Don't forget to check the beauty sale pages at Macy's here and
Nordstrom here for new beauty deals plus free shipping!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Target girl goes to Walmart...

I've never tried to hide the fact that, if faced with the choice, I will shop at Target any day over Walmart. For many reasons, I just prefer Target over Walmart, and I very rarely visit my local Walmart (which would explain why I rarely mention Walmart on Nouveau Cheap--sorry to you Walmart fans!).

But after hearing so many of you talk about All You Magazine (which can only be purchased at Walmart, to my knowledge, but I could very well be wrong!), I braved the crowds and visited my local Walmart the other day to get a copy (the last time I had been there was last year when Walmart started selling Hard Candy cosmetics).

Since shopping at Walmart is a rarity for me, I decided to make this trip worth my while and do a full investigation of their beauty section.

First, I FINALLY found the elusive Dove Pomegranate & Lemon Verbena body mist I have been scouring my local drugstores for (click here to see how crazy I am about this body wash).

Dove Go Fresh Body Mist in Pomegranate & Lemon Verbena (retail: $3.47 at Walmart--currently on Roll Back)

While not an exact duplication of the scent of the body wash, this mist was still lovely enough for me to buy without hesitation. This scent is tart, sweet, refreshing and I swear I would drink it if I could. If you are a tart fruit scent lover, you need to sniff this one ASAP. I haven't stopped wearing it since I bought it.

Next, I also spotted these new Dial hand soaps (I am such a sucker for new hand soap scents, and I'm also a sucker for interesting bottle shapes, so I had to get these):

Dial Vanilla Creme & Soy Extract Hand Soap and Dial Cherry Blossom & Almond Hand Soap (retail: $1.47 each at Walmart)

What really drew me to these new scents is that fact that neither one smelled like I expected it to smell. When I see the words "vanilla creme" and "hand soap" I usually can predict that it will smell very synthetic and not at all like vanilla. I was wrong about this one, because to me, it smells like almond cream (maybe this has to do with the fact that it contains almond oil and actually no vanilla fragrance, which is kind of funny). It's a nice, creamy almond scent to my nose, and not obnoxious at all.

And when I saw that Dial was bringing cherry blossom and almond together in one scent, I knew I had to get it (who doesn't love the smell of the original formula Jergen's lotion?). But I was quickly surprised to discover that this scent is not a dupe of Jergen's, but actually a very soft, milky scent that I found surprisingly unique. Definitely give these two a sniff when you spot them!

Next, I remembered one of my lovely Twitter followers had told me a while back that Pure Ice released a new collection of nail colors. Sadly, the new collection at my Walmart was almost completely wiped out, but I did manage to snag this new shade, which immediately caught my eye:

Pure Ice Nail Color in Once Again (retail: $2 at Walmart)

Holographic micro-glitter floating in a swimming pool-blue base? I am ALL over it. I'll definitely swatch this one so please check back--and please don't spoil it for me in the comments and tell me this color is awful! I haven't seen any reviews or swatches yet and I want to be surprised when I try it. :)

So after putting the above products in my shopping basket, I made my way to the checkout lines and stumbled across a big display with little "First Look" tester bottles of the new Pantene collection (click here for the details of Pantene's makeover, in case you missed it). I couldn't resist these little "Try Me" packages for $1.97, so this one went into my basket:

What do you think of Pantene's new, more colorful packaging? And did you see the "Coming Soon" blurb above? They're going to be releasing a whole slew of new styling products as well as these new shampoos and conditioners soon. If you're interested in knowing what I think of these sample bottles when I try them, let me know and I'd be happy to review them.

And last but not least, I finally got my copy of All You Magazine. Yay!!

If you are not familiar with All You, it's a monthly magazine that is filled to the BRIM (I mean just about every other page) with fantastic coupons that are NOT exclusive to Walmart. Yes, there are a few Walmart-exclusive coupons here, but 95% can be used anywhere. And these coupons are GOOD, folks. Most are for $2, and there are BOGOFREE coupons as well. Oh, and thanks to the lovely Cheapalicious for pointing out that in this very issue, there is a coupon for $5 off a $10 purchase of NYC Cosmetics! My head is spinning when I think of the ways you can maximize your savings with just that coupon alone!

Aside from amazing coupons, each issue is filled with other money-saving tips and tricks, lifestyle advice, and sooo much more. I read mine cover-to-cover the other night and I am very excited to try some of these tips, such as how to maximize your savings at your local dollar store (love that!).

Like the cover says, this magazine pays for itself and then some (each copy is just $2.24). But if you don't want to buy the actual magazine, definitely check out the website. There are great printable coupons there (including lots of beauty products) and most are for either $1 or $2 off.

That's it for my Walmart report. I think I'm set for the next six months or so until I hear about something else that becomes irrisitable and I find myself in a Walmart store once again!


