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Thursday, September 23, 2010

The natural look is back (did it ever really go away?)

If you're a longtime reader of this blog, then you know that my heart belongs to soft, earthtone and neutral shades. For the past few posts I've been trying to introduce more color into my looks, but in all honesty, I rarely wear bold colors when I leave my house. Give me a nice bronze, taupe or warm brown eyeshadow and I'm as happy as a kid in a candy store.

So when I saw the results of a new survey released by Neutrogena yesterday, I wasn't in the least bit surprised. But I'd love to know if you agree (from

LOS ANGELES (Sept. 22) A new national survey commissioned by Neutrogena Cosmetics suggested a trend toward a less "made up" look for American women. Women expected their cosmetics to deliver flawless skin and sun protection, above fashion-forward colors, according to the findings.

Executed by Harris Interactive, the survey explored the relationship American women have with their cosmetics. It was conducted online within the United States from Aug. 9 to 11, among 1,018 adult women ages 18 years and older.

Among the Neutrogena Cosmetics survey highlights:
  • When asked if they could only own one cosmetic product, more than half of young women (58%) said they wanted a product that delivers flawless skin tone;
  • More than two-thirds of women (68%) said they would be willing to give up something for a year to have flawless skin -- even chocolate (51%);
  • Nearly half of women (46%) said they view using or wearing cosmetic products and makeup as an extension of their overall skin care routine; and
  • More than half of women (56%) said they rely on cosmetics with SPF to provide protection from harmful UV rays.
Although flawless skin tone was the leading response for all women (58%), more than half (51%) of older women -- those ages 55 and older -- reported the key benefit they wanted is to minimize the look of fine lines and wrinkles. However, regardless of age, these skin-related benefits were chosen ahead of more traditional cosmetic benefits, including elongate lashes (8%), make lips look full (3%) and cheekbone definition (2%).

"The survey confirmed the desires we hear from women to provide more advanced cosmetic solutions that improve their complexion and help achieve that flawless look. While color cosmetics add drama, we're thrilled to see women embracing their own beauty and choosing products that work harder to help deliver a perfect complexion," stated Cara Robinson, group brand director for Neutrogena Cosmetics.

Even as women embrace the natural look, makeup application remains an integral part of many women's morning routines. Nearly half (42%) said if they had to choose between makeup and breakfast when pressed for time before work, they would choose to apply makeup.

Women also recognized the dangers of UV rays and looked to their cosmetics to help prevent future skin damage. The majority of women (56%) said they wear cosmetic products and makeup with SPF protection, and older women are more likely to wear SPF cosmetic products and makeup year round (72% vs. 50%).

So, would you give up chocolate for a year in exchange for flawless skin?


  1. I would say that I would and then promptly fail as soon as I saw some M&Ms.

  2. I'll keep the chocolate, thanks. Now, if it were flawless skin and a boatload of money involved, maybe I'd consider it, because I'd sure need some extra retail therapy if I didn't have chocolate to turn to. :)

  3. I'm allergic to chocolate, so if I could donate all chocolate in the world for better skin I'd be set for life :)

  4. To answer your question: most definitely! I LOVE chocolate but, heck, I'd give it up forever for perfect skin.

    I spend so much money on primers, foundations, concealers, etc., just to fake that flawless, natural look. And then there's all the money I spend on serums, creams, lotions, toners, spot treatments, etc., just so my skin doesn't look like a wreck. If I had great skin to begin with, just think of the all the products I could knock off my daily regimen and all the $$$ I could save. With perfect, flawless skin I wouldn't even feel the need to cover it up with makeup because why would I mess with, or hide, perfection when I've finally achieved it.

    I dream of the day I can rock the bare-faced look with complete confidence.

  5. I can't say I have flawless skin, but I'd give up chocolate for no wrinkles!

  6. Yeah, I think I would. And just satisfy the craving with some ice cream, lol!

  7. I'm disagreeing with Neutrogena's conclusion, just because a woman's top priority is finding a product that delivers flawless skin tone doesn't necessarily mean there is a trend towards a less made up look. I can't see women giving up eyeshadow, mascara, lipstick, blush even, if she found the one product that gave her perfect blemish-free, wrinkle-free, and even skin tone (with UV protection!). I know I'd just give up the half dozen or so products I'm using to try to achieve this, use that one magic product, and buy more eye products, lip products, nail polish, and blushes!

  8. Oh and yeah, I'd give up chocolate for perfect skin in a heartbeat.

    I'm in a bit of a weird situation too, I never used to wear make-up at all. I started to wear foundation, concealer, and powder to even out my skin tone. Like most women I have areas that are lighter or darker than others, freckles, blemishes and scars to be covered, and of course my nemesis is my oily t-zone. But... before I started wearing make-up the only wrinkles that were apparent were on my forehead. I have a very bad habit of raising my eyebrows all the time. Make-up makes some extremely fine lines around my eyes show up and makes me look more my age (47) than I ever did before.

    So I could go without everything but powder on my nose and forehead and look younger but with slightly dark circles under my eyes and uneven skin tone etc. Or wear it all and look older because those fine lines show up with the concealer/foundation/powder to even out my skin tone, cover blemishes, conceal dark circles etc.

  9. i don't know about giving up chocolate. that's reallyyyyy pushing it. if i didn't just have some about an hour ago, i'd grab some now :)

  10. I love the natural-with-makeup look. I like wearing makeup, and you'll see that I wear makeup, because I like eyeliner and shimmer, but I'll use neutral colors. That's my natural look :)



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