Don't forget to check the beauty sale pages at Macy's here and
Nordstrom here for new beauty deals plus free shipping!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

UPDATE: Urban Decay's "Biggest Sale of the Year" starts TONIGHT (8/5) Midnight PACIFIC!

Big thanks to reader @midgetwarri0r for letting us know that Urban Decay just posted the following message on their Facebook page:
Every once in a while, we put together a little something that will leave you REJOICING! And tonight, is that night… Starting at midnight is's BIGGEST SALE OF THE YEAR! And to be a tease, our vintage Eyeshadows are going be to included at a special price. Even our discontinued shades!
So if you've been wanting some Urban Decay goodies, tonight might be the night to place an order. 

UPDATE: thanks to reader @chelbeans for correcting me--this sale starts MIDNIGHT PACIFIC TIME!

Thanks again, @midgetwarri0r for the heads-up!


  1. According to UD in their post, they commented saying it will be midnight PST.

    1. Thanks hun. Yep, I read the initial tweet from @midgetwarri0r wrong--she said Pacific and my mind went to Eastern. Whoops! I updated my post. :)

  2. Has anyone ever seen this sale before? What kind of items do you think there will be, or what kind of discount?

    1. Last year, they had discontinued items, such as their pigments for $1, powder blushes for $3, old liquid liners for $7 and some matte eyeshadows. I'm assuming this sale will mainly be based on their vintage shadows since they might be trying to get rid of those?

    2. Yeah the Vintage shadows are $9. That's it. Kind of a bummer.

    3. ??? that's all you see? It's 1am Pacific and i'm still seeing a lot more on sale than just vintage shadows. I listed some of the things i'm seeing on sale below.

  3. I can't make it till 3 am :( let's hope stuff is still available in the morning

  4. Is this for all Urban Decay products or just some?

  5. It's 12:56 Pacific and i'm seeing shimmer and matte e/s for $9, various palettes 50% off and lower, lipsticks for $8, concealer pencils for $5, urbanglow for $4 and some other things. Will be curious what's left by morning...

  6. Thanks so much, G.! I just scored so awesome loot. I wouldn't have known about this if not for you. :) You are the best!

  7. At 9am EST I still had a decent selection of lipstick, eyeshadow, palettes, and the odd sparkly thing that UD does. I picked up some lipsticks and shadows, and I really like that all my sale lipsticks come with the special edition cap for free.

  8. I just ordered the midnight emergency kit, which I've had my eye on for a long time for $22
    The smoky dark palette which I have been eyeing just as long for $16
    Two pocket rocket glosses, Rasheed and James for $6 each
    And lip love gloss for $4

    Free shipping for $50+ orders... And I got priority shipping..Total for 2 palettes and three glosses w tax= $58
    if it was full price it would be around $130.. I can't wait to get everything!!

  9. looks like they are adding more things...I don't remember seeing the midnight emergency kit of lipglosses there last night. I think I'm going to wait a bite before I buy. Everything seems to still be in stock.

    1. Nope....the two items you mentioned were DEFINITELY there at 12am Pacific last night when the sale started, because I was considering buying them! Lol!

    2. I must have been out of it then, haha. Either way i decided to buy a few vintage eyeshadows :)

  10. I didn't see anything I wanted

  11. I bought their vegan eye palette, and I love that it comes with a travel-sized primer in Sin. I always wanted to try that shade out!

  12. wow. i thought i was doing a good job resisting elf's sale.... until i spent $137.03 on this sale, the most i've ever spent on a makeup haul.

    G., I never thought I would ever spend that much on makeup and my chest feels heavy. still boggles my mind. im kinda sad that i only got one 8 dollar item for myself and the rest im giving as gifts, but on the other hand im happy for my friends. this is the most tearing feeling ever, it's a weird feeling

    1. Everything I do on this blog is with the intention of helping people save money, so it's truly heartbreaking when I see comments like this. If someone makes a purchase due to a post I wrote on this blog, I want them to feel HAPPY because they just saved money, NOT filled with anxiety because they spent money they're shouldn't have spent! :(

      All I can say is, if you were going to spend this money on gifts for your friends anyway, then there's no need to feel bad, right? Especially if you got them things that you know they will love and use. Sometimes when we're shopping in a mall, buying things here and there, for friends, it doesn't seem like were spending $100 until we get home and add up the receipts. But seeing one total on one web purchase that's over $100 can make ANYONE feel anxious (speaking from personal experience here!).

      So I guess what i'm trying to say is, if you already had this money set aside for gifts for friends, and you accomplished your goal and bought them things (at a discounted price) that you think they will love, then there is nothing to feel bad about.

      But if you spent more money then you should have, then i'm very sorry and hopefully your friends' happiness when they get their presents will take some of the sting away.

      We are all trying to be careful with our money these days, which is why i'm constantly posting about coupons and sales! But I know that sometimes it's hard not to give in to temptation when we see a great deal, but we always need to be mindful of our finances and make smart choices with our money.

      I hope that helps!

  13. OMG can I say I just feel like a Shopaholic!!!!!!!!! I gratefully spent $75... I got everything I wanted... Cant wait until it arrives... I know I didn't need it but I wanted it!!! and I embrace my addiction... lol...cant wait! :)

  14. When does the sale end?

  15. Heads up to everyone, you don't get free shipping if you buy the nail polish regardless of reaching the $40.00 free shipping limit

    1. I thought you had to spend $50 to get free shipping??

    2. It's definitely $50! And the sale items all count toward the $50 you have to spend on shipping :-)
      But, last night it looked like the website was kind of glitchy...

    3. Sorry, I mistyped! The buttons on my cell phone are so tiny...:P. It is $50 for free shipping but I was way over that already and when I tried to add the nail polish it took the free shipping away. It said they can't ship nail polish via air because its considered hazardous. Maybe it was a glitch?


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