  1. I'm addicted to magazines and this is one of my all time faves with saving tips and meal ideas. I also love the website. :) Thanks to you I have been wondering over to my local Target instead of Walmart. hehehe. Now if only I would take my pregnant butt to Rite Aid ( a little distance to my house) to get those amazing deals! lol

  2. You'll love the Pure Ice polish! It's great as a glitter top coat so when you swatch it be sure to pull out some other polishes to swatch it over as well! [Hope that doesn't spoil the surprise for you!]

  3. I shop at both Target and WalMart. I've never bought All About You magazine. I always wondered why it's only at WalMart. I'll check it out.

    WalMart does have Bodycology body products. Coconut Lime is my favorite. I buy Caralona Pad Company Notebooks there Also I like to go over to the craft section their since Target doesn't have one and Michaels, Joanns and Hancocks aren't somewhat farther away.

    Are Pure Ice polishes good? How is their wear?

  4. Oh, I forgot! WalMart is starting to carry Kiss My Face products. I saw KMF lip balms,shines and shimmers at the store closest to me. Did you see them?

  5. I.B.: I'm so glad you love this mag too. :) And congrats on discovering the beauty that is Target. lol!! And also, HUGE congrats on your soon-to-be bundle of joy!!! Yay!! xo

    Rachel: Oooooh, no you didn't spoil it! Now I'm even more excited to see what this looks like on. Thanks! :)

    Melody: You know, I've noticed that more places are starting to sell Bodycology (like Walgreens) but I think Walmart does have the biggest selection. As for Pure Ice, I only have a few colors, but I like the ones I have. With a good base and top coat, I can get several days of wear out of them! And I didn't see KMF at my Walmart, but I'm thrilled to know they carry that brand, because I adore KMF and I love that their products are more easily available now. Thanks for the tip! :)

  6. I actually have a subscription to All You (it's one of the only magazines I actually PAY for a subscription of). It makes the cost down to about $1 an issue which is super awesome. You can usually get a deal on various magazines websites if you like it and want to continue purchasing. I'm pretty sure carries it.

  7. hey lady, thanks for the shout out! thanks for the review on the dove body spray. I think I'm going to try that one (i'm in love with the grapefruit and lemongrass scent!)

  8. I've been getting that magazine for a while. It's awesome! One time I got a coupon for a FREE Rimmel mascara. Not buy one get one free, but completely FREE! Love it!

  9. Ooooh i love Walmart. Lovely haul, the nail varnish looks amazing.

  10. I don't shop at walmart after seeing the documentary walmart: the high cost of low price, but I am always intrigued by their great deals and great selection of products.

  11. I don't like going to Walmart either, and would much rather pay a little extra $ for something at Target instead. Although, I actually did go into Walmart today because I was looking for some ceramic pots for outside plants. I grabbed the All You mag also. I had subscribed to it about a month ago but haven't started getting it yet, so I picked up the one I saw. I started drooling a little when I saw the NYC coupon in there also! I don't recall if Walgreens sells NYC, but wouldn't it be great if they had a 40% off sale or something?

  12. That polish looks lovely. The color is very fitting with the brand name!
    I love dial. I'm obsessed with their white tea and vitamin e scent. ^-^

  13. I prefer target over walmart anyday. Mainly because the Walmarts in my area are always under staffed. Even during peak hours there are only a few registers open and I hate waiting in line. At Target I am always in and out, plus I LOVE Target brand items. However, on my last few trips to Walmart I did score some amazing deals. Last time I was there I found a Maybelline Mascara set on clearance for $10. It had Lash Stilleto, Collosal, and Define a lash. I also found a covergirl set with shadow, mascara, and gloss that was ridicously cheap. So, now I am going to Walmart a little more often to check the beauty department, lol.

  14. JT: Oooooh, thanks so much for the tip! I totally agree--that's one mag I will gladly pay for! :D

    Niki: You are so welcome, honey! And you MUST try that body mist, especially if you like the other one. :)

    Kamani: Are you serious? That is AWESOME! I hope they do another one of those soon. Thanks for the heads-up! :)

    Lillian: Thanks, sweetheart! I just tried the nail polish...will review soon. :)

    PCS: That's one of the many reasons I try to avoid it myself. But sometimes, much to my boyfriend's disappointment, I find it too hard to resist and I cave and go in (maybe twice a year) and buy a few things. :(

    Ruby: We sound like we're on the same wavelength about Walmart. I love me some Target!! lol. And yes, that mag is incredible! I don't think I've ever seen NYC at Wags, unfortunately. :(

    Heather: Thank you! I totally agree about the name of the polish. :) And yes, Dial's great!

    Annette: I agree--that's one of the many reasons I try to avoid it as well. :( And yes, Target's house brand ROCKS! I love it too (especially the food!). :)

  15. Totally did not know about this magazine at all. Will have to pick it up and check it out as I'm known as the Coupon Queen in my household, lol!

  16. This is one of my favorite posts from you! Maybe since I am totally with you on the Target vs Walmart, but I like that you've ventured out! Thanks again for another great post!

  17. Mocha Mish Mash: OMG, you neeeed to get this mag! I think you will love it, sweetie. :)

    Gloria: Wow, thank you SO much!!! That means the world to me, and I'm thrilled that you liked to see me venture out! :)


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