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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Wednesday Question

Hello Fall! It's the second day of September and if you're in the US and on the East Coast, you're probably enjoying some cool, fall-like weather today. I've heard talk of people buying their first Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Lattes of the season today, but unfortunately for those of us on the West Coast, it's gonna be another scorcher and it still very much feels like summertime. But fall will arrive here just comes around the middle of October.

That said, my Wednesday Question is an interesting one that I hope you'll answer:

What beauty products are you excited to bring back into your rotation this fall?

Is there a vampy red nail polish you love to wear in the fall and winter? Are you excited to bust out your deep brick red lipsticks to wear with that cute turtleneck sweater? Or how about those luscious vanilla-based perfumes and body sprays that are too heavy to wear in the spring or summertime? I'd love to hear what you're excited to dust off and start using again now that it's September!


  1. *embarrassed* I'm probably the only clod in the world to say this, but...I don't vary my look by seasons. :-/ If I want to wear something, I wear it, summer or winter, rain or shine. I pick what I like based on how I'm feeling, or what I'll be doing that day. I'll admit I'm not very fashion foward, but I do love makeup. :-}

  2. Hey femputer! I love that you're your own person. There's nothing wrong with that at all! For me personally, there are just some lip colors that suit me better when my skin is more pale, and also I just crave glossy, more sheer and sparkly colors on my lips in warmer weather. Also, for perfume, I tend to wear strictly citrus and clean, soapy scents in the summer but in the fall I love heavier florals and vanillas and spicy, peppery scents. :) But I am all for rocking whatever you want, WHENever you want. I think that's awesome! :)

  3. Hee, well thank you for that very supportive comment! :-D I always feel like the odd man out when I visit makeup sites and hear everyone talking about 'fall colors' and such. I guess that's a makeup confession I've been needing to make for a while! LOL! Whew, I feel better now that I've gotten that off my chest! :-P

    I continue to love your blog, btw. I visit almost every day. :-) I like how you really interact with everybody who comments to you. Keep up the good work!

  4. i'm excited to start wearing my new leather jacket, my cardigans and my new boots. but i live in miami, and winter is something we see in the movies lol. so i might have to wait a little longer to bust out my fall gear..but i'm excited for it!

  5. Dark nail polish shades, for sure!!! Dark jewel tones always make me feel all warm and cozy inside :)


  6. This is more later fall/winter: my bronzer - I have a Rimmel one that works well. I'm so tan right now that I feel like more bronzer is going to make me look really unnatural but when I'm paler I'll def. reach for it more often.

    Definitely the scent stuff. I am transitioning from a grapefruity scent to a more floral one right now. But colder weather is great for those floral/warm scents!

    Great question!

  7. Hey femputer! Wow, thank you so much for that last comment. I cannot tell you how much it means to me to hear you say that. Sometimes I don't understand blog owners who don't engage in dialogue with their readers--I mean, that's the whole point in having a blog, right? If it weren't for my readers, my blog would have no meaning or purpose. Plus, my very favorite part of blogging is chatting with like-minded beauty lovers. So thanks a million for that, and I'm SO glad that I provided you with a safe, none-judgmental place for you to confess your beauty sins (that wasn't really a sin, but you know what I mean!). xo

  8. Hey giselle! Oh, let's not even get started with the cute clothes we all get to wear when the weather cools down! lol. But I feel your pain--San Diego isn't exactly a sweater/jacket/coat/leather city either, but I still try to sneak them in whenever it dips below 60 degrees. lol :)

    Hey Amber! I'm right there with you. I cannot WAIT to bust out those jewel tones and say bye-bye to pinks, peaches and neons for a while. :)

    Hey Papaya Bunny! Oooooh, Candy Corn lip balm? I must get this! That sounds amazing and absolutely perfect for fall. :)

    Hey ndoodles! Oh, great answer! Bronzer is definitely a wonderful perk to pale winter skin. :)

  9. We had an unseasonably cold high of 85 here in SC today. We've had an unusually cool year, actually.

    I am not even contemplating fall makeup yet, lol. I fake-tanned tonight in rebellion. Fall doesn't begin until September 22, dagnabbit!

  10. Def. my dark, vampy polishes. I just purchased a bunch, including China Glaze's "Liquid Leather", a jelly black polish! I put on Wet n Wild's Craze polish in "Rustic" today, the perfect bronzy fall color.

  11. Hey Leigh! I'm right there with you. I can't get into the fall mindset yet either, but my reason is mostly due to the weather. But I have to say that I'm VERY excited for it to get here because I'm a cold weather girl at heart. :)

    Hey Toma! Oooh that ChG polish sounds amazing. I love "Rustic" too! It's THE perfect fall color. :)


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