog truly does brighten up my day, especially when I'm having a bad one. Thanks so much! You're the best! :')

    1. I love you right back! Thank you SO much for your kind words and support. That truly means more to me than you will ever know. xoxo

  3. Beautiful post. Thanks for sharing. And you are a great daughter; I can tell. :)

    I am late to the party for the other post, so I will add my thoughts here. Congratulations to your parents, and also happy wishes to all their family members who share in their joy!!!!

    Be healthy and happy, everyone. :)

    1. Wow, thank you so much for that, honey. I will pass along your very sweet message to my folks. *big hugs* xo

  4. I'm a hopeless romantic and loved reading of your parents' 51 year love story.

    1. Thank you so much, and i'm so happy you enjoyed this little story. *hugs* Your comment made me tear up all over again! :)

  5. What a sweet and touching story! It made me tear up here in the coffee shop. Thank you for sharing (and thank you for all your other posts, too!).

    1. Aaaw, i'm sorry to make you tear up in public! :) and you are so very welcome, sweetie. *hugs*

  6. This is the sweetest blog post I've ever read. Thanks for sharing. <3

  7. You are very lucky to have parents like that... Very touching. Thanks for sharing ;)

  8. I'm trying to do a clean cry too :) Such a sweet story G

  9. Happy Anniversary to your parents!!! How blessed you all are that you still have every day to make another beautiful memory. May you & Mr. G. follow in your parents footsteps, always in love. Be safe and have a wonderful week! xo Pinky

  10. *furiously blinking to hold back the tears* thanks so much for sharing G!! that was soo beautiful!

  11. Sniff! Happy Anniversary to Mama & Papa G! :)
    You and your family are very blessed to be in each others' lives. And so are we to have you in ours (and vice versa). This is the 2nd thing that made my day today (rare for a manic monday LOL!) Thanks for sharing!

  12. Oh boy, you totally made me tear up! Many wishes to your parents and to many, many more to come :)

  13. This has to be one of the best songs ever written, and one of my very favorites, if not THE favorite. I'm glad I removed my eye makeup already tonight, because I am crying really huge tears. Sniff, sniff.

    Maybe one day, say 40 years from now, you and Mr. G will dance to it in each other's arms.

    What a beautiful story, Gianna. I wish your parents another 51 years in each other's arms.

    Isis ^^ ;+)

  14. So cute! This reminds me of my grandparents 50th, and then again their 65th anniversary. They have both passed on, but their love was always apparent when you looked at them.

  15. Aw I just found out my eyeliner isn't waterproof >.< lol. This is such a sweet story! God bless them and their love for each other :)

  16. You sound just like me. I would have been hysterical. lol Happy Anniversary to your parents! 51 years is tremendous! :)

  17. Such a beautiful story! Wishing your parents a VERY happy anniversary, what an amazing milestone...

  18. <3. Love this! You are so fortunate to gave both of your parents. Enjoy them and happy anniversary to your mom and dad!

  19. Aww, G. ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Your story is so sweet. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    Happy Anniversary to your parents!! ^^♥

  20. Not only did you make me cry with this beautiful post, but I ran to find my hubby and told him repeatedly how much I love him and always will. I left a comment of congratulations on that post for your parents and, in this one, I want to commend you and your brother for being children that any parent would be proud of. Kudos to Mr. G, too, for being the wonderful and understanding man who knows and loves you so well! May God bless and be with you all.

  21. Reading this story makes my heart sing. I do not have such a good relationship with my family, so I love love love hearing bits like this. I guess that's why I still love Little House on the Prarie and The Waltons!

  22. Congratulations to your parents and thank you for sharing this. My parents were married 63 years: I hope your parents make it to that and beyond. Like your parents, mine had eyes only for each other, their love never wavering through all those many years.

    Your relationship with your siblings and all of you with your parents sounds like mine: dedicated, loving, and supportive both to your parents and to each other. Treasure that.

    We are blessed beyond expression. I know that you know that.

  23. This is so sweet. Congratulations to your parents and wish them the best for years to come! Happy Anniversary!! :)

  24. Beautiful post, G! I have tears in my eyes... Congratulations to your parents and to many more!

  25. CRYING! What a great 51 years. That is beautiful :) Thanks for sharing.

  26. that's so cute! your parents must think you're the most adorable daughter ever! you must have a very tight knit bond with your family :)


